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    What Is Killing My Guppy's?

    Hi there, unfortunatly i have been told by the man at my local fish store that guppys have been bred so much for colour that nowadays they have basically no immune system he actually recommened that i don't bother trying to keep them becasue it's very rare to keep any alive for nay length of...
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    Sick Betta

    If it is bacterial then he's already in the quarentine tank with anti bacterial meds in for a different fish.
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    Golden Sucking Loaches - Again

    i haven't got a Gold Sucking Loach however i have got a Green Sucking Loach, i have had him right from being tiny (about 1/2") he is not getting on for about 6" the only fish that i have in my aquarium (a 250L tank) that it seems to bother with is a very large Flying Fox they seem to...
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    Sick Betta

    As far as i can tell it looks as though it's on the skin but, to be honest it's hard to see, the water temperature was kept at 26 degrees and is changed roughly about 25% every week
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    Identifying Discus Breeds

    Hello there, i currently have 6 Discus, 1 i know is a Blue diamond and i have two blue Turquoise, however i have 3 others which i don't know the breeds of, just wondering if naybody would be able to give me any ideas, i have the A orange one with similar markings the the blue turquoise but the...
  6. Betta_Growth.JPG


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    Sick Betta

    Here is the photo, sorry it's not too clear it's the best i could do, he didn't seem too inclined to have his photo taken[img]
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    Sick Betta

    Hi, i'll try and get a picture asap, the water the betta was in is fine i kept it in my tank with several other smaller fish without any problems until now i've had the betta about 6 months now.
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    Dying Siamese Fighting Fish

    My Fighter had a similar problem especially the eye, it was bulging way out of his head, i found that Interpets Anti Internal Bacteria worked perfectly withing a few days he was showing huge signs of improvment
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    Can You Help Me Regarding My Fishs Eye

    I myself have had this problem several times and have found that the most effective treatment to be Interpets Number 9 Anti Internal Bacteria, i have cured several fish using this including a Discus, a Silver Tip Tetra, a Baby Sailfin Molly and few others for other people too, without any...
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    Bit Of Help And Advice Needed........

    Hi there, just to let you know, i have a 250 Litre tank about 3 1/2 feet long, it's stocked with all sorts of community fish angels, neons, mollys etc, i alos have a male and two female bettas in there, they have been there for several months now and are happy swimming around all over the tank...
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    Bettas Fighting On Youtube

    What do i think, i think it's totally sick, i myslef have 2 bettas and love to watch them swimming around the tanks, and i rest assured i have also contacted youtube about this and told them exactly what i think about it
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    Sick Betta

    Hi there, i currently have 2 Male bettas ( in seperate tanks obviously i'm not sick like the idiots of youtube ) i have noticed that one of them seems to have developed some kind of large growth on it's back at the base of it's tail, now looking at it myself i'm fearing the worst it seems to...
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    Help! Fish Dying

    Many of the fish just before they have died, have started swimmng eratically, doing sumersaults, flopping around etc. I've also noticed a faint red band across the sides of the dead fish it isn't noticeable when they're alive only when dead. i also thought it might've been ammonia poisoning to...
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    Help! Fish Dying

    I have a 60L Aqua 65 Tank it has an Eheim Filtration System and is decorated with a couple of ornaments and several plants (real not plastic). in the tank i have 8 Guppies, 3 panda corys, 2 bronze corys, 3 pepper corys, 3 red honey gouramis, 3 gold sucking loaches, 10 neons, 2 sunset platies, 2...