Favorite CLEAN songs

I’m getting slightly concerned about all this talk of ‘older music’…most of it even misses my youth… now music from the 60s… that’s what I was brought up listening to 😂
The name of that first song sounds real familiar... I can't listen to any now cause this tablet hates videos LOL... It gets all buggy. But I will try hearing them tomorrow sometime.... His videos seem a bit older... What time frame was (or is) he in?
Around 2010, 2011. Doesn't feel that long ago to me, but then I'm old! I could have linked some 80s/90s/early 2000s music! Stuff I listened to in my youth... ;):lol:

I'm guessing that you're in your teenage years then? :)
Around 2010, 2011. Doesn't feel that long ago to me, but then I'm old! I could have linked some 80s/90s/early 2000s music! Stuff I listened to in my youth... ;):lol:

I'm guessing that you're in your teenage years then? :)
Yes, I'm a teen. I like almost all genres of music besides some classical and I hate opera (sorry opera fans, I just don't get it)
Around 2010, 2011. Doesn't feel that long ago to me, but then I'm old! I could have linked some 80s/90s/early 2000s music! Stuff I listened to in my youth... ;):lol:

I'm guessing that you're in your teenage years then? :)
I hate it when an older person talks about a show or musical artist to me and then says: "Oh I'm sure you are way too young to know what that is, it was an old show back in the 70s"... The thing is, I actually know of and like a lot of shows and music from the 60s all the way to now... Its just something that gets on my nerves when they assume. (You didn't do that, don't worry... For some reason it was just a thought)

Now there’s a list that won’t be beaten…

Closely followed in 1982 by Boy George and Culture Club…Do you really want to hurt me …. I can still remember the confusion of seeing him on Topof the Pops for the first time, he was just so beautiful and thinking wow! a man in make up… 😍

Now there’s a list that won’t be beaten…

Closely followed in 1982 by Boy George and Culture Club…Do you really want to hurt me …. I can still remember the confusion of seeing him on Topof the Pops for the first time, he was just so beautiful and thinking wow! a man in make up… 😍
A group I have never heard of... I will check em out tomorrow sometime!
I hate it when an older person talks about a show or musical artist to me and then says: "Oh I'm sure you are way too young to know what that is, it was an old show back in the 70s"...
On that note though, many are unaware…Atomic Kitten released The Tide is High in 2002 and the children next door thought I was “cool” as I’d learnt all the words so quickly…they wouldn’t believe me that it was an ’old’ song - I knew the version by Kim Wilde from 1980, but the real original was from the 1960s 😂
I hate it when an older person talks about a show or musical artist to me and then says: "Oh I'm sure you are way too young to know what that is, it was an old show back in the 70s"... The thing is, I actually know of and like a lot of shows and music from the 60s all the way to now... Its just something that gets on my nerves when they assume. (You didn't do that, don't worry... For some reason it was just a thought)

LOL, I remember that feeling! Try to be patient when you hear things like that. Usually it isn't meant to be condescending or calling you ignorant or anything! No one can, nor should, have seen and listened to every song or TV show from the previous five decades! So the assumption is usually that they're referring to an old obscure thing, and realise that it was long before your time, and not something that you're likely to have been exposed to. Or the opposite happens - like the Gotye song I linked - since it feels pretty recent to me, and I remember it being everywhere, I assumed you'd know it too, not realising just how many years ago it was released and that you were likely too young to be paying any attention to the charts.

I believe @NannaLou and I have a bit of an age gap, but since we're older we might talk about how brilliant The Office or something was, then work out that it's been 17 years since that show began! When you get older, time flies like that, and that doesn't feel to us as though it was that long ago; but an entire generation of kids have grown up since then and are about to hit adulthood!

But of course there will be things you've seen, heard and enjoyed from previous generations. We just don't expect you to know it all, and in exchange, try to be tactful when you say things like;
The name of that first song sounds real familiar... I can't listen to any now cause this tablet hates videos LOL... It gets all buggy. But I will try hearing them tomorrow sometime.... His videos seem a bit older... What time frame was (or is) he in?

Around 2010, 2011. Doesn't feel that long ago to me, but then I'm old! I could have linked some 80s/90s/early 2000s music! Stuff I listened to in my youth... ;):lol:

I'm guessing that you're in your teenage years then? :)

Because (and I think @NannaLou would agree with me here) older people saying "oh you won't know about this thing, it was before your time" is kinda dismissive and patronising; the youth saying things like; "oh wow, that thing is really old!" makes us feel like ancient fossils ;):lol:
My favorite song it is Sung by Mary Black. "Just a Journey" This song perfectly describes life.
Because (and I think @NannaLou would agree with me here) older people saying "oh you won't know about this thing, it was before your time" is kinda dismissive and patronising; the youth saying things like; "oh wow, that thing is really old!" makes us feel like ancient fossils ;):lol:
Oh yes!

I‘m really not that old - but things are so different, I have a 6 year old granddaughter that has taught me to FaceTime so she can chat with me (my daughter has very tight parental controls she only has access to about 3 family members phone numbers).

And these days everyone seems to have access to the internet and can look up “history”…we didn’t so if you didn’t “live it” you wouldn’t have had access. We didn’t even have a landline phone in our house for ages - we went to the phone box by the paper shop.

To think that most people have a mobile phone in their pocket that has more computing power than the computers that were the sizes of whole warehouses still amazes me 🙂. And don’t get me started on computer games…Spectrum ZX and we thought it was the best thing ever…half an hour to load via a cassette tape 😂😂😂 I can’t believe how cross I get now if something isn’t loaded instantly I press the app picture 🤔🤣
I could listen to this song over and over again:

A group I have never heard of... I will check em out tomorrow sometime!
If you started a thread looking for ''clean'' music, I have a feeling that a band with an openly gay, flamboyant, cross dressing lead singer with a history of serious substance abuse is really going to rattle your cage. Just sayin'.....
If you started a thread looking for ''clean'' music, I have a feeling that a band with an openly gay, flamboyant, cross dressing lead singer with a history of serious substance abuse is really going to rattle your cage. Just sayin'.....
Agreed lol, "clean" music tends to just mean heteronormative and straight-laced. Doesn't suit this kind of thread hahaha

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