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  1. C

    Suggestions for making filters safe?

    Oh okay, perfect! I’ll give that a go - thank you! :)
  2. C

    Suggestions for making filters safe?

    Thank you! I feel so silly for not realising that the sponge tubes the guy who sold me it left in the tank were for that! XD So that solves one of my two problems nice and easily. Thanks so much for this! :)
  3. C

    Suggestions for making filters safe?

    Oh gosh, I feel daft! The guy I bought the tank from left some of those sponge tubes in the empty tank and it didn’t even slightly occur to me that that’s what they were for! You’re a star, thank you! I’ll get one of those rinsed out and popped on - thanks! Just the 40L murder filter to worry...
  4. C

    Suggestions for making filters safe?

    Hi! I’ve currently got a couple of tanks set up with planted cycles ongoing, and the small one is looking like it’s close to ready to add a few fish or shrimp. However both tanks are gonna need some finagling to make the filters safe, and I was wondering if anyone could advise as to the best...
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  8. C

    Thread for sharing art

    Thanks so much! <3
  9. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    :lol: Yeah, that'll do it! Looks like it's actually a different manual than the one I looked at earlier too, so it makes a lot more sense than whatever it was I found! XD Thanks!
  10. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Ah yes, I did find an instruction manual for the tank but it wasn't... the clearest XD I'll have another look through later as it looks like it has a lighting timer that I'd like to work out. Ohh makes sense! Thanks! I certainly won't be buying any new ones, but might as well use the ones I...
  11. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Ah, I didn't so that's helpful, thank you! ^^
  12. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Great, thanks! I'll keep the carbon and the ammonia remover just in case - there's space to store it in the cabinet so might as well. Thanks! Yeah, we definitely lucked out, seems like. Thanks for the help! :)
  13. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Ahh thank you for this! Looks like it might be the 180 then - the measurements definitely seem to match up; looks like I might have just been underestimating some of them. Thanks Essjay! Even more of a bargain now I know it's a little larger than I thought! The chap gave us a load of stuff with...
  14. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Thanks! I used a slightly different calculator - one that takes into account for the bowing (since if measuring width at the sides it would of course be different than at the centre). It gave me a volume of 165L (~43 US Gal) - just thought I'd pop it here to see if anyone recognised the model so...
  15. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Lord, can you tell it's been a long day? I completely blanked and forgot to attach it! :lol: Thanks for pointing that out! <3 It should be attached now!
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  17. C

    Help IDing a tank?

    Hi again! So I currently have a 40L tank set up getting started with a planted cycle which I’ve been asking for plenty of help with on here! While waiting for that to show good growth however I came across a facebook marketplace listing of a much larger tank with stand for a bargain and ended up...
  18. C

    Thread for sharing art

    Thanks so much! <3 He was a lot of fun - took a week or two in total but mostly because it was done in fits and starts. Got some hecking odd looks at work when working on it during lunch breaks :lol:
  19. C

    Thread for sharing art

    Dang, the stuff shared in this thread is awesome! It's always nice to see peoples' art!! I have a habit of chopping and changing between styles/mediums, myself. Indecisive, who? XD Generally most used to working traditionally: But recently got an iPad and Procreate in the last 6 months or...
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    Charcoal Lion.png

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  25. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Ye! Transferable skills - making life easier one niche task at a time ;)
  26. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Oh aye, my intention was never to overstock - that’s why I was asking rather than trusting google. It’s just a difficult thing to judge at first whether something would be too overstocked or not. :) Sure, will do! Thanks for the help! ^^ Yep, I know! :) I understand that hardening the water...
  27. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Okay, thanks! I'll stick with the guppies and shrimp, and once they're settled in maybe look at considering the idea of a snail or two at that point! ^^
  28. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Alternatively if I look at replacing the gravel with sand, might this open up more options?
  29. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Yes, I understand. If forgoing the frogs are there any other tankmates that might make sense?
  30. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Ahh that helps a ton, thanks so much! I think I’ll look at doing that then and stick with the guppies and shrimp! Thanks for your help! Are there any other tankmates I could be considering to go in with these guys without overcrowding/starting fights if I forgo the frogs? I’ve seen cory catfish...
  31. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    From what I've seen from previous research it is possible to keep them together, though not ideal, I understand. I had planned on designating a feeding space for them, depositing food near the bottom of the tank with a turkey baster, distracting the fish with alternative food while they eat...
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  33. C

    Yet another stocking suggestions thread ;p 40L/10gal

    Starting a new thread so that the title of the old one being about plants doesn't muddle things! Currently cycling a tank using the silent/plant cycle method, and musing over fish choices while I wait for growth! XD Originally this was planned as a guppy tank, but I've discovered that my water...
  34. C

    Help with health of plants?

    Thank you! Gonna have to consider a change of plans then - this was meant to be a guppy tank :lol:
  35. C

    Help with health of plants?

    Got a reply from Northumbrian Water! Well, first they had to clarify what I meant by GH and KH, which was reassuring :rolleyes: but once I explained they came back with: Total Hardness: 33mg/l Ca Calcium carbonate CaCO3: 82.5 mg/l I believe I'm best off converting these into °H for the...
  36. C

    Help with health of plants?

    Great, thanks! With a floating plant do I not run the risk of it blocking light to the others if it grows too well? Since my lights are all directly above. Or should I just make sure to keep it relatively pruned?
  37. C

    Help with health of plants?

    Okay, so it’s sounding as though general opinion is go with the silent cycle. :lol: Thanks folks. So let’s say I: - Leave in the echinodorus rubra. - Order and add one elodea densa (anacharis) and one hygrophila corymbosa. - Add the two moss balls I already have on their way. - Get as many of...
  38. C

    Help with health of plants?

    Hi utahfish! Sorry, I'm confused - I should have the plants in while using trying to cycle using ammonia or I shouldn't? Essjay was saying that the ammonia could be harming them but you seem to be saying otherwise. Or do you mean that the plants themselves might suffer but that it would speed...