New Cichlids First Water Tests


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2011
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Ok, well Cichlids been in 3 weeks now and did first water samples test.
Nitrates 0 ppm
ammonia 0 ppm
PH 8 ish
nitrite 0 ppm (maybe a little higher as wasnt quite the right colour for 0, but not for 25ppm either, so im guessing its low maybe 10ppm)
water temp   27 degrees
in the tabk are 16 cichlids, salousi and Jalo reef, all still very young. 2 small bristlenose
Tank has coral sand and ocean rock.
I have not done a water change as yet, as i though it would give the tank a chance to settle. I am very happy with the results, but the PH is rising. The PH i believe for both fish sould be between 7.5-8, so little worried its rising.
would a 25% water change help them?
Am i right to be happy with these results?
thank you
No nitrate and some nitrite? Did you cycle the tank before adding these fish?
I'd be looking at a 40-50% waterchange.
the tank was already cycled as the filter was in full use up to a day before i replaced the fish with the cichlids, new substrate and ocean rock

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