Cycling With Fish Food?


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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I just took a visit to petsmart to pick up some things to start my new hobby. :good:
When I spoke to an assosciate about cycling a tank (She was very educated in biology, and had a life revolving around fish-keeping), I was told you could cycle a tank with fish flakes as your ammonia source? Seems peculiar. I don't see how Fish flakes can be used for a substitute for ammonia. Certainly fish flakes do not contain ammonia, considering fish eat the stuff. Will this work? :/

iv cycled tanks with flake food. seemed to work out okay with me... just take readings and if you see your nitrates/nitrites rise and fall its working
What the person was saying is that as the fish foods breaks down and decays, that produces ammonia. Problem is, you can really tell how much ammonia is being given off. I would just buy a bottle of household ammonia to cycle and save the food until you have fish.
What the person was saying is that as the fish foods breaks down and decays, that produces ammonia. Problem is, you can really tell how much ammonia is being given off. I would just buy a bottle of household ammonia to cycle and save the food until you have fish.

Thanks for the tip. :good: I'll Look into it.

Also, I was wondering- Should I use hard, well water for my tank after I condition it? Or should I use soft water from the tap, then condition it, and use that?
that depends on your fish/ plants if you have fish which come from harder water they'd prefer it in the tank. have a look into what type of fish you have /want
i don't think it matters to much. if your trying live plants and they dont grow then you could try useing the other type of water?
that depends on your fish/ plants if you have fish which come from harder water they'd prefer it in the tank. have a look into what type of fish you have /want
i don't think it matters to much. if your trying live plants and they dont grow then you could try useing the other type of water?

Ok! Thanks! I did purchase Live Plants, So I'll Look into what water type they came from. :good:
Fish food breaks down into ammonia.. I thought you would've known that. o_o
No need to poke sticks.

In the decomposition process, ammonia is one of many chemicals given off. Fish food can be used as can a shrimp (prawn for you guys/gals across the pond) or almost any other organic material. The drawback is regulating the amount of ammonia given off. Household ammonia without surfactants (soaps) or dyes or perfumes with a concentration of 9.5 to 10% is the best stuff to use.

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