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  1. NannaLou

    My hubby thinks I'm crazy, is he right?

    I’m with the others, a really good idea and will become a very useful source of information, but as mentioned in post #3 make sure you keep it within sensible parameters for you and don’t let it become a “worry” 🙂
  2. NannaLou

    # of Rams in my 16 gallon?

    Regardless of the other advice about size of the fish for the tank, is it wise to add many more fish of any kind until you know the tank is fully cycled..? Are you testing for ammonia and nitrite every day..? What are you water parameters..?
  3. NannaLou

    My two ugly 29s

    Brilliant idea! That would make it a true “tank” competition 🏆
  4. NannaLou

    Male or Female Dwarf Gouramis?

    And I wonder why I get so confused…o_O
  5. NannaLou

    Male or Female Dwarf Gouramis?

    Taken from The Spruce Pets website. So, apart from the reply from @Colin_T that I would hate to disagree with, using the pictures above I think that #1 might be female..?
  6. 1635926118538.png


  7. NannaLou

    Male or Female Dwarf Gouramis?

    I’m not sure that is an acceptable turn of phrase these days 😂😂😂 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 😂😂😂
  8. NannaLou

    Who needs television when you have people fighting in carparks

    People watching is THE BEST thing ever…I can lose a couple of hours sat in a coffee shop watching people do their thing 😂😂
  9. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    Please don’t go encouraging @Colin_T - he seems to be able to create enough mischief on his own 😂
  10. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    That will be for the next stage of my MTS…😳😂😂
  11. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    Not really, and certainly not enough to reduce the other fish for…now if I could magic up another 200 ltrs….then maybe I might change my mind. I still think the Cories are prettier 😳
  12. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    Mmm…this is where the conflicting advice confuses me so much…some sources saying they need x, y and z and others saying but they’ll be ok if that’s not perfect. I don‘t really want the worry of keeping my natural water parameters to an artificial level. One piece of advice that seems to remain...
  13. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    If only I could find the space to shoehorn something bigger into the lounge…🤔☹️
  14. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    @Colin_T - thank you for your info, I think I had already ruled out the Boesemani as they were the colour match for the discuss which was a very definite no! @Wills - I have looked at each of those suggestions you have made as the alternatives to the Cories, but they don’t meet my good looking...
  15. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    Thank you for your reply, but now you’ve added another ton of fish I’ve never heard of into the mix 😂😂. Those dwarf neons look lovely don’t they..? They certainly aren’t that colour in the ‘sales tank’. Off to Google (pictures) and Seriously Fish (trusted info) to find out what those other...
  16. NannaLou

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    Pinterest has hundreds of ideas if you can find the right search term…
  17. NannaLou

    Too many fish choices and variables causing confusion…

    I’m still planning for my new tank (not yet bought but I want to know what’s going to go in it so I know I’ve got everything covered). I’ve had the Pygmy Cory conversation (thank you for the advice on that one) and will be looking at having 6 Bronze Cories and keep my fingers crossed they don’t...
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  19. NannaLou

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    You could fill the “gaps” with some kind of wood/plaster board and paint it to match the walls…make “doors” to hide all you equipment in (keep everything tidy and out of sight)…you could make fabric “fillers” using net curtain wires and some fabric with hems on both edges… Lots of ways to make...
  20. NannaLou your thoughts here...

    I’m not medically trained/qualified so I think your dad might be right with some muscle injuries…if you’d done something to hurt your back maybe…? But, unless you’re planning on doing some heavy weight lifting, I would think the chances of making your arm worse would be slim. And having a more...
  21. NannaLou your thoughts here...

    Is there a medical reason you, “don’t do pain killers”..? Taking pain killers to ease the symptoms of pain can make you feel less tense and agitated so your body can repair/heal itself faster.
  22. NannaLou your thoughts here...

    That’s my understanding too, the vaccine lessens the symptoms and the probability of the virus killing you.
  23. NannaLou

    my new betta! ~name suggestions please~

    “Disco” he definitely sparkles like a disco ball 😀
  24. NannaLou

    Random Discussion

    Stick with them, not getting braces almost 40 years ago is still one of my only regrets in life…I’ll make sure my next set of teeth (the plastic ones you take out at night) are straight 😂😂😂
  25. NannaLou

    Pygmy Corydoras…?

    All boys..?
  26. NannaLou

    Pygmy Corydoras…?

    The tank dimensions on the internet are 80 x 35 x 50 cms. I think the height of 50cms must include the hood/lid otherwise the capacity is well out of balance I’m thinking the tank alone will be more like 80 x 35 x 45. I will need to reduce the capacity to take into account substrate etc. But at...
  27. NannaLou

    22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

    @Dmaseda, @FishNturt808, @Animallover😍 and @Austin Burgess - I’m not sure if you are aware that this OP was very young (certainly not old enough to to legally be on a forum) and had several incident s of fish dying etc. We have all spent a lot of time and patience trying to get them to cycle a...
  28. NannaLou

    Pygmy Corydoras…?

    I do a 50/50 mix for my Betta, Blue and that’s manageable for his 28 litres. I’m not sure I’d manage for a much bigger tank. I’m on a water meter so unsure how expensive it would work out to make my own RO water, and I think it will be too much to carry to my first floor flat 🤔☹️.
  29. NannaLou

    Pygmy Corydoras…?

    I know that I’m going to be getting another tank (a Christmas present 😀). So that means I’ve got lots of time to plan and scheme… I have hard water 16dH, and high PH? (I haven’t quite got my head round this yet) my PH is 7.1 and High PH 7.4+ ( I live just south of the South Downs near...
  30. NannaLou

    Tetra behavior -stress or illness

    It says until Monday I had….and then since Monday…and a longer list…if the new fish are ill and they are all in one tank the chances are they will all have been in contact with the same bugs…
  31. NannaLou

    Tetra behavior -stress or illness

    Did you quarantine them before putting them in the main tank..?
  32. NannaLou


    I’ve just looked for ‘Guppies’ on EBay - oh my goodness!! They are stunning!! I never knew that the guppie in my lfs was one of such a diverse range…
  33. NannaLou

    Platy fish laying on the bottom of tank

    I think platies prefer harder water and the change to the RO water is probably causing him some stress. Are you re-mineralising the RO water? If not I think that might effect the shells on the shrimp too. Someone with more concrete knowledge will give mores details.
  34. NannaLou

    My glo shark has a big belly

    Well, you need a mummy fish and a daddy fish to start with… and then the daddy fish say, “I’ll do the dishes darling you go and have a nice bubble bath…” and after that….😂😂😂
  35. NannaLou


    I’m sorry that some of you are struggling with these conditions. There is a “spectrum” (The Autistic Spectrum) that has Aspergers at one end/side and Autism on the other. I’m not sure calling Aspergers a “less severe form of Autism“ is very fair. The effects of either can be very difficult for...
  36. NannaLou

    My glo shark has a big belly

    Really..? I thought this was the default method for all of us newbies that had never heard of cycling..? Im just about to set up a third tank, and whilst I’m a long way from being ‘advanced’ I’d never intentionally do a fish in cycle.
  37. NannaLou

    Little teaser for an upcoming monster project!

    You’re going to need a big coffee table for that to sit on 😂
  38. NannaLou

    How to heat a 340 liter tank?

    I’m trying to decide if this is a trick question..? My instant thought would be set them both to 78 and they will stop heating when they sense the temperature is that level? I’m going to watch this for other answers 🙂
  39. NannaLou


    I’ve got a male guppy only tank, it will have 18 identical guppies in it when I’ve got it fully stocked (just finished cycling it) there are four in there at the moment and I love watching them swimming together. They are very clever and have associated me with food within a couple of days - I...