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  1. KISSfn


    All Barbs need to be in groups of 6+.
  2. KISSfn

    What Goes Well With Tiger Barbs?

    My Tiger Barbs are not nippers at all. Somebody else's could be. Only way to know for sure is keep them in sufficient numbers 6+ and see how your Tigers act. Your Rosy Barbs need to be in a group of 6+ also.
  3. KISSfn

    Tanks Both Have "ich"

    I have Tetras and the recommendations in post #2 worked for me. I only used a half dose of aquarium salt one day plus the higher temp etc.
  4. KISSfn

    Tanks Both Have "ich"

    No. Only aquarium salt.
  5. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Ich can kill so treatment is a necessary evil. Maracyn 2 will not hurt your filter's bacteria. So sorry for your loss...:rip:
  6. KISSfn

    Help - Most Of Fish Swimming At Top

    Anytime! :good:
  7. KISSfn

    Help - Most Of Fish Swimming At Top

    7.74 is fine. It will probably settle in a day. I'm gonna soak my next one for 48 hours in the tank. Seneye told me the pH of a small container (such as for soaking a slide) would be different than your tank and then you would have to wait for it to settle in your tank.
  8. KISSfn

    Help - Most Of Fish Swimming At Top

    Glad all is well with you tank! How long did you soak the slide for?
  9. KISSfn

    Help - Most Of Fish Swimming At Top

    Have you checked the CO2 level?
  10. KISSfn

    Tanks Both Have "ich"

    Hoping you don't lose any.
  11. KISSfn


    Take the carbon out of your filter. Use Kordon Rid Ich Plus. Treat for at least 4 days after all signs of Ich are gone.
  12. KISSfn

    Tanks Both Have "ich"

    I wouldn't use the API quick cure. It didn't work for me. Tetras are a little delicate and there's no guarantee you won't lose any fish. Remove carbon from your filter. Use Kordon Ric Ich Plus. There's no quick cure for Ich. Ich has a life cycle of up to 35 days or more and some strains...
  13. KISSfn

    Telescope Goldfish Emergency Eye Surgery?

    If you can sedate him I don't see why you shouldn't do it. But I would put him in a hospital tank and treat with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 to prevent infection.
  14. KISSfn

    Is This A Wound Or Something Worse?

    Glad to help! :good: Might need some more time for the Melafix, Pimafix combo to work. If her gills are puffed out (not closing all the way) she might have gill disease, treat with Maracyn 2.
  15. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    You have to go the distance against Ich because it will return if you don't totally eradicate it. For swim bladder try feeding blanched de-shelled peas. If that doesn't work treat with antibiotic Maracyn 2.
  16. KISSfn

    I Just Brought My Heater Out Of The Water, While It Was Still On

    Glass cracks when it is exposed from one temperature extreme to the other. I would not trust your heater to be safe to use.
  17. KISSfn

    I Just Brought My Heater Out Of The Water, While It Was Still On

    You said: "When I took it out, the heater started to crack, I threw it(not that hard, somewhat gentle) on the ground." What did you mean by that?
  18. KISSfn

    I Just Brought My Heater Out Of The Water, While It Was Still On

    Sorry, not if it started to crack as you said.:no: It will kill all your fish.
  19. KISSfn

    Pale (And Dying) Sailfin Mollies

    Glad to hear! :good:
  20. KISSfn

    Danio Has Curved Spine?

    I did not see nor reply to your introduction post but I have what I think is a good reason. When someone is new here they see a "Welcome to Tropical Fish Forums" section with part of the subtitle stating to introduce yourself. One would think it would be impolite to not introduce yourself if...
  21. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I hate hackers. But if they showed me how to hack into my bank I would love them!
  22. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Are you aware of LinkedIn's hack problem?
  23. KISSfn

    Angelfish - Swimbladder?

    I would put him in a tank by himself, no lights and treat with Melafix and Pimafix. I've had fish that looked like they were dying saved by a stay and treatment in my hospital tank. Since then I never kill fish and give them a chance.
  24. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Best customer service I have ever received from any company.
  25. KISSfn

    Danio Has Curved Spine?

    To add to my theory, this is from a very knowledgeable fishkeeper responding to someone other than me in this section within 9 hours of question posted: "Is the curve in his spine? It is often common with fry that are kept in too small a grow out tank for too long. Livebearers are sometimes...
  26. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    You'll be convinced. I don't manually test anything.
  27. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I guess the "digistrip" that was to be added to the existing device didn't work out. The extra parameters on the digistrip were to be Nitrates, Chlorine, General Hardness, Carbonate Hardness and Nitrites. I hope these and more are included on the new device.
  28. KISSfn

    I Just Brought My Heater Out Of The Water, While It Was Still On

    Don't be too hard on yourself. That's why the good heaters have an auto shutoff feature. Buy a good one that turns itself off when out of water like an Eheim.
  29. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    From Seneye: More parameters 06/06/2012 So interests in the extra non life critical parameters has been relentless since we announced it at the launch of seneye, but as things are in a new company we have been distracted. Good news we are now underway and as we reach important milestones we...
  30. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I think I read it on their Facebook page quite a while ago. It must be your account or the server for your region since mine works. I'm sure Seneye can fix it though.
  31. KISSfn

    Pale (And Dying) Sailfin Mollies

    No worries. Glad she's come around! :good: You already had a bigger tank stashed in your garage? :rofl: Most of the bacteria is in your filter, not water so your filter has the capacity to handle your present bio load now. :)
  32. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I remember reading that sometimes slides need to soak for more than 24 hours so I soak mine for 48. Seems to help. I tried recreating your temp issue on my laptop and android and couldn't get it to mess up. Since their Apple app is so new I would ask Seneye if they are aware of it and if...
  33. KISSfn

    Danio Has Curved Spine?

    Believe me there are more than a few people here with many many years of experience and I seriously doubt none of them have never heard of a curved spine on a fish. I did my own research after being ignored and I was able to find information without any special effort at all. I always try to...
  34. KISSfn

    Danio Has Curved Spine?

    Thank you!:good: Thanks, it's more than you think! :good:
  35. KISSfn

    Danio Has Curved Spine?

    Thank you very much for your reply John. :good: I have never received any timely help when I have posted to this section so I will not be posting here anymore. I don't know if people dislike Americans, KISS or me personally. Adding to your group of Danios should help as they are schooling...
  36. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Hang in there!
  37. KISSfn

    Very High Ph And Mystery Disease?

    Glad to help and I'll be hoping for the best! :good:
  38. KISSfn

    Zebra Danio - Swim Bladder Disease?

    Unfortunately some fish go from sick to gone no matter what and sometimes very quickly. I had a Serpae Tetra that appeared to be dying and I considered euthanisia. Instead I put him in my hospital tank and he made a complete recovery. From then on I've always given my patients a stay in my...
  39. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Keep Seneye aware and they will figure it out.
  40. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    We are so lucky that since we live in the US we have the luxury of buying an active filter and not having to mess with cycling like people in most other countries. When I didn't know better I was stuck doing testing and water changes twice a day every day for weeks until a great person on this...