Nipped Fins


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
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Help needed in my new tank i have 2 angels who's fins have been nipped,

Their tank mate's are 5 Gold Barbs, 5 Leopard Dannio,

What i would like to know is which are the likley suspects?
barbs most likly as they do have a small rep for nipping fins (it only takes one), but tiger barbs are the worst for it, they just nip fins alll day.
are the edges of the fins white? or do they look raged, if they do go to tropical fish emergencys and ask if its finrot, a pic would help me identify finrot (i know it now because i had BIG problems with it, i lost my betta to it)
and how big is the tank? angles need about 100l minimum but i say 150l min and they need a tall tank with other big tankmates, (angles will eat smaller fish)
Yup, barbs are pretty aggressive but also angels. Danios are pretty chilled. I say it's the barbs for sure. The can really, really, disturb the harmony of a tank. I don't keep them any more.
Thanks for the help, the tank they are in is a 130l & it's tall, the barbs & danios are now in a different tank.Now the angels seem alot different, theyre more active!
Help needed in my new tank i have 2 angels who's fins have been nipped,

Their tank mate's are 5 Gold Barbs, 5 Leopard Dannio,

What i would like to know is which are the likley suspects?

To be honest it could of been any or even both of them, slow moving fish rarely do well in tanks with fast swimming cyprinids.

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