

New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hi guys,

I have 5 guppies which I bought at separate times. The largest of them (they are all male) seems to be getting bullied by 3 of the others who are much smaller. Is there anything I can do about this or should I ignore it? They don't attack his tail but they do try to get the fins on his side.


Males will generally do this if you have too many in a smaller tank.
How big is the tank?
My lot do it every now and then, best thing I've found is to give them lots of areas to hide, so being heavily planted helps.
Hi VV,
I have 5 guppies and 6 bumblebee gobies in a 25 litre tank. There are loads of places to hide with ornaments and 2 large Wisteria's to swim through. He just seems to hang around in open water tho. I'll keep an eye on them and see how they go. I was told that I could prob have about 4 more guppies in the tank so wold this help or make matters worse?

Hi VV,
I have 5 guppies and 6 bumblebee gobies in a 25 litre tank. There are loads of places to hide with ornaments and 2 large Wisteria's to swim through. He just seems to hang around in open water tho. I'll keep an eye on them and see how they go. I was told that I could prob have about 4 more guppies in the tank so wold this help or make matters worse?

I would think if you put another 4 Guppies in there you would be over stocked, no doubt some of the more experienced Aquarists will advise you more accuratly about stocking levels, I have a 23 litre Fluval Edge at the moment. :good:
Hi VV,
I have 5 guppies and 6 bumblebee gobies in a 25 litre tank. There are loads of places to hide with ornaments and 2 large Wisteria's to swim through. He just seems to hang around in open water tho. I'll keep an eye on them and see how they go. I was told that I could prob have about 4 more guppies in the tank so wold this help or make matters worse?


Ideally, I would have stopped at the 5 guppies and not added the gobies.
It could be that the lack of space is stressing the little sods out and causing them to nip each other.

The only way to resolve the problem would be to remove the one(s) that is/are causing the trouble, there's normally always one ring leader.
I would deffinately not add any more guppies as this will well and truly make your problem worse.


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