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  6. Airwreck

    How do you sterilise tanks and equipment?

    As a photographic dinosaur.. I have worked around acetic acid for years..with no ill effects.. unless you count my third eye. :rofl: If you want to make your own vinegar get some glacial acetic acid.. and dilute to what ever strength you want.. when I mix for my darkroom.. I think it's about a...
  7. Airwreck

    New fish species

    OMG.. you both have the walking catfish.. be careful.. they will crawl in your bed at night to suck your brains out.. :rofl:
  8. Airwreck

    New fish species

    Yup she sitting there waiting to ambush lizards. Yup 55 gal there abouts.. built glass box.. there has not been enough rain to start the fill.. unless we get a tropical storm.. it's just a mosquito farm. Pretty and sweet cat.. but totally worthless as a mouser. My terrier's do a better job...
  9. Airwreck

    New fish species

    Discovered a new species of catfish in my tank this morning. :rofl:
  10. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    Zappa was a musical genius. His guitar skill was amazing. If you really want to hear his skill listen to his collection "Shut up and play your guitar" His IMHO only failure was when he tried to write classical music. Correct he never used drugs..( don't know if he considered weed a drug) but he...
  11. Airwreck

    Catch and cook dreams up in smoke

    Anyone who would eat an iguana is an idiot, they are an endangered species. It is because idiots eat them, and habitat destruction. Any "Pan Fish" like perch, bluegill, sunfish taste great. A light batter pan fried outstanding.. just make sure it is not over cooked. Pike are good but very...
  12. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    Great.. I had totally forgotten about King Tut.. what's worse I saw that SNL program:eek: Here another great one.
  13. Airwreck

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    :rofl: this issue about huge population of MTS was brought up in another post. My answer there and is the same here, get a loach or bota. Both will eat the snails. You didn't say what fish are kept. So I don't know if they will work for you. Just find the right predator for the snails.
  14. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    Flashlight neon light... Am I that old we listened to this in college.. I got lots more ... Some the mod would veto.. LoL
  15. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    Well kind of "Atomic Dog" is great..can't keep ur feet still. Woof
  16. Airwreck

    Changing my 55 gallon tank from gravel to sand, any help would be appreciated.

    Be careful with MTS make sure you have someone to eat them. had a 55 gal tank..turned on the light in the middle of the night.. the bottom was covered with them. You could only see MTS. A couple of loaches solved the problem.
  17. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    This maybe here already.. For you folks who don't know. That's Dick Clark:banana:
  18. Airwreck

    Juice’s Fish art

    Killies and Rams. Check out killies. The annual ones are even more colorful then non annuals
  19. Airwreck

    Bad place.....fishes cruelty

    I won't disagree with you. Where I live the exchange rate is 2 to 1. IMHO I don't think this is a place to discuss economics.:big_boss::)
  20. Airwreck

    Bad place.....fishes cruelty

    It's not that it has more value... It just a universal reference. Forgive me... Most folks here seem to be Brits.. I could have said Pounds, Euros, or Yuan, but their value fluctuates.
  21. Airwreck

    Bad place.....fishes cruelty

    I agree the conditions are terrible. But you must put it in to context.. I grew up in the first world, now I live in a developing country. Many of the people you see in Thailand may only make 50.00 USD a month. They do these things because they have to. Where I live now, people think I'm nuts...
  22. IMG_20200627_083307.jpg


  23. Airwreck

    The DREADED Banana...

    Better yet let's put you and Mr banana next to a bee hive.. watch them burst ur butt.. cuz bananas smell just like the alarm pheromone of bees.. as all the bees scream "danger Will Robinson" :eek: :rofl:
  24. Airwreck

    What are the freshwater aquarium fish kept privately that are most lethal to humans?

    I do not disagree that the red belly Piranha is not a problem. The black Piranha is a really dangerous fish. About 30 yrs ago I got one dumped on me, because the owner was scared to death by this fish. It would try to attack you through the glass. When you added gold fish to the tank it would...
  25. Airwreck

    Making my own water dechlorinator?

    I can hear the cries.. you shouldn't do that :eek: Why add chemicals to remove chemicals? I believe you live in the UK.. Why don't you just collect rain water? I don't know if you live in the country or city or how much space you have.. Go to your local paint manufacturer buy a empty 1000 liter...
  26. Airwreck

    I’m Giving Up On Fish

    Deanasue, Don't know if they are still being made but a diatom filter ( maybe on eBay) will filter the ick out of the water..add a uv light.. and you will whoop it in no time. Ur salt and high temp is a great start.. Good luck.
  27. Airwreck

    The weirdest ad ever

    Honestly where is the offensive content? Who cares about underwear. There are far more important things going on in the world then worry about a woman's bum. If u want equal time.. I can not remember the grocery store name in the UK.. but instead of sexy babes dancing in the streets. They had...
  28. Airwreck

    Another game...story time!

    Juice box.. If I don't know of it.. u need to search mad libs.. I'm over 60 and I was doing them when I was a tween. I believe they are still around.
  29. Airwreck

    General talk.

    I'm fortunate because I have lived with depression and isolation most of my life. I'm also nuts so have plenty of voices in my head to talk to. This gives me an advantage in a world without people or social contact. Most other people don't have that :/ Then you'll love the line I heard the...
  30. Airwreck

    Fish (species or types) you'll never keep again?

    It was great for a short time.. it was a 50 long in my living room.. it was great entertainment. Watching them ambush prey..started with 4 had to reduce it to two.. I was living in the Midwest and wanted a local tank stock.. Shhhhh don't tell fish and game. :rofl:
  31. Airwreck

    When food smiles to you...

    :rofl: what a bunch of girly men ( excuse me women my apologies). Scared of food smiling back!!! Try food that fights back.. like leeches :rofl::rofl:
  32. Airwreck

    Whats your favorite tetra and why?

    Don't know nobody said cardinal tetras. Had 60 gal tank with about 100 feed the live food and rain water.. They spawned.
  33. Airwreck

    Fish (species or types) you'll never keep again?

    Black Bass.. when they got to be 6 inches.. they were eating a dozen nightcrawler a day..:eek: Great learning tool.. for when I went fishing!;)
  34. Airwreck

    Can you actually buy fish online?

    Aquabid is a good place. it is the only place you can really get killies, but then you just get eggs.. Like someone said.. long ago.. I bought all my African's on line.. But I did not trust the mail service so I used airfreight. Had to pick up at the airport, but all were fine and healthy. go...
  35. Airwreck

    18 days and counting....

    If any neighbor has a garden they will be grateful. Their harvest will be increased. The paranoia about the bees is misplaced. They won't bother you unless you bother them. I have a colony 20 feet away from my front door. I rarely find a bee dancing around lightbulbs at night. I have never been...
  36. Airwreck

    18 days and counting....

    Hey Juicebox. I feel for you.. Why don't you learn about beekeeping? We always need more beekeeper's it is a solitary hobby. You can do it outside. you can find tons of information on the net. also as you get more involved with it.. you will get stung and this will build your immunity system. If...
  37. Airwreck

    Pet store customers (animals in general)

    Juicebox 52, why did you down play guppies? IMHO you could throw guppies into your bath water and they would live?:eek:;) it is what we use here for skitto control. Some of the water is really bad.. but the guppie keep on truckin.
  38. Airwreck

    Where is everyone from?

    Barbados Hey Jan, I used to live in KCMO, but I decided I wanted to see the tank from the inside!:fish: