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  1. M

    Urgent Help Needed Please With Fry

    Hi everyone, I need some urgent advice please. Our Fairy Cichlids have produced approx 30 fry tonight. The fry are all situated in three seperate areas of the tank. This is the first time this has happened & I really am panicking because I dont know what to do next.... There are approx 25...
  2. M

    Urgent Advice Needed On My Tank Please!

    This is the third malawi cichlid.....
  3. IMGP2378.JPG


  4. M

    Urgent Advice Needed On My Tank Please!

    Just managed to get some photos of my 3 malawi cichlids....hope this helps
  5. IMGP2376.JPG


  6. M

    Urgent Advice Needed On My Tank Please!

    I don't know the exact name of the cichlids. When I bought them from the shop yesterday they were sold as assorted malawi cichlids (Small,medium & large). I bought 3 medium ones. I don't know about the puffer, its got green & yellow spots if that means anything. So should I do a water change...
  7. M

    Urgent Advice Needed On My Tank Please!

    Hi All, I have recently set up a 55 litre tropical tank. I cycled it using 2 danios & filter media from my other tanks in preparation for having malawi cichlids. I tested the water 2 days ago & all readings were o.k Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10. I added the rocks prior to putting the...
  8. M

    Please I Overstocked?

    Thanks Sharon.....I have also got a little tank 30litre with the following fish 9 x White clouds 2 x zebra danios 1 x guppy Is this o.k?
  9. M

    Please I Overstocked?

    Am I now at my max capacity or could I add anymore.....was thinking of an angel?
  10. M

    Please I Overstocked?

    Hi, Please could someone tell me if I have overstocked my Juwel Rio 180 litre tank.... Platys x 5 Guppys x 6 Neon Tetra x 13 Black Phantom Tetra x 4 Clown Loach x 1 Blue Ram x 1 Flying Fox x 2 I also have some Amazon sword plants & cabomba.....a large centre piece of bogwood Thank you
  11. M

    Community Tank

    Thanks..... Also we have noticed some 'black beard algae', is their any fish that would help eliminate this....don't want to use chemicals
  12. M

    Community Tank

    Hi all, We have a Juwel 180 tropical tank which has been set up for nearly two months and fully cycled. Currently we have the following fish: Platys x 5 Phantom Tetra x 4 Guppies x 7 (male) Neon Tetra 10 What do you recommend to go for next.....ideally something unusual
  13. M

    Is My Platty Pregnant?

    So where do I go from I need to buy a breeding trap and if so when should I move her into it?
  14. M

    Is My Platty Pregnant?

    Thanks for the replies....I am still not 100% sure that she is pregnant! Here is the latest photo of her...
  15. platty1.JPG


  16. M

    Is My Platty Pregnant?

    Any help please....
  17. M

    Is My Platty Pregnant?

    Another photo....
  18. Platty3.JPG


  19. M

    Is My Platty Pregnant?

    Hi, Please could someone tell me if my platty is pregnant?......thank you....
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  22. M

    Adding Stones & Pebbles

    Thanks for your reply....I scrubbed them in clean water & then boiled them for approx 20 mins, but forgot to use the bleach!!.....should i do it again? How long should I soak them for with the dechlorinator before adding them to my tank?
  23. M

    Help Please....what Plant Is This?

    Any help on this please.....sorry to ask again, its just I want to plant it tonight but don't know the name to check what size its grows....
  24. M

    Help Please....what Plant Is This?

    I don't know whether to plant it at the back or front....depends on size
  25. M

    Help Please....what Plant Is This?

    Hi, I bought this plant today and forgot to ask what was the name of it.......please could someone tell me from the pics of the leaves...thank you
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  28. M

    Adding Stones & Pebbles

    Hi, I want to add some stones & pebbles to my tropical tank, can I use ones that are fom my garden & wash them. If so what is the best way of cleaning them?
  29. M

    What's Happening To My Plants

    Its a Juwel Rio 180 with the standard T5 lighting....I haven't been using a fertiliser
  30. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    How often can I add new fish to the tank?
  31. M

    What's Happening To My Plants

    I am thinking of changing the plant layout in the tank....moving some around. Is it o.k to do this whilst all the fish are in the tank?
  32. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    Once the lights went out last night, he immediately stopped doing it....I wonder whether the small bubbles look like food when the lights are on? I will try moving the outlet towards the glass...thanks
  33. M

    What's Happening To My Plants

    My plants appear to be drooping as per pic below....what's happened to them. Have I done something wrong?
  34. Plant.JPG


  35. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    I have managed to take a photo showing position of filter nozzle outlet & the 2 male guppies
  36. Guppy.JPG


  37. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    Can i just ask, I have got a Juwel Rio 180 & am using the filter that came with it....I have currently got the filter outlet nozzle facing upwards which is creating all these bubbles....however if I change the angle of the filter outlet it dosen't create these bubbles....which position should I...
  38. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    So why do you think they are swimming & defending the water flow from the filter outlet?....they only attack when another fish tries to come into this area....they only move away from this area when its feeding time..
  39. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    All our guppies are males
  40. M

    Need Some Urgent Help Please...

    Hi all Bought 2 males guppys at the weekend One of them is swimming in one spot in the bubbles from the tank filter outlet pipe and everytime another fish goes towards him he attacks it, the only one he allows with him is another male guppy (bought at the same time) who has a ragged tale...