Community Tank


New Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Hi all,

We have a Juwel 180 tropical tank which has been set up for nearly two months and fully cycled.
Currently we have the following fish:

Platys x 5
Phantom Tetra x 4
Guppies x 7 (male)
Neon Tetra 10

What do you recommend to go for next.....ideally something unusual
If it is 180 litres, you have room for a nice shoal of corydoras catfish. They will add activity to the lower level where your present fish rarely go.

Also we have noticed some 'black beard algae', is their any fish that would help eliminate this....don't want to use chemicals
If it is 180 litres, you have room for a nice shoal of corydoras catfish. They will add activity to the lower level where your present fish rarely go.

This is a great idea and they will also clear up any uneaten food (which I know seems unlikely with Platy in the tank!) helping to keep ammonia from your water. They do prefer sand though but will do ok over smooth gravel.

Last thing on Cory, 3 is an absalute minimum (4 or more is better) and of the same type as they prefer to shoal only with their own kind.

If not Cory then how about a SAE. (Siemese Algae Eater). They are small in the LFS and grow to about 3" (well mine has) They are slim fish and as jouvies they work VERY hard cleaning everything! I would suggest only 1 though, I tried 3 at first but they became too boystrous with each other at feeding time. I rehomed 2 and the remaining one has lived very well for the past couple of years. Nice fish but do make sure it's a SAE and NOT a CAE (Chinese Algae Eater) Nothing against the Chinese but their algae eater is nothing but trouble ;)

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