Filter Cartridges?


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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The filter that I would like to purchase for my 5 gallon tank has filter cartridges...
When I change the cartridge, Will I have to re-cycle my tank? Suggestions please! Thanks! -Ellen

After visiting My local petsmart, I decided to purchase a 10gal instead, not too surprising.... :lol: The filter has a bio-wheel, so the maximum bacteria stays in the tank. I will be using the fishless cycle with fish food (as an employee recommended).
Although- I'm looking into purchasing some household ammonia, but we'll see.
The setup I was thinking about purchasing has an included filter, but it does not specify which one; Should I just rinse the cartridge In the same water taking from the tank during regular water changes? :/
Here is the link to the aquarium kit if you would like to take a look:

read up on cycling filters for a month before you add fish, then yes, when clogged up, squeeze in old tank water as its been dechlorinated. Chlorine in tap water kills the bacteria on the filter sponges.
Hi the tank I have now came with to slim external cartridge filters, in each filter was 4 cartridges , 2 carbon and 2 zeonites ( something like that), between 2 and 3 cartridges had to be replaced a month so tryed chainging them at different times to stop tank from going in to a mini cycle. Tryed all different ways but, still kept on going into mini cycles, in the end I bought a normal filter with sponges.
The cartridges you have to change once they have been in filter for roughly 4 to 6 weeks, they can then do more harm than good after this period ,
This is just my experience , I agree aswell read up on the fishless cycle , it saves a lot of problems for you and harm to the fish,
good luck
cathy :fun:
Nice looking tank :good:
The cartridges you have to change once they have been in filter for roughly 4 to 6 weeks, they can then do more harm than good after this period ,

Please disregard this information, its not correct in the slightest. Filters provide a home for bacteria, they colonise on the sponges and ceramic media inside. Replacing them simply removes any good bacteria on them forcing your fish to suffer while the new filter sponges cycle again.

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