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  1. CletePurcel

    Good Small Floating Plants?

  2. CletePurcel

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    Re: planetdtanks Just to confirm I received my order from Planted Tanks yesterday as they advised. The order was well packaged and the plants looked healthy and of good size. I am pleased with the plants and will certainly use their service again. Their forum is also worth a look.
  3. CletePurcel

    Filter For 200 Litre

    Thanks for all your replies. So it looks like the recommendation is for external. Can I ask whether this simply for aesthetic and/or maintenance reasons as you all point out, or is there some other reason why an internal is not good enough? I am just curious to know as the U series Fluvals do...
  4. CletePurcel

    Filter For 200 Litre

    Thank you ZZ. Do the 305/405s make any noise? Sorry for the dumb question, but I have no experience of external filters.
  5. CletePurcel

    Filter For 200 Litre

    I am about to buy my second tank. A 200 litre Aquael which comes with an internal filter. I have read here and there that internals are not that great for a tank this size. Is this true? I was thinking of maybe replacing the filter that it comes with it for a Fluval U3 or U4 (if the supplied...
  6. CletePurcel

    Lfs - Birmingham

    If you can get to Stratford there is Sweet Knowle Aquatics. Often voted one of the best stores in the West Mids.
  7. CletePurcel

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    Sorry, but I did not receive the email about the original delay. If I had I would not have had to query the order. I agree you were quick to respond to my enquiry and I have no complaints. I will register with your forum to keep up to date and I am sure I will be ordering from you again...
  8. CletePurcel

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    I just received this response from plantedtanks: "We are now waiting confirmation that your plants have cleared customs today. They should be with you wednesday following our own inspection and processing." So if they arrive on Wednesday that will be a week overdue.
  9. CletePurcel

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    It is frustrating. I'll let you know when (if) I get a response.
  10. CletePurcel

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    I ordered some plants from this site the week before last, but there is no sign of them. They were supposed to arrive last week if all went according to plan. To be fair they say that things sometimes get held up by customs and so on as they order the plants from overseas when they get your...
  11. CletePurcel

    Im Eyeing Up A Macro Lens

    Check out the Tamron 90mm macro.
  12. CletePurcel

    Aquael-Classic-100 200 Litre Tropical Kit

    I am looking into getting a second aquarium and came across the Aquael range. They seem like real bargains. Particularly the 200 litre kit at only £149 including lighting, filter and heater...
  13. CletePurcel

    Platy Id?

    Thanks for your really detailed reply. Very helpful.
  14. CletePurcel

    Is It Bad To Leave Fry To Fend For Themselves?

    With some livebearers isn't it a bad idea to just keep males? Platies, for example. I have male Platies that just fight if there are not enough females around.
  15. CletePurcel


    I did a 20% water change last night. This morning the patches on the two affected fish look slightly worse, maybe a millimeter bigger (but the fish still behave normally - swimming and eating OK). I'll do another water change this evening.
  16. CletePurcel


    OK. Thanks. That's what I'll do then. Cheers.
  17. CletePurcel


    Now one of the other Platys I bought last weekend has the same thing on its dorsal fin. I think it is actually the onset of fin rot??? I have some Interpet #8 anti fungus and fin rot. I am thinking of using that. Anyone any ideas?
  18. CletePurcel


    I recently bought 3 Platies for my new tank last Saturday. They were all fine, but a couple of days ago I noticed a white spot on the tail of one of them. At first I thought I might have the dreaded Ich, but now I don't think so. Could it be a fungal infection or just a wound from some...
  19. CletePurcel

    Do I Need To Go Shopping?

    Thanks, Rorie. That is all really useful information. I think I am going to get one of these. Cheers.
  20. CletePurcel

    Do I Need To Go Shopping?

    A bit off-topic but what do you think of the Glo system? I am thinking of getting it myself, but it seems quite cheap compared to other systems. Is it sturdy etc.?
  21. CletePurcel

    Platy Id?

    Thanks. I have seen this kind of Platy in online pictures called white calico or red tailed white calico. Being new to keeping tropical fish I have no idea how this type of thing works. It all seems rather confusing and perhaps unscientific.
  22. CletePurcel

    Hagen Glo Light Hood System

    Thanks, Andy. I think in the absence of any negative comments I am going to go with the Hagen next week.
  23. CletePurcel

    Hagen Glo Light Hood System

    Anyone ...
  24. CletePurcel

    Platy Id?

    I think now that it is a white calico...
  25. CletePurcel

    Platy Id?

    Does anyone know the name for this variety? The one on the left is a Mickey Mouse, but what about the one on the right?
  26. CletePurcel

    Hagen Glo Light Hood System

    I am thinking of getting the 2x24W Hagen Glo light fixture for my 100 litre tank. It currently has a T8 18 W bulb and I think I would like a bit more illumination for plants. Anyone think these are any good? It looks...
  27. CletePurcel

    Food Options Other Than Flake - How Often?

    Thanks for your replies. I am asking because the guy at the LFS said that the flake they sell is highly nutritious and the fish don't really need anything else. I guess this is true to an extent. I also read that fish can get enhanced colours from feeding a variety of foods. It looks like I...
  28. CletePurcel

    Food Options Other Than Flake - How Often?

    I am feeding my barbs and platies mainly flake. I also have some freeze dried daphnia. How often do you rotate different foods than the basic flake? At the moment I usually do it once every 3 days. (I feed them twice a day.) Is it critical? Cheers.
  29. CletePurcel

    Agressive Male Platy

    Thanks, All. I just heard from the shop that they don't have any female MM platies in at the moment so I am going to have to go for option 3 I think...
  30. CletePurcel

    Some Photos Of My Fish

    Great photos. I used to have a Leica M6. The M8 is a serious piece of kit.
  31. CletePurcel

    Agressive Male Platy

    I recently set up a tank and put Cherry Barbs in there (there are now 6 of these). last week I went to a LFS and bought 3 Mickey Mouse Platies. Knowing that the ratio is usually more females to males I asked for 2 females and 1 male. I introduced these to the tank last weekend and all seemed...
  32. CletePurcel

    Which Fish Next?

    Thanks. A lot of the books I have looked at say that many of these dwarf cichlids are good 'peaceful' community fish. Perhaps experience dictates otherwise
  33. CletePurcel

    Which Fish Next?

    I am thinking of dwarf cichlids (3-4") like the cockatoo dwarf. Oh :blush: Would a dwarf cichlid eat the cherry barbs as well?
  34. CletePurcel

    Weighting Plants?

    You're probably right, but they would perhaps make more money if they instilled trust in their customers. I am now unsure about whether to buy anything from them (at least plant wise). Although the other advice they gave me seems to be good as far as I can tell.
  35. CletePurcel

    Which Fish Next?

    Yes. I am going to wait on the neons as I said in my first post, but I am looking for something a bit bigger to round off the overall look. Perhaps a pair of 4" fish for instance. Cichlids look like a good bet and those suggested by Kitty Kat are very nice, but I am concerned that my water is...
  36. CletePurcel

    Weighting Plants?

    I have now done the same. They started rotting after a few days. I don't see what shops have to gain in the long run by selling these as aquatics.
  37. CletePurcel

    Thanks for your recent help on the forum. I also do fine art printing. Check out my sites if you...

    Thanks for your recent help on the forum. I also do fine art printing. Check out my sites if you are interested:
  38. CletePurcel

    Fish That Can Stand High Temperatures?

    Mine is south facing as well. It was actually impossible to go in there in hot weather before we got the blinds even with the windows open. Now it is much better.
  39. CletePurcel

    Weighting Plants?

    Thanks again KK. I think the Pennywort is actually supposed to be a floating plant.
  40. CletePurcel

    Weighting Plants?

    Having searched again I think no. 3 is Silver Foxtail (Mayaca Fluviatilis) number 4 is a Pennywort (Hydrocotyle Leucocephala)