Food Options Other Than Flake - How Often?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Kenilworth, UK
I am feeding my barbs and platies mainly flake. I also have some freeze dried daphnia.

How often do you rotate different foods than the basic flake? At the moment I usually do it once every 3 days. (I feed them twice a day.)

Is it critical?

I am feeding my barbs and platies mainly flake. I also have some freeze dried daphnia.

How often do you rotate different foods than the basic flake? At the moment I usually do it once every 3 days. (I feed them twice a day.)

Is it critical?

I feed my barbs once a day, flake and granules one day. The following day bloodworm, daphina, spirulina and some std flake all mixed in. At the weekends i give them de-shelled garden peas chopped up(they love it) or brine shrimp.
Imo they benefit from a good varied diet as long as you avoid over feeding.

Try to think in terms of what you eat, I doubt you eat the same meal every night, week in, week out. Your fish are the same.

Although plenty of tropical fish can survice on flake alone, variety is good for them and greatly increases the chances of them getting all the nutrients that they need.

I feed my tank 5 different frozen foods, frozen 'greens', shelled and mashed peas, standard, colour and vegetable flakes, bloodworm pellets and algae wafers.

Each of these is given about twice a week. I've set up a little weekly feed calendar to remind me when to feed what.
Thanks for your replies.

I am asking because the guy at the LFS said that the flake they sell is highly nutritious and the fish don't really need anything else. I guess this is true to an extent.

I also read that fish can get enhanced colours from feeding a variety of foods. It looks like I should stock a wider variety. I have also fed them shelled peas and they really do like them.
If you're interested in breeding fish then you really need to be feeding a variety. Often fish are alot less likely to spawn if their only nutritional source are flakes.

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