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  1. K

    A Definate No?

    How about a nice shoal of red-eye tetra's?
  2. K

    Aggressive Fish

    yes they can store sperm and reproduce several times with no male present! Mine came pregnant from LFS And Is Pregnant a second time :D B) Try There is plenty of info...
  3. K

    Aggressive Fish

    No they are livebearers my female molly does this all the time when she is getting ready to give birth! have you noticed if she has changed shape any? if she was with a male it's more than likley that she's pregnant and nearly ready to give birth.
  4. K

    Nipped Fins

    Thanks for the help, the tank they are in is a 130l & it's tall, the barbs & danios are now in a different tank.Now the angels seem alot different, theyre more active!
  5. K

    Nipped Fins

    Help needed in my new tank i have 2 angels who's fins have been nipped, Their tank mate's are 5 Gold Barbs, 5 Leopard Dannio, What i would like to know is which are the likley suspects?
  6. K


    hey folks im in the process of buying a bigger tank and really want a sand substrate but how the hell do i clean the sand before i add it??? obviously the wife's colander isnt going to work this time and im at a loss of how to clean it without loosing it all down the drain! :crazy:
  7. K

    What To Do?

    according to aqua one's website the euroview comes with a canister type filter and the lighting system too :good:
  8. K


    My neons have had dropsy which i have treated with only one loss, i have added the second dose of the medication today, but all it says on the bottle is to wait 7 days before re adding carbon filters to the tank, Do i still do my weekly water change or do i have to wait till i re add the...
  9. K

    Changing Gravel

    Thanks for that, I guess i'm just gonna have to give it a go and hope the fish make it as i really cant live with florescent yellow and bright blue gravel i want to go for a more natural look. ive included a crappy phone pic of the gravel i guess then you will see why i wanna change it.
  10. K

    Changing Gravel

    Hey Im New here so HI :D Im new to keeping tropicals and i have just been given an established tank but i would like to change the gravel as it's a bit bright for my tastes, so can i do this without to much trouble? if it is possible would it be best to do it when i do a water change...