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  1. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    I know!!!... I have had multiple conversations with my girls and made it very clear to them that bullying is completely unacceptable... I tell my girls what my mother always told me while I was growing up: "Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself". It is an age old axiom that...
  2. dmpfishlover

    Favourite corydoras?

    I like the Cories that look "natural".. Like you could catch them in the wild... So my favorites would be julii, sterbai, or similis because to me they just look like they have natural "markings' like that of a wild-caught fish. :)
  3. dmpfishlover

    I’m Giving Up On Fish

    LOVE the Wizzard of Oz reference here!!!! :D LOL
  4. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Just keep trying... sometimes it takes someone hearing something MANY times before they feel like they can trust what someone is telling them...
  5. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Please know that what they say does not matter! Know that it will get better eventually, and in the meantime, you are special no matter what they say!! My mother told me once, that only people who have self esteem issues themselves criticize others in order to make themselves feel better about...
  6. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    I can totally relate!!! I have two daughters... 15.. and 11... and they are both beautiful (of course I am bias!! LOL).. but they both get bullied... It is awful!! My older daughter even had a group of girls tell her that she should just kill herself!! Can you Imagine!?!?! :mad: I called the...
  7. dmpfishlover

    Angel fish acting weird

    I had three angel fish in the past in a 60 gallon tank with several species of tetras, and they took quite a while to "get comfortable" when they were added to the tank. I think Angels are a group of species of fish that are very sensitive to change, and take a little while to "settle in" as...
  8. dmpfishlover

    Organics in water column

    Did you rinse the sand before adding it to the tank? What kind of sand was it?
  9. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    We thought it was really cool back then... but looking back.... It REALLY WASN'T!! Lol :rofl:
  10. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Not a mohawk... Big Hair...Here is an example of what was in then
  11. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Ok, so I was born in the 70's... not going to reveal when exactly... lol... But I was in High School during the 80's and I had... I am so embarrassed to say.... not sure if I should tell you.... ummmm, I had a mullet.... Ok, stop laughing!!! Believe it or not, there was such a thing as a girl's...
  12. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    sooo true!!!
  13. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    No you don't!! My hair is naturally curly ...but more like frizzy!! I hate it... But then again, I think we all want want what we don't have...
  14. dmpfishlover

    Bio wheel

    I am honestly not sure how much the biowheel actually does to help filter the water. It's supposedly to help with Biological filtration as it is supposed to houses beneficial bacteria. ANY surface in your filter and your tank will house beneficial bacteria (BB), so I am not sure that the wheel...
  15. dmpfishlover

    Ideas on numbers and what to fill with

    pH and hardness are two different things... you can have water with a pH of 7.52 that could be soft or hard... GH is the measure of hardness and can be expressed in two different units... degrees or ppm... Check your water provider to find out what the hardness is.
  16. dmpfishlover

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Every young person is VERY critical of themselves unfortunately. I know I once was.... and I was painfully shy as well in school, with only one true friend, and I always felt like a total outcast. I was the nerd/geek in school.... but for those younger TFF members on here, know this...
  17. dmpfishlover

    Ideas on numbers and what to fill with

    The best thing would be to first determine what the Hardness (GH) and pH of your tap water is. Do you know if your tap water is hard or soft, and what the GH (degrees Gh or ppm GH) is? If you don't, you can find this out by checking your water provider's website. The hardness and pH of your...
  18. dmpfishlover

    Suggestions for Danio tank mates

    They are guttons, and fast at it, that is for sure!!! I had Zebra Danios in the past and they would eat ALL of the food before any other fish in the tank could even blink an eye!! :D lol.... I had to feed them at one end of the tank and then make sure to put some food at the other end and make...
  19. dmpfishlover

    Seasonal Availability

    I would imagine that would depend on where the LFS is getting their fish from.... Are they getting fish from tank raised sources or wild caught sources?... and this will likely also be dependent upon the species as well. Some species are more likely to be purchased by fish stores from large...
  20. dmpfishlover

    I have some question about my new wood

    When you say "fungus', are you referring to the white fluffy/jelly like material that you might see growing on submerged wood? If so, I believe you are talking about bacterial/fungal colonies that commonly grow on newly submerged driftwood (some varieties more than others). I have read that it...
  21. dmpfishlover

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    I had an elderly Dachshund that went completely blind, and he must have built a virtual map in his head of the layout of my house because he rarely bumped into anything...Until I moved my furniture around But it didn't take him very long to build a new map and stop...
  22. dmpfishlover

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    Nice video!!! I love Cory behaviour... They remind me of busy bees... Constantly moving and working... :)
  23. dmpfishlover

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    Yes....As Deanasue has mentioned... Fish have what is called a lateral line system, which is actually visible in many fish species. It is a line of receptors or sensory organs along the length of the middle of their body that can sense vibrations, movement and pressure differentials in the...
  24. dmpfishlover

    Finally my cory catfish are breeding

    Yay!!!! Love Cories! :D
  25. dmpfishlover

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    I believe someone in this Forum has a one-eyed Cory...I just can't remember who? Anyway, I believe their one-eyed Cory does just fine! :)
  26. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    Your Welcome!! Anytime! :)
  27. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    Good luck! Post pictures of your divided tank when you are done! :)
  28. dmpfishlover

    Albino Corys Not Schooling ?

    It is very good that you have a large group of Cories, as that is what they need as a species. They will likely feel more comfortable in this large grouping and be less likely to hide a lot once they have settled in. As Essjay has pointed out, they are a shoaling fish that live in large...
  29. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    If your tank has a lid/cover, and you design and make the divider yourself, you could easily make sure it extends above the surface of the water and meets the bottom of the tank cover.;). That is if you are set on dividing a tank for shrimp and a Betta... The other option, which might be more...
  30. dmpfishlover


    :hi: to the Forum!!
  31. dmpfishlover

    Aggressive Balloon Mollies

    You may want to consider getting another tank to house either the males or females in so they are completely separated, especially if the aggression is getting really bad. :(
  32. dmpfishlover

    10g video

    ooohh, I can see it now!! Looks awesome!! :clap:
  33. dmpfishlover

    Tank suggestions

    Before you decide what species of fish you would like to keep, I would suggest that you consider what your water hardness (degrees GH or ppm GH) is, as this will really determine what species of fish you will be able to keep. Do you know what your water hardness is?
  34. dmpfishlover

    10g video

    I can't see the picture :( It says that the connection was reset?
  35. dmpfishlover

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Some suggestions for surface fish, if you are interested: Brown or Diptail Pencilfish (Nannostomus eques) I have never kept these, but they are pretty unique and interesting (at least I think so). I may add them to my tank when it is ready to be stocked. There are also other species of...
  36. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    The only thing I am unsure of, that you should definitely look into, is how much space is there between the divider and the glass... If it is big enough then some shrimp could potentially fit through the space and into the side where the Betta is.. I have never used a divider, so I am by no...
  37. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    A tank divider would do the trick and would be much less expensive than buying a tank that is completely divided into two separate tanks with a solid pane of glass or acrylic. From what I understand, tank dividers still allow water to flow from one end of the tank to the other so you would only...
  38. dmpfishlover

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    You can purchase Tank Dividers that you can install into a regular tank, which will essentially divide it into two tanks. Is there a specific reason why you are looking for a divided tank?