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  1. EllenMarie

    Day 8 Of Cycling... Help!

    Today, in counting will be cycling day 8. :good: I added ammonia two days ago, and it has already dropped down to about .2 ppm. My nitrites seem to be high- off the scale, infact. (I'm an API user B-) ) A little help?- I saw a pinned post saying that if the water in the test tube turned...
  2. EllenMarie

    Cycling Day 8; Lots Of Nitrate...

    Today, in counting will be cycling day 8. :good: I added ammonia two days ago, and it has already dropped down to about .2 ppm. My nitrites seem to be high- off the scale, infact. (I'm an API user B-) A little help?- I saw a pinned post saying that if the water in the test tube turned...
  3. EllenMarie

    7.24.12 Water Test Results; Cycling Day 3

    Thanks! What a livesaver! :lol: I thought it would be a problem... Thanks, so much! Ellen
  4. EllenMarie

    7.24.12 Water Test Results; Cycling Day 3

    It is Cycling Day 3 of my 10 Gallon Tank (Fishless cycle). :good: My API Freshwater master test kit arrived today, so I decided to test what as necessary. The pH is on the high range, at 8.2; Where as ammonia still reads 0. I am currently cycling with fish flakes, although I am picking up...
  5. EllenMarie

    7/24/12 Test Reading... Cycling Day 3; Help!

    It is Cycling Day 3 of my 10 Gallon Tank (Fishless cycle). :good: My API Freshwater master test kit arrived today, so I decided to test what as necessary. The pH is on the high range, at 8.2; Where as ammonia still reads 0. I am currently cycling with fish flakes, although I am picking up...
  6. EllenMarie

    Filter Cartridges? Help!

    I recently purchased a filter with a bio-wheel, which works out great! When changing my filter media, I now don't have to worry about removing too much bacteria. :good:
  7. EllenMarie

    New Tank! Cycling Help? Live Plants...?

    Thanks! Very Informative! :good: If I am cycling with fish food, How much should I put in per day? So far, I've been doing one pinch... (I've only done that once so far, considering I just setup my tank yesterday). Ok. Thanks! :D I'll see if anyone has some media, although I might have to...
  8. EllenMarie

    New Tank! Cycling Help? Live Plants...?

    About how long would it take to cycle a 10 gallon with ammonia if i kept the reading 2-4ppm? Just a general idea to see what I should be aiming for when I test.
  9. EllenMarie

    New Tank! Cycling Help? Live Plants...?

    I recently visited my local Petsmart and bought a nice 10 gallon tank kit. It came with a Penguin 100 Filter, an adjustable heater, an LED cover with two settings, a sample size package of Tropical Fish Flakes (In which I am Planning to Purchase more after cycling), a sample size package of...
  10. EllenMarie

    Stock Suggestions?

    Wow, Those are beautiful! I surely look into it. :)
  11. EllenMarie

    Cycling With Fish Food?

    Ok! Thanks! I did purchase Live Plants, So I'll Look into what water type they came from. :good:
  12. EllenMarie

    Cycling With Fish Food?

    Thanks for the tip. :good: I'll Look into it. Also, I was wondering- Should I use hard, well water for my tank after I condition it? Or should I use soft water from the tap, then condition it, and use that?
  13. EllenMarie

    Cycling With Fish Food?

    I just took a visit to petsmart to pick up some things to start my new hobby. :good: When I spoke to an assosciate about cycling a tank (She was very educated in biology, and had a life revolving around fish-keeping), I was told you could cycle a tank with fish flakes as your ammonia source...
  14. EllenMarie

    Cycling With Fish Food?

    I just took a visit to petsmart to pick up some things to start my new hobby. :good: When I spoke to an assosciate about cycling a tank (She was very educated in biology, and had a life revolving around fish-keeping), I was told you could cycle a tank with fish flakes as your ammonia source...
  15. EllenMarie

    Stock Suggestions?

    I was thinking the same- The only hold-back was that Betta fish are somewhat aggressive, which makes me hesitant. I've heard of many people putting Betta fish in a community tank and being fine, but I've also heard the opposite. Betta fish are VERY beautiful though, I have to admit. Thanks! Ellen
  16. EllenMarie

    Filter Cartridges? Help!

    Very Helpful! Thanks for the tip. :good:
  17. EllenMarie

    Filter Cartridges?

    The setup I was thinking about purchasing has an included filter, but it does not specify which one; Should I just rinse the cartridge In the same water taking from the tank during regular water changes? :/ Here is the link to the aquarium kit if you would like to take a look...
  18. EllenMarie

    Stock Suggestions?

    I have been looking into getting a freshwater tank for a while now, and have finally decided to go for it! :good: I will be purchasing a 5.5 gallon Aquarium, so space is quite limited, as I will be upgrading to a larger tank later on. Does anybody have any ideas for stock? I really like the...
  19. EllenMarie

    Filter Cartridges?

    The filter that I would like to purchase for my 5 gallon tank has filter cartridges... When I change the cartridge, Will I have to re-cycle my tank? Suggestions please! Thanks! -Ellen Edit- After visiting My local petsmart, I decided to purchase a 10gal instead, not too surprising.... :lol...
  20. EllenMarie

    Filter Cartridges? Help!

    Hey guys! I am thinking about purchasing a 5 gallon aquarium, just to start out my new hobby. I have been researching about the nitrogen cycle, and recently have been wondering if filters with cartridges are alright to use. If i change the filter cartridge every month (which must be done for...