# of Rams in my 16 gallon?


New Member
Sep 25, 2021
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Central Valley, CA
Can I put 2 male GBR in my spec 16 gallon as the main fish. I'd like to add tetras and cories later or first - your thoughts?
No for two males. One male (or female) or a bonded pair. This is all the space you have; males establish territories, and without lots of space for each, peace is not going to prevail.

If you want to know about a "bonded" pair, ask and I'll explain; any female and male will not usually work.

As for tetras and cories, this depends upon the species. What were you thinking of? And for cories you need sand, just so you know. And the tank dimensions (length and width mainly) would help.
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22L x 12D x 17H (should be 16 gal.) I'd like to go with 4-6 med rummynose and maybe 2 pandas cories. I'm just 10 days into the cycle with 3 neon's to start the ammonia. I will only have the tank up for 8 to 9 months till I move out of state. I did a reef tank many years ago, so that gives me some knowledge in fish keeping. I like the color and personality.
. I'm just 10 days into the cycle with 3 neon's to start the ammonia.
Regardless of the other advice about size of the fish for the tank, is it wise to add many more fish of any kind until you know the tank is fully cycled..? Are you testing for ammonia and nitrite every day..? What are you water parameters..?
Can I go with 1 GBR and an Apisto, 2-3 tetras and a cory?
The tetras are shoaling fish and need to be in a shoal of at least 6 to thrive, more if possible.
Without this, they'll get stressed and aggressive. (See @Byron 's post).
Corys are also highly social fish and they also need to be in a group of at least 6.
I suggest you research more about your fish choices by visiting Seriously Fish. It's not perfect, but it's a more-than adequate starting point.

This tank stocking plan is horrendous. Sorry to be the bad cop here. Rams are cichlids. Cichlids, even though you read from petsmart that they can go In a 10g tank, need space. Rams should never be put in a 16g tank. With this small of a tank, I would recommend Pygmy Cories, and some neon tetras. You shouldn’t even be putting those poor tetras through the cycle because they produce so little waste. Cuncles can take over 2 months to complete. So you have plenty of time. But listen to us. don’t jump ahead on yourself.
There are several issues now in this thread as others have mentioned. First, most of the fish being mentioned require considerably more space than this tank provides.

All tetras (as well as rasboras, danios, barbs, most catfish, all loaches, and some others) are shoaling fish so they need a decent-sized group of the species. A group of around 10 is preferable for most of them. Swimming activity levels vary with the species, so some cold manage here, others (like the rummynose tetra mentioned) could not.

You cannot mix cichlid species especially in this small a tank. Assuming the dimensions are in inches, my earlier advice on the rams holds. But there is a temperature issue with rams, they must have it warmer than most of the other fish can tolerate long-term, so suitable tankmates is not easy to sort out.

Small tanks are best suited to what are termed "nano" fish, which are fish that are very small at maturity, less than an inch. We also need to know water parameters for your source (presumably tap) water, namely the GH (general hardness) and pH. Fish have preferences here, and small fish are more sensitive.

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