Search results

  1. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Perfect, until he gets really big, then you might need a 150-200 gallon, but like PheonixKingZ said they don't grow overly fast... AND... just think. ... If you have a lonely Pleco in a 65 gallon tank then you would just HAVE to get more fish!!! (arm twisted) LOL... You could have a nice...
  2. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Agreed... I believe it is a Common Pleco..
  3. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Yes, definitely try to get a closer picture. If he has bristles on his face/nose... as PheonixKingZ was trying to determine, then it would be a different kind of Pleco that doesn't get nearly as big...It would be a Bristle Nose Pleceo... and that would be good news!! :) You would still...
  4. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    From the picture, it looks like it could be a Common Pleco. Common Plecos can get up to 24" Long. Unfortunately, I think you will definitely need to either get a MUCH bigger tank for the little guy, or re-home him. :(
  5. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    I think that Mrs.Adams stated she does NOT want to breed the fish she has? She currently has two females, and I suggested that she possibly get another female or two to help keep the aggression of the one female from always falling upon the other female in the tank... to help "spread out" the...
  6. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    What kind of Pleco do you have? Do you know? Some Pleco's can get ENORMOUS and should not be in a 5.5 gallon tank.
  7. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it until it actually happens. It may turn out that no fry survive at all... Or just one or two. When my Platys gave birth, I had NO CLUE it had even happened. I had fake plants and some of the plants were a fake carpet of "grass" and I am guessing that the fry...
  8. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    We posted at the same time!!:p See my previous post.
  9. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    When you have just two fish of any kind, sometimes there tends to be more aggression then when they are in a group of 3 or more... If the larger female becomes too aggressive towards the other female, you might want to consider getting another female or two? That might "offset" the aggression...
  10. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Well, lucky for you, Platys eat their own young (I know... kind of gross, but i is Nature). Many of the fry will probably get eaten. Some may survive if there are hiding places in the tank (plants, decor, etc..) and might get big enough to where they can't get eaten by the adults. I had...
  11. dmpfishlover

    Identify the fish.

    Keep in mind that if the females you bought where kept in a tank with males at the fish store they could already be pregnant and may have fry even though there are no males present in the tank currently. Because they are live bearers the fry develop within the female until they are a certain...
  12. dmpfishlover

    Random pictures...

    I believe "Swarm" would be the appropriate term? Or is that only if they are actively flying? Hmmm... I wonder what a group of sunbathing flies would be? Baskin' Flies? lol :D but, interesting fact... If it were a group of sunbathing rattlesnakes we would call it a "Rhumba"! Sounds like...
  13. dmpfishlover

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Yes.... I was suggesting Upper/Mid level fish, as most of the species on the list so far are bottom level fish. :)
  14. dmpfishlover

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Some suggestions for Upper/Mid Level species: Brown or Diptail Pencilfish (Nannostomus eques) Marble or Silver Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus levis) Lemon Tetra or another shoaling Tetra Rummy nose Tetras (my personal favorite :) ) All of the above fish are shoaling fish and should be kept in...
  15. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    Lucky you!!!
  16. dmpfishlover

    10g tank stocking ideas?

    From what I understand GH is more "important" than pH when it comes to considering what species of fish you should keep in your water. Not that pH isn't important, it is just that GH seems to be more "critical" when it comes to whether or not a fish is suited to the water parameters. If your...
  17. dmpfishlover

    Red Rainbows lost their color after bringing them home?

    I always wondered exactly what was meant by "clamped fins"... Now that I have a picture showing it, I totally understand now!!! I am guessing it means holding their dorsal and caudal and/or anal fins close to their body when they are normally spread out from the body?
  18. dmpfishlover

    Best corydoras pair to add?

    Are the 6 Cories that you have already all of the same species? Honestly, it would be best to add more of the same kind of cory that you already have in your tank. Cories are shoaling fish and do best in groups of 6 or more (more always being better). If you add two new Cories of a different...
  19. dmpfishlover

    I’m Giving Up On Fish

    I am sue that the fact that you are not feeling well is definitely not helping matters at all... Sometimes when we don't feel well it is difficult for us to put things into perspective... Ich has, more than likely, kicked all of our tails at one point in time. Just keep doing what you know is...
  20. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    Sounds great!! Very similar to what I am planning for my 55... Although my plans do not include Characins... I want Apistos, pencilfish, cories, otos, rummy nose, harlequin rasboras, and either Neons or Embers.. It is setup and Cycling at the moment with a beige sand substrate and lots of...
  21. dmpfishlover

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    I think that the concern for rimmed tanks, is that they are designed so that the bottom rim or frame equally distributes the weight of the water on the bottom pane of glass. If a mat of any significant thickness is placed under a rimmed tank it can possibly put an uneven upwards pressure on the...
  22. dmpfishlover

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Is your tank "rimmed", or is it a rimless tank? The reason I ask, is because you mention that your waiting for your "leveling mat" to arrive. I believe that I read or heard someplace (might have been YouTube?), that mats should NOT be used under rimmed tanks, that they are designed for rimless...
  23. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    You might be right!!! That looks like a serious collection indeed.... I guess my husband is lucky, I am not into those things... shoes (I think I might own 4 pair?), handbags, designer clothes etc... I would say that £100 seems like its not too bad for the entire setup... Fish you will be...
  24. dmpfishlover

    One month on!

    Beautiful Tank!!! I love the driftwood and how it extends out of the water. I love the look of rimless tanks, but they are hard to come by here in the US (at least in my experience) for a decent price anyway... they can be pretty pricey...
  25. dmpfishlover

    Longtime Reader, First Time Member

    :hi: to the Forum... from one Michigander to another!! Love the idea of having an outdoor Tub/Pond... Maybe someday. :)
  26. dmpfishlover

    Starting Again

    I agree with PheonixKingZ and essjay. The best approach to deciding which fish to stock your new tank with, would be to determine what your GH, KH and pH are coming out of you tap. It is far easier to set up a tank and add fish that are adapted to the specific water parameters of your tap...
  27. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    Oh no, I can't use that!! If I even were to say the word "rescue" and "any kind of animal" in the same sentence, I would be sleeping on the couch for a week!!! :D I used to be a Veterinary Technician and constantly took in animals that were either strays or no longer wanted by their...
  28. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    I can use the "What do you mean new <fill in the blank>? I've had that for ages" approach with my husband (aka... HWMBO) to some extent with small items, because he tends to be a little oblivious... But I could never use that for a fish tank.... He would see right through it.. (Darn, I need to...
  29. dmpfishlover

    Betta has growth on head

    So sorry :( I think your doing the right thing....
  30. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    Firstly, I must say I am jealous! Congrats on getting another Tank! As for how to break the news... Is it the MONEY that is the issue, or the SPACE the tank will take up? Or both? This will determine your "approach" ;)
  31. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    I LOVE IT!!!! So, I will be the one who will have to sneak in my second tank past "HWMBO"!!! :hyper:
  32. dmpfishlover

    It's happening

    Ok, so I am admittedly "ignorant" when it comes to many of the abbreviations being used.... So, you can poke fun at me if you wish, I don't mind :p LOL . .. But, what does "SWMBO" stand for???
  33. dmpfishlover

    PheonixKingZ Interview.

    Like I said, he is a super nice guy!! He is one of those types of people who would do anything for a friend, or possibly even someone he doesn't know.
  34. dmpfishlover

    PheonixKingZ Interview.

    He is in some of the later seasons (season 8 and on I think?). The seasons start out mostly covering Game Wardens in Maine, and then move on to New Hampshire in 2017. Anyway, check out Season 10, Episode.8. In this episode, Ron catches a teenager fishing without a licence along a river. This...
  35. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    Especially in a Tank with a large school of Tiger Barbs!! Do you follow "Aquarium Co-op" on YouTube at all? If not, you need to check out a video or two that they have of one of their enormous tanks (can't remember how many gallons it is, but it is huge!) filled with Clown Loaches, Tiger...
  36. dmpfishlover

    PheonixKingZ Interview.

    He is in several of the episodes that feature New Hampshire. His name is Ron Arsenault. He is in a few episodes where they are monitoring Lobster Fishermen off the coast of NH and Maine, as well as a few episodes in NH involving Turkey Hunting and Fishing without a licence. Anyway, we lived...
  37. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    Me too!!! I am considering Apistogramma for my current tank, but I don't think that German Blue Rams would be ok with the same water parameters required by the other fish I want to keep. So, another day...another tank!! LOL :p
  38. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    I agree!! I think it is their personalities and the "cuteness factor"!! :)
  39. dmpfishlover

    PheonixKingZ Interview.

    @ PheonixKingZ ....Did you say that one of your favorite TV Shows was "Northwoods Law"? Or was that someone else's comment? Hmmm.... I guess this thread has ended? I only asked because I know one of the Game Wardens personally who stars on North Woods Law :) We grew up/lived together in the...