Zebra Danio - Swim Bladder Disease?


New Member
Mar 17, 2012
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64l tank is approx 2 months into maturity & contains 9 Danios & 3 Guppies. Ammonia & nitrite are fully controlled by an oversize filter (Fluval U2) & nitrate by weekly partial water changes (25-30%). All specimens appear healthy except for one Danio that has spent the last 2-3 days unable to maintain buoyancy, tending to lie at the bottom of the tank & occasionally flit around at high speed with little apparent control. I was fully expecting it to die shortly after noticing the symptoms but they seem to be getting no better or worse.

Managed to net it & have a close look through a magnifying glass & apart from a very slight fading, it appears in good condition with no fin damage, spots or anything else.

Any suggestions?
How did you cycle your filter? What are your exact Ammonia and Nitrite readings in mg/l?
Cycle was with a few leopard danios as I couldn't get hold of ammonia anywhere. The zebras & guppies were added only after both ammonia & nitrite were at zero, as confirmed by my own & the store's testing.

Academic now as the fish died overnight. :(
Sorry for your loss...:rip: Reading your post I thought of one of my Danios that acted the same and suffered the same fate.
Sorry for your loss...:rip: Reading your post I thought of one of my Danios that acted the same and suffered the same fate.

Because it had gone on for a few days without degenerating further, I hoped it may be something the fish could fight off itself. I left it isolated in the net, suspended over the top of the tank so it was at least free from the attentions of the others & looked no worse last night but dead this morning. Wishing I'd gone with my original instincts of euthanisia now...
Unfortunately some fish go from sick to gone no matter what and sometimes very quickly. I had a Serpae Tetra that appeared to be dying and I considered euthanisia. Instead I put him in my hospital tank and he made a complete recovery. From then on I've always given my patients a stay in my hospital to see if they can be saved. Highly recommend having a hospital tank. I have a patient in mine now and after 5 days of treatment he has recovered and will be returned to my main tank today!

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