Changing Gravel


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
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Hey Im New here so HI :D

Im new to keeping tropicals and i have just been given an established tank but i would like to change the gravel as it's a bit bright for my tastes, so can i do this without to much trouble?

if it is possible would it be best to do it when i do a water change?

Thanks in advance,
Hey Im New here so HI :D

Im new to keeping tropicals and i have just been given an established tank but i would like to change the gravel as it's a bit bright for my tastes, so can i do this without to much trouble?

if it is possible would it be best to do it when i do a water change?

Thanks in advance,

Gravel Change

I did it according to the instructions in that link from Doresy and it worked PERFECTLY!
ahh there are so many ways to skin a cat!

i guess it depends on how you think of your gravel, in some tanks it is a big part of the cycled system, and can cause a mini cycle when changed. mine is like this.

so on a gravel change, i remove about 30% of the water, as i remove the old gravel i rinse it out with the remaining tank water, each and every scoop. the water looks like hell. having removed the old stuff i add the new cleaned gravel that has been soaking in the 30% i removed at first. i do wait about 20 minutes before adding the new gear to allow some of the sediment to drop to the floor. after you add the new stuff the water will clear in an hour or so, just give a light gravel vac to remove any bits that have fallen. and there you go.
ahh there are so many ways to skin a cat!

i guess it depends on how you think of your gravel, in some tanks it is a big part of the cycled system, and can cause a mini cycle when changed. mine is like this.

so on a gravel change, i remove about 30% of the water, as i remove the old gravel i rinse it out with the remaining tank water, each and every scoop. the water looks like hell. having removed the old stuff i add the new cleaned gravel that has been soaking in the 30% i removed at first. i do wait about 20 minutes before adding the new gear to allow some of the sediment to drop to the floor. after you add the new stuff the water will clear in an hour or so, just give a light gravel vac to remove any bits that have fallen. and there you go.

Thanks for that,

I guess i'm just gonna have to give it a go and hope the fish make it as i really cant live with florescent yellow and bright blue gravel i want to go for a more natural look.

ive included a crappy phone pic of the gravel i guess then you will see why i wanna change it.

oops forgot to mention i add the 30% removed after the tank has settled. also a day or so later i change the filter floss, it gets very messy.

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