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  1. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    Please let us know which setup you get and how it works out. Cheers.
  2. CletePurcel

    Eheim 2073 Spray Bar

    Thanks, Barry. That helps a lot.
  3. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    OK. Thanks a lot :good:
  4. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    Can I just ask whether the amount of solution is critical (it says to use 5ml)? And what happens to it after 3 weeks in the drop checker? I am concerned that if stuff dissolves into the solution in the bottle then surely the bottled solution will deteriorate over time as well.
  5. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    That's what is in it. I didn't know there was any other way of doing it. I got it here:
  6. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    I put it in yesterday. The instructions say to change the solution every 3 weeks.
  7. CletePurcel

    Eheim 2073 Spray Bar

    Thanks OM. This is my first cannister filter so I just wanted to make sure. I thought most people put the spraybar underwater. The instructions state: 'Assure the the [sic] nozzlepipe (25) [spray bar] is suspended above the water surface'. There seems to be no mechanical or physical reason why...
  8. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    Thanks for those links. This 30ppm is what I thought from reading several forums. My drop checker is actually working but I have to hold a white plastic card behind it to read it. It is green, but looks colourless in the tank. So I believe my yeast system is definitely working.
  9. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    From what people on here are saying about MA that won't help either :lol: I'm going to Sweet Knowle aquatics next week and will ask them. They seem to know about these things.
  10. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    That's what I thought. My original idea was to get this 602 kit and then convert it to a fire extinguisher and use the 500g tank as a reserve. In think the connectors are standard for fire extinguishers. I have also heard that the pH controller isn't really worth the hassle. I thought the...
  11. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    I'm not sure about this myself. Some people say that if your 'normal' pH drops by 1 then you have about 30ppm CO2 dissolved in the water. Some say it depends on the KH. If I leave my water out of the tank for 24 hours it goes back up to 8 from 6.8 so I am assuming that I have plenty of CO2...
  12. CletePurcel

    Eheim 2073 Spray Bar

    I just got the Eheim 2073 and finally set it up (the instructions are appalling). And the green tubes that come with it seem to me to be a royal pain. I have the spray bar slightly above the water line. It states in the manual that this is how it should be placed, so it makes a lot of noise on...
  13. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    What do you mean 'drop off really quickly'? pH is supposed to drop with added CO2. My pH goes down from 8 to 6.8 with the yeast system.
  14. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    I thought it did include the night switch off: From Swell: Contents: 1 x Gas bottle with 500 g CO2.1 x Stand for gas bottle.1 x Precision pressure reducer.1 x CO2 vario diffusion system (aquarium height min. 30 cm).1 x Safety valve.1 x Connecting hose 4/6 mm.1 x Magnetic Valve for night...
  15. CletePurcel

    New To Co2

    I am interested in this question as well. I have been looking at the JBL m602 which at the moment is my first choice. I also have a 200 litre. I just set up a yeast based system in my 100 litre.
  16. CletePurcel

    Hard To Tell Amonia Between 0 And 0.25

    Does anyone know if there is an ammonia test that just stays completely colourless at 0ppm? Then it would be easy to tell if there was a hint of ammonia.
  17. CletePurcel


    I had exactly the same problem. Finally solved it by going into my account and filling in the 'where did you hear about us box'. Took me ages to get my order through.:shout: Let's hope the plants look good.
  18. CletePurcel

    How To Take Close Up Pics Of Fish

    If you have a DSLR then I would get a macro lens. I use the Tamron 90mm on a Sony DSLR. Some examples are here: These are just hand held, no flash and high ISO (often manual focus).
  19. CletePurcel

    Non Livebearers That Will Go With Platy

    I think if the tank is cycled then I would go for 1 male and 3 females and see how they get on. Then maybe add another male and female barb later. However, a 60 litre tank should hold about 15 inches of fish if you go by the 1" per gallon rule of thumb (assuming an average of 2" per fish for...
  20. CletePurcel

    Non Livebearers That Will Go With Platy

    I guess it depends on whether your tank is cycled and how big it is. If not it might not take the extra fish load. How big is the tank? Cherry barbs are very active and need a fair amount of space to swim around even though they are small.
  21. CletePurcel

    Non Livebearers That Will Go With Platy

    It is usually better to get 2 females for each male. So I have 2 males and 4 females.
  22. CletePurcel

    Non Livebearers That Will Go With Platy

    I have cherry barbs and my pH is 7.8. Never had a problem.
  23. CletePurcel

    Non Livebearers That Will Go With Platy

    I have cherry barbs with mine - they more or less ignore each other completely.
  24. CletePurcel

    Aquael Internal Aquarium Filters

    Good luck with it. The flow on mine is good, but the noise is now too much. My U2 is quiet as a mouse. :hyper:
  25. CletePurcel

    Aquael Internal Aquarium Filters

    I got the presumably cheaper Aquael Fan 3 Plus internal filter with a tank kit (700 litres/hour). It was quiet when I started using it a few days ago, but now it is quite noisy (basically humming). It is also quite primitive (only has one big sponge and the venturi air supply is basically...
  26. CletePurcel

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

    Are any of the nitrate tests any good?
  27. CletePurcel

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

    I have more fish now than when I started. So I think that the combination of NO3 from the fish/food and the tap water pushes it up and there is no need to dose extra NO3. The NO3 from the tap is 30-40ppm (the water company says 25). Although it is hard to read the test. The 80ppm+ might not be...
  28. CletePurcel

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

  29. CletePurcel

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

    I understand that. I am trying to get a feel for how the system works so I am still testing. It just seems to me that nitrates at 80ppm+ seems a tad high.
  30. CletePurcel

    Aggressive Male Platy To Female Platy

    I had 2 males and a female platy and the bigger male relentlessly chased the smaller one. It was only by adding 3 more females that he calmed down.
  31. CletePurcel

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

    I have been dosing with EI using the basic macro and micro solutions from James' Planted Tanks page. The macro solution (Potassium Nitrate and Potassium Phosphate) I add 6ml every other day except Saturday which I believe works out at 3ppm per day or 18ppm per week (I have about 80 litres of...
  32. CletePurcel

    Cherry Barbs

    Yes you are right. They are reasonably big (bigger than neons/cardinals). I only have them in a 100 litre tank reasonably well planted and no predators/big fish. They do shoal sometimes (especially at feeding time and especially the females). The males seem to do most of the chasing. They are...
  33. CletePurcel

    How Do You Do Your Water Changes?

    I have one of those electric (plug in, not battery) vacuum gravel pumps. I sometimes use this to refill the tank from a 20 litre bucket. So I can be doing other things while it is filling like pruning plants and cleaning the glass. It is slow, but better than doing it by hand from a jug if you...
  34. CletePurcel

    Cherry Barbs

    Same here. The males have fantastic colouring, but they don't shoal very much. They like chasing each other around though.
  35. CletePurcel

    Filter Options Eheim 2071 Versus 2073

    It is £103 from arkpets (I have seen it similar elsewhere as well)
  36. CletePurcel

    Filter Options Eheim 2071 Versus 2073

    There are so many to choose from :crazy: The 2217 is nearly the same price as the 2071 and has a similar flow rate. What is the advantage?
  37. CletePurcel

    Filter Options Eheim 2071 Versus 2073

    Thanks KK. The filter volume specs for the 2071 are 3.0 ltr + 0.5 (pre-filter) and the 2073 4.5 ltr + 0.5 (pre-filter). The canister capacity is 6.1 and 7.4 litres respectively. So I guess this is a big difference? These also have adjustable flow.
  38. CletePurcel

    Filter Options Eheim 2071 Versus 2073

    I have been dithering a lot about which external filter to get for my new 200 litre tank and decided to go for Eheim as they get so many recommendations. I have seen the Eheim pro 3 2071 for just over £100 including media and postage which seems like a bargain. The specs state that it should run...
  39. CletePurcel

    Just Ordered My Plants Happy And Slightly Annoyed Too

    I think they mean that when they get the plants ready they ship them and you get them the next day. With 1st class recorded there is no guarantee of anything and you could be waiting several days with the plants dying in the post. Maybe they should make this more prominent when you order. I...
  40. CletePurcel

    Growing New Java Ferns?

    I use rubber bands in my tank. Don't think there is a problem with it.