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  1. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  2. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  3. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  4. NannaLou

    Tin Tin

    I think this is what you need.…
  5. NannaLou

    Tin Tin

    Is there a reading for Calcium and maybe Magnesium..?
  6. NannaLou

    Project Planning

    I’m newish, and struggle with all the Ph stuff, but I know that those who do know will ask for that information. I buy RO water for my Betta as I didn’t know anything about water hardness when I decided to get him (I had researched loads of other information though…) I love the planning stage...
  7. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  8. NannaLou

    how to selectively breed guppies

    From what I’ve read on here they are very efficient at breeding without any human intervention 😂
  9. NannaLou

    Project Planning

    I think the first question is whether your water matches the needs of the fish you are thinking about..?
  10. NannaLou

    Why are people terrified of sharks and piranhas?

    I don’t think I’d ever consider them ‘cuddly pets’, but I’m never going to find myself in the close vicinity of either sharks or piranha so don’t need to have a huge amount of fear for them….now cows…. Ive read more people are killed by cows each year than sharks…
  11. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  12. NannaLou

    Guppies how do I care for them Here’s the sticky about cycling 🙂
  13. NannaLou

    Ruby tiger barb

    A lot of the fish in fish shops have very bland colours because the fish are a bit stressed and in bare tanks…once they get “home” and relax and have plants and hiding places they do tend to colour up 🙂
  14. NannaLou

    New member, new tank.

    Hello and welcome 🙂 I think one of the first things you’ll be asked by those that ‘know’ is what your water parameters are, including hardness. Then they will know if the fish you have are suitable for the water they are in and what sort of fish to look at adding in the future...
  15. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  16. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  17. NannaLou

    Storm Eunice is smashing things....

    I certainly wasn’t in one of the worst places, but it was pretty scary for a few hours, the death toll is up to four now, and the forecast is for a stormy weekend- anything that has already been “shaken” won’t take much more to topple 😢
  18. NannaLou

    Storm Eunice is smashing things....

    3 in the UK..😢
  19. NannaLou

    Sometimes this forum is lonely...

    That’s 500k in USD. Just googled and that is almost 367k in GBP…
  20. NannaLou

    Word Association Game

  21. NannaLou

    Sometimes this forum is lonely...

    I think that in most of the situations I’ve observed the girls are equally responsiblet for letting the boys treat them as they do…
  22. NannaLou

    Sometimes this forum is lonely...

    I find this post really sad xx I live alone and I‘ve worked at home for the last 2 years. I have family, and I’m a school governor, I’m the treasurer for a local charity, I read, listen to music and craft. I see my daughters friends moving from one unsuitable boyfriend to another, as they will...
  23. NannaLou

    Looking for feedback and thoughts

    Another case of highly infectious MTS…😂
  24. NannaLou

    Looking for feedback and thoughts

    I’m not sure background plants fit with this style of ‘scaping..? I think it needs more time for the plants to grow/establish, but I have no idea on time scales…they will look amazing when they are finished though…
  25. NannaLou

    Anubias Barteri Var Nana

    There were a couple of us…not exactly certain which anubias Ive got…
  26. 3FF103AA-C014-4E0C-9D38-B091F7181155.jpeg


  27. NannaLou

    Newbie with planted aquarium - should I change my substrate?

    Amazon swords benefit from fertiliser tablets being buried under their roots. A general dose of liquid fertiliser once a week will help the others. CO2 shouldn’t be necessary for “easy” plants, I don’t have that in my tanks. The anubias must not have the rhizome buried or it will rot and the...
  28. NannaLou

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    Oh yes! I‘m really not that old - but things are so different, I have a 6 year old granddaughter that has taught me to FaceTime so she can chat with me (my daughter has very tight parental controls she only has access to about 3 family members phone numbers). And these days everyone seems to...
  29. NannaLou

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    On that note though, many are unaware…Atomic Kitten released The Tide is High in 2002 and the children next door thought I was “cool” as I’d learnt all the words so quickly…they wouldn’t believe me that it was an ’old’ song - I knew the version by Kim Wilde from 1980, but the real original was...
  30. NannaLou

    Favorite CLEAN songs Now there’s a list that won’t be beaten… Closely followed in 1982 by Boy George and Culture Club…Do you really want to hurt me …. I can still remember the confusion of seeing him on Topof the...
  31. NannaLou

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    I’m getting slightly concerned about all this talk of ‘older music’…most of it even misses my youth… now music from the 60s… that’s what I was brought up listening to 😂
  32. NannaLou

    Fish Forums Meet and Greet?

    You had to be a certain age, live in a certain place and know the secret code word - or you weren’t allowed to join… Im too old, in the wrong country, and (due to age) can’t remember secret code words 😂😂😂
  33. NannaLou

    First water change with fish 😰

    Yes, this advice was given to me by @AbbeysDad. I no have a 50 ltr kitchen bin that put by the tank and I fill it with temp matched water from a smaller bucket and I have a small submersible pump. Pouring water through a colander also helps to reduce the turbulence.
  34. NannaLou

    NEED help fish tank cloudy for the last 2 weeks

    Hello, I’m not sure about the cloudiness, but your nitrites need to be at 0. Also what is your Ammonia reading? Bacterial bloom is often mentioned on here but others with more knowledge and answers will be along soon.
  35. NannaLou

    New betta! names needed.

    I think he needs lots more plants rather than a name right now. He hast really got anywhere to hide…
  36. NannaLou

    This is NOT ok

    Have you ever seen the photos on Pinterest that show, “People of Walmart“..? At the risk of insulting many Americans, some of them look like they are a different species…😳
  37. NannaLou

    Breeding all types of snails.

    I have bladder snails breeding without even wanting them to! 😂
  38. NannaLou

    Hello and a couple of Qs….

    I know, and it fits very well with hallucinate 😂 - they play on words has made me smile just when I really needed it today 🙂
  39. NannaLou

    Help! What is on my fish

    I don’t know about the illness, but with ammonia at 8.0 have you done a huge water change and cleaned the substrate..? This could take multiple, huge water changes to get to zero.
  40. NannaLou

    Hello and a couple of Qs….

    Firstly, I must state how impressed I am with the multiple languages you write in (much to my shame, being English, I only know English). Your last sentence has made me smile and conjured up all sorts of images 🙂. I wonder if you mean illuminating rather than hallucinating..? But...