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    Geophagus Sexing

    The one on the right was sold to me as the female. They are constantly together, occasionally chasing each other. The guy who sold them said they showed sighs of breeding but never did. Just hope they are not a pair of males. Another pic is attached, different angle    Thank you for your replies
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    Geophagus Sexing

    Hi   Recently bought these two, were lead to believe were male and female....Any thoughts  
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    Geophagus Brachybranchus

    Well the first death occurred on my return and I know the auto feeder had dumped lots of food in before I went away by mistake. I tried my best to remove as much as possible but time was short
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    Geophagus Brachybranchus

    So after several weeks, no more deaths of other fish the time was right to start over. Bought 3 new Geo's. All good for 1st two weeks. Then one died on Wednesday, did a 70% water change. One died Friday. One left.   No obvious sighs of distress or problems.   water is as follows   ammonia 0 ppm...
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    Geophagus Brachybranchus

    HI   I have/had 6 Geo Brachybranchus all about a year old. They live in a 450 lts tank with 5 albino angel fish (small) 5 marble head standers and 10 top and tail tetras.   About 1 week ago the goes began to die, one a day. I thinned out the sand substrate to rule out bacteria build up, I also...
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    Fluval External Filters 206 And 306-Redcar

    FLUVAL EXT FILTER 206 AND 306   Age and condition:1 YEAR, USED BUT WORK Quantity for sale:1 OF EACH Reason for Sale:NO LONGER NEEDED Delivery or Collection:COLLECTION Sales price:£50 FOR 206 AND £65 FOR 306 (£100 FOR BOTH) Willing to Ship (Yes or No):NO Postage & Packaging Price:NO Location...
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    Juwel Rio 240Lts Dark Wood- Redcar

    Age and condition:6 MONTHS, EXCELLENT Quantity for sale:1 Reason for Sale: NO LONGER FITS Delivery or Collection: COLLECTION Sales price: £270 ONO Willing to Ship (Yes or No):NO Postage & Packaging Price: CASH ON COLLECTION Location: REDCAR, NORTH YORKS Photograph:     JUST WANT TO ADD,BLUE AND...
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    How Many Cichlids In This Tank

    actually since posting I've had quite a lot of discussion and visited a Mbuna breeder for further advice. It would seem that Length is more important the width, my wife was right.As Mbuna are mainly bottom dwelling fish so height is not that important.   There are actually no set in stone...
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    How Many Cichlids In This Tank

    Hi,, I have a rio 180 40 gallon tank. Currently stocked with 14 saulousi and jalos...was looking to add more of this type mbuna cichlids. My local shop said about 1 gallon per inch of fish and that mbuna tanks should be over stocked. I d like some more colour and using the calulation if my...
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    they haven't touch either the green or the BBA as yet, anyway id rather get rid of the BBA all together. What it has done Is highlight a problem in the tank anyway, that the nitrates were too big
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    Should I Add Second Filter

    added, cant hurt
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    well done a 75% water change, scrubbed rocks best that I could and added a second filter, to help with circulation and remove ammonia.   cant think of anything else to do
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    Should I Add Second Filter

    Hi,,,   I have a 180lt tank with 14 cichlids, Jalo and saulos   I run a ex1200 and was wondering would a second ex1200 be warrented.   My current water readings were   PH 8 ammonia 0.25ppm Nitrate 180ppm or higher nitrite 0ppm     I have done a 3/4 water change to sort the nitrate but am...
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    revised test results, thanks to eagleaquiruims   nitrate reading is between 80 and towards the 160ppm if there was a coloyr inbetween them 2.     Could this be the cause of the BBA
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    thank you both for your help.. I do use the API test kit.   The tank was set up with cichlids around 3 months back and went almost straight from a tropical tank to the cichlids but with new sand and landscape, the filter should have been ok, but it did run in a water only tank for about a week...
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    hi I have attached a photo this time to show the tank position. It sits at a right angle to the window and doesn't really experience direct you can see there is a part curtain in the corner of the tank. The worst of the BBA is the left hand side, further away from the window. The...
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    sorry, bit confused. It says it can grow in fast moving water and I need to increase CO2 in high lighted planted tanks, which I don't have.   So is the solution just to increase circulation?
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    Bga Problem, Any Tips?

    thank you
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    Cichlids And Bba Black Out

    I Have posted in the alga forum in regards to a nasty growth on my ocean rocks, pictures can be seen in that topic.   It would appear this maybe BBA and I cannot find a reason for its growth, other than maybe a I require more flow.     I need to create a total black out to see if this clears it...
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    Bga Problem, Any Tips?

    I have a tank with just Cichlid and ocean rock and no plants,.I seem to be suffering really bad with BBA on my rocks and heater and thermometer.   What could be the cause, I cant treat with ferts as no plants     thank you
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    anyone else have any ideas if this is BBA  what can be causing it, I have no plants and the tank lights are only on for max 3 hours a day. It does sit indirectly near a window which would maybe light a quarter of tank.   I use a tetratec ex1200.. could it be lack of flow around the tank maybe?
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    I don't know what the cause was
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    bloody BBA was the bain of my life when I had plants. Thought it wouldn't be a problem once all the plants went
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    Can Anyone Identify This Algae Please

    Hi   I am keeping cichlids and and have lots of ocean rock. I have started getting this horrible looking algae growing on the rocks. It looks black with the lights out (daylight) and green/gray with lights on.   I have no plants in the tank and the water is changed every week 25%. I do have...
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    New To Cichlids

    so egg spots only appear on males?
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    Cichlids, 2 Dead.....confused

    no, just the one for now....thought i would see how it went.     I dont understand why it would be cycling. The filter came straight from the "normal" tropial one to the cichlid one, so all the good stuff should have been alive and well.   I guess i must be cycling, as the evidence points to...
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    Cichlids, 2 Dead.....confused

    tank is fully cycled.   Did a straight swop from my tropical tank
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    Cichlids, 2 Dead.....confused

    Hi   Am new to cichlids.   i have 180 lts tank, external flitration. I bought 16 baby cichlids, a mixture of jalo and saulousi.   They were very young and are only now about 3/4-1" long. In the last 2 days i have lost two.They just fall to the bottom of the tank and lull on thier sides. These...
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    New Cichlids First Water Tests

    the tank was already cycled as the filter was in full use up to a day before i replaced the fish with the cichlids, new substrate and ocean rock
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    New Cichlids First Water Tests

    Ok, well Cichlids been in 3 weeks now and did first water samples test.     Nitrates 0 ppm ammonia 0 ppm PH 8 ish nitrite 0 ppm (maybe a little higher as wasnt quite the right colour for 0, but not for 25ppm either, so im guessing its low maybe 10ppm) water temp   27 degrees   in the tabk are 16...
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    what do you guys think? A few are going really yellow now
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    can anyone identify these then please, with good news                
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    i can upload one tomorrow
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    just to make it clear, 15 is over stocked but thats the recommended number.?     I have decided to use my 2nd tetratec pump, as i like them and the other works fine, so am happy to have too running
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    Malawi Cichlid Tank Advice

    i only hve a 4ft tank but love my ocean rock and coral sand. Cost me £36.00 for 25kg of ocean rock and £32 for 25kg of coral sand.Both were well priced i thought, esp as my local LFS were chargeing £3.50 a kilo.   teesside kio.....they deliever too all over...they have lots of cichlids also
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    in the guys defence, he was reluctant to sell, he wanted to wait till they were around 1.5", but i pestered him for them as i was desperate to get something.
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    Filters 1 Or 2?

    looking at video mine aint even that big yet, maybe less than 0.5". i can deff see some yellow ones......They will be wantever they will be i guess. I looked at the parents and they were both saulosi and jalos, but the babies from both were in a seperate tank all together   maybe they are too...