Flourish Excel


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2008
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louth lincs
right im trying to grow a few easy plants in my tank but the are not realy growing at the rate id expect, ive got swords and crypts, i dont want to go down the Co2 road so was wondering would flourish excel do any good ? im really new to this and need some advice and keep it a cheap as possible

at the mo im using api root tabs and the tank has 2 x 20w t8 bulbs

thanks in advance for any advice
I'm sure ive read crypts really arnt to partial to excel (i may be wrong), as to dosing in general, it certainly isn't going to hurt... the plants uptake for ferts will rise so as long as you get the balance right i would imagine you would get a little extra speed in regards to growth.. however i wouldn't expect miracle growth tbh.... in all honesty if the tank is healthy and flourishing.. albeit slow, i would be more inclined to leave as it is and just wait.
right im trying to grow a few easy plants in my tank but the are not realy growing at the rate id expect, ive got swords and crypts, i dont want to go down the Co2 road so was wondering would flourish excel do any good ? im really new to this and need some advice and keep it a cheap as possible

at the mo im using api root tabs and the tank has 2 x 20w t8 bulbs

thanks in advance for any advice

forgot to add the tank is a fluval duo deep 125L
right im trying to grow a few easy plants in my tank but the are not realy growing at the rate id expect, ive got swords and crypts, i dont want to go down the Co2 road so was wondering would flourish excel do any good ? im really new to this and need some advice and keep it a cheap as possible

at the mo im using api root tabs and the tank has 2 x 20w t8 bulbs

thanks in advance for any advice

I think it is vallisneria that supposedly don't do well with excel.

I am using easycarbo (similar) and my valls are not doing great, but my crypts are doing OK (which may or may not be due to the easycarbo
In my (limited) experience and reading/studying (less limited) the -rate- of growth in most low-light technique situations (you are squarely in low-light since you are between 1 and 2 watts) is virtually always fairly limited and it's because of the lack of CO2 mainly (meaning if you switched to real CO2 and higher light to go with it you would see a dramatic difference.)

It is not the liquid carbon or the ferts, doing those right will just help your plants to not die or become diseased to begin with and can achieve high quality with the plants. But I don't think it will typically make a big difference in growth rate.

Just my 2 cents and I may be wrong...

To add to this thread. I've been dosing flourish excel for a few days now but would rather not dose the whole tank (fish get stressed). I was wondering, If I remove all the plants and place them in a bucket. How much flourish excel would you suggest to place in with them to hopefully remove most bba before putting them back in the tank?

I would prefer to do that so I don't stress the fish and it allows me to clean the substrate a bit more and reposition the plants.
I use Flourish and sometimes Flourish excel, I shall post a picture soon to show my plants.

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