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  1. P

    Ideas For Restock

    Hi guys, Was wondering if you could give me any recommendations for my restock. In the tank (130l SunSun) I currently have: breeding pair of forest jewels 7 tiger barbs 2 ottos I need something which is hardy as the forests have already caused the deaths of: 1 10 cm Convict and 2 Kribs...
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    Think I Have A Sex Addict!

    Hey guys, I have a pair of forest jewels who had fry about 2 weeks ago. She has just layed MORE eggs, is there anyway I can "discourage" more fry? Cheers, Phil
  3. P

    Ill Gobies?

    hey guys, I have a 25l tank with 6 bumblebees in it. They have been fine, swimming around, eating etc... I am concerned about them at the mo tho. The NH3 levels and Nitrite levels are both at 0 and they are eating but over the past 2/3 days, most are very pale in colour and reclusive. Should I...
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    nursery tank is a 20l I think. there appear to be about 70 fry in there and about 20 left with the parents. they are all feeding on the crushed flake but i'll try and get some of the shrimp asap.
  5. P


    think they are ottos. I have set up the nursery tank with old filter media and community tank water. Managed to get the majority of the fry moved but had to leave about 20 in the community tank (about 60ish moved) Fed them with crushed flake and will see how they go. Should I move one of the...
  6. P


    Thanks fsh guy, my tank is a 130l sunsun and the sticking is as fllows 3 kribs 1 convict 2 sucking cats 3 female fighters Phil
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    Hey guys, Not sure if this is the right section but here goes. I have 2 forest jewels in a community tank and they have just had fry (didn't see any eggs, fry just "appeared" today). They are defending their young but not so that it is an issue. My question is as follows. WHAT SHOULD I...
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    New Snail

    You guessed it. New plants dded lst week. Removed 2 and just found 2 more so they are dead when I get home! Cheers
  9. P

    New Snail

    hey guys, I have just noticed a new snail in my 25l tank with my gobies. He is about 2mm in length and partially translucent. Should I leave him or get rid? Cheers Phil
  10. P

    Tips On What To Put In Tank As Decoration

    Only issue is getting the #40## thing to stay down! I weighted it down with gravel or if you are brave, you can build it in the tank then the water fills the bricks :shifty: I wanted a new look and couldn't face paying the prices for decorations from the LFS. Granted, the lego cost more but I...
  11. P


    You guessed it Ninja, looking at the pics they are indeed ottos. Just a quickie, t the LFS they have an axalotl(?) which has been there for months and is in a tank about 25cm square. I feel really sorry for the poor thing but am unsure if it would be better or worse for it if I brought it home...
  12. P

    Tips On What To Put In Tank As Decoration

    Mine have a lego city to live in :blink: They love it, the Krib has taken up residency in the breakdown truck, the convict in the garage and the office space seems to be a popular meeting spot! They love swimming through the structures and then up into the live plants which fill higher up...
  13. P


    Thanks for the help Assaye, I'm not sure what catfish they are, they are called sucking catfish in the LFS. They are slender with a black stripe running the length of their body and can generally be found attached to the side of the tank or sucking on something. I thought that might be the...
  14. P


    Hi guys, I am after any suggestions as to what I should add to my tank. I have a 130litre tank with gravel substrate and a mixture of live plants, plastic and hides. In there currently I have: 1 convict 2 forest jewels 2 tiger barbs 2 sucking cat fish 3 female fighters *I know this is wierd...
  15. P


    Hi VV, I have 5 guppies and 6 bumblebee gobies in a 25 litre tank. There are loads of places to hide with ornaments and 2 large Wisteria's to swim through. He just seems to hang around in open water tho. I'll keep an eye on them and see how they go. I was told that I could prob have about 4...
  16. P


    Hi guys, I have 5 guppies which I bought at separate times. The largest of them (they are all male) seems to be getting bullied by 3 of the others who are much smaller. Is there anything I can do about this or should I ignore it? They don't attack his tail but they do try to get the fins on...
  17. P


    Hi guys, I was wondering if you could give me any advice. I have 3 bumblebee Goby's which I love but have just read that they really should have some salt in the water. I am currently cycling my 25l tank and so all my fish are in a 130l (2 sucking catfish, 2 barbs, a guppy and a convict along...
  18. P

    Treating A Recycled Tank

    Hey guys, Reused the hood by removing the centre section and installing 2 support brackets. I then have a sheet of acrylic across these with a hole in the middle, over which sits a new aquarium lamp. Looks pretty good actually (rather pleased with my little self). In response to the fishless...
  19. P

    Treating A Recycled Tank

    thanks for taking the time waterdrop. I did a few tests earlier and ammonia nad nitrite levels are at 0!! Yay. I'll keep an eyy in the aesthetics as I continue but for now alk is well it seems. I have as a result transferred my 3 fish from my 25 l tank into that as the other has consistant high...
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    Treating A Recycled Tank

    Thanks OM47, I'll look into the diff bulbs available but for now, my lighting doesn't work (fried electrics I believe) so my question is... Should i try and replace the existing twin fluoro setup with the same or is there a better alternative? Thanks, Phil ps, could/should i add some...
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    Treating A Recycled Tank

    thanks guys, just a little more info... the tank is well away from direct sunlight so I think it is algae which was in amongst the gravel from the previous owner? any recommendations for a replacement light source as the 2 fluoro's are broken (think it is moisture that has previously got into...
  22. P

    Treating A Recycled Tank

    Ok, I have just bought a 130l tank which came with some fish. When transporting, I left some of the water in the bottom to cover the stones and hopefully protect any bacteria. The tank was FILTHY so I carefully cleaned it and then added about 1/5 of the orig water back to the tank. I filled the...
  23. P

    Newbie Questions

    Thanks guys, the tests that I am using are a seachem alert series ammonia test and a Aquaone nitrite testing kit (reagent A & B which you add separately). Ammonia reading is yellow meaning <0.02 ppm and the nitrite reading was a VERY faint pink (<1ppm according to the test kit) but then I...
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    Newbie Questions

    Hi Oldman, Thanks for the advice. I have just got in with a testing kit for NH3 and for Nitrites but both say that the water is fine, there was a REALLY faint pink colour for nitrites so I'm gonna do a 20% water change but other than that... The Convict and Ruby(?) are now swimming around and...
  25. P

    Newbie Questions

    Hi guys and gals, I'm new to the fish world and have a few questions about my fish. First off, I have a 25 litre hexagonal tank which is at 25-26 degrees with filter system etc... I used agar when setting up the tank and have a pH controlling block in there. The pH is currently (near as...