Search results

  1. CletePurcel

    Growing New Java Ferns?

    OK. I'll see if they get over an inch long then try to plant them. Thanks a lot.
  2. CletePurcel

    Growing New Java Ferns?

    Thanks for your reply. How big is big enough? At the moment they are about 1/2 to 1cm long. And I presume should they be attached to rock or wood like adult plants?
  3. CletePurcel

    Thinking Of Improving My Wpg

    I recently upgraded my lighting using the Hagen Glo kit (I got one off ebay). It wasn't that difficult, but I did need some tools. Pictures are here: It made a big difference to the way the fish looked and more than doubled my wpg.
  4. CletePurcel

    Growing New Java Ferns?

    My Java Ferns are beginning to sprout tiny plantlets on the ends of the leaves. Is it easy to propagate new plants from these? If so what is the best way? Cheers.
  5. CletePurcel

    Local Water Supply

    You are probably with Scottish Water if you are in Aberdeen.
  6. CletePurcel

    Local Water Supply

    It will be on your water bill.
  7. CletePurcel

    Local Water Supply

    My water company posts the reports online (you type in your postcode and it tells you the general water stats in your area). That's Severn Trent (I am near Coventry so might be the same as your water company?)
  8. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    Thanks, Josh. :good:
  9. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    I've set it up now and put some old filter media in to start it cycling: Everything seems to work fine.
  10. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    I rang Seapets and they said I probably needed the base mat as I didn't have an official stand. So I got one when I went to the LFS to get the gravel. I have posted some pictures and my initial impressions of the kit here...
  11. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    The tank arrived this morning. I was contacted by Seapets and the courier and everything went smoothly. The delivery guy helped me carry it into the house and waited while I checked it. However, the tank does need an underlay. It states in the instructions and it does not have a floating base...
  12. CletePurcel

    Flourish Excel

    I think it is vallisneria that supposedly don't do well with excel. I am using easycarbo (similar) and my valls are not doing great, but my crypts are doing OK (which may or may not be due to the easycarbo )
  13. CletePurcel

    Can I Keep A Male Dwarf Gourami With A Female?

    My LFS only sells these in male/female pairs so they are supposed to get on with each other. Having said that my male (in a 100 litre tank) gets very aggressive with the female when he has built a nest. Up to now he has built several nests (I've only had them a few weeks). So the majority of...
  14. CletePurcel

    Suggested Fish For My Aquarium

    Your water is very hard, but as others have said some fish can adapt to it or tolerate it. On the other hand if you can get free RO water and don't might frequent trips to the LFS then that might suit you. My water is moderately hard and I haven't encountered any problems yet although I did...
  15. CletePurcel

    Accuracy Of Api Test Tubes

    Are you filling so the water at the side of the tube hits the marked line or the bottom of the meniscus (curved water surface) in the centre of the tube hits the marked line? I vaguely remember from chemistry in college that you are supposed to look through the centre of the tube and when the...
  16. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    Thanks. I think the photo on the web is cut off at the bottom and it may have a floating base (if you look at the equivalent bow front model it certainly looks different). I'll let you know when it arrives if there are instructions for this. If it works out it will certainly be a bargain at...
  17. CletePurcel

    Fighting Platties!

    You generally need more females to males so more females might help. But you are probably near the limit of your tank's capacity so you can't add too many.
  18. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    It is an Aquael Classic 100 (200 litre) rectangular kit: http://www.seapets.c...le-kit-100.html
  19. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    Thanks. I will check the manual when it arrives. Hopefully it will say.
  20. CletePurcel

    How Much Pea Gravel?

    I just found a gravel calculator for different types of substrate: Says I need about 18kg of pea gravel per inch of height.
  21. CletePurcel

    Tank Underlay

    Another question. I ordered a new 200 litre tank and was wondering whether I need underlay or styrofoam under the tank. It is going on a large table. I seem to remember reading that if the tank has a border around the bottom it doesn't need underlay whereas if it is just all glass then it...
  22. CletePurcel

    How Much Pea Gravel?

    I have ordered a new 200 litre tank and want to put pea gravel in it (5mm). How much should I get? This will be on top of Tetraplant substrate. Any ideas? Cheers.
  23. CletePurcel

    Recommend A Common Household Product..

    Yes indeed. I got some a couple of weeks ago. Probably enough to last about 20 years for under a fiver :rolleyes:
  24. CletePurcel

    Recommend A Common Household Product..

    You can get permanganate off ebay really cheap.
  25. CletePurcel

    Online Fish Delivery

    You could also try Sweet Knowle Aquatics based in Stratford. I don't buy fish from them online, but they are a pretty good store and have an online courier service.
  26. CletePurcel

    Suggested Fish For My Aquarium

    My pH is 7.8 (it is 7.4 out of the tap). You can usually get the parameters of your tap water from the website of your water company. Might be worth a look.
  27. CletePurcel

    Which Substrate?

    I am having the same problem. There are so many to choose from. At the moment I am thinking of Tetraplant Complete and API 1st Layer Pure Laterite. I have read that they last up to 3 years, and at that point the plants would probably be able to manage fine, but I am no expert. I don't know much...
  28. CletePurcel

    Bubblenest - Ok To Break Up?

    Thanks. I'll have a look for some hornwort. The LFS didn't have any this afternoon, though, lots of cabomba. Would that do?
  29. CletePurcel

    Bubblenest - Ok To Break Up?

    Thanks. That is really useful. :good: I didn't think there were any eggs either, but having never seen this before I really didn't know.
  30. CletePurcel

    Bubblenest - Ok To Break Up?

    My male dwarf gourami has built a nest at the back of the tank in some floating pennywort. This was fine until yesterday when he uprooted several other plants (foxtails) to build a huge canopy across the top of the aquarium. The other fish are now struggling to get to the surface of the...
  31. CletePurcel

    Help For My Sons Fishtank Please

    You should read the sticky link on fishless and fish-in cycling. Just running a tank a few days before putting fish in is not enough. Your tank probably isn't cycled and that is what is killing the fish. Look here:
  32. CletePurcel

    Cherry Barbs

    I have 2 males and 4 females. They are hyperactive. They don't really shoal. The males can get really bright crimson when they are in breeding mode and look spectacular. They don't nip or interfere with the other fish. I really like them. They were my also first tropical fish. :rolleyes:
  33. CletePurcel

    Aggressive Dwarf Gouramis

    My store is very good . I was just pointing out that I couldn't have bought 2 females to 1 male which is what many people suggest. My LFS stipulated that 1 male to 1 female is generally best, but it seems open to debate. My store will also take fish back if they don't get on.
  34. CletePurcel

    Aggressive Dwarf Gouramis

    For what it's worth I have a male and a female dwarf gourami. The male occasionally gets aggressive with the female, but then calms down for a while. She generally stays on the other side of the tank to him and he gets very territorial around the floating plants in the aquarium which are on one...
  35. CletePurcel

    Filter Failure

    Thanks for your replies. I might get a backup filter just in case. The problem this time was that I did the water change in the evening and even our pets at home closes at 8pm so it was too late to go out and get another filter. Maybe I should only change the water when the shops are...
  36. CletePurcel

    Filter Failure

    Last night I did a water change in my aquarium. When I came to plug the filter back in it didn't start up (Fluval U2). Is this common? What do people do in these situations? Is it necessary to have a backup? I changed the fuse and that didn't work. Then I took the whole thing apart and cleaned...
  37. CletePurcel

    Aquarium Plant Weights

    According to the aquastones website the lead does poison the water, but other people think it is pretty harmless. I don't know the answer myself.I got the aquastones for aesthetic reasons rather than worrying about lead.
  38. CletePurcel

    Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Lalia)

    Thanks, Josh. The female is beginning to hide today as the male is getting a bit more aggressive. I hope she will be OK. The shop said they will exchange so if it doesn't work out I will try another male. Unfortunately I can't just buy another female.:unsure:
  39. CletePurcel

    Aquarium Plant Weights

    Have a look at aquastones (available on ebay). I just got some and they are OK for certain types of plants.
  40. CletePurcel

    Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Lalia)

    I bought a pair of Dwarf Gourami at the weekend. The shop I go to only sells pairs, but they are quarantined for 2 weeks before sale. Pics are here: They look great, but the male does chase the female around a...