Sick Betta


New Member
Mar 2, 2006
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Hi there, i currently have 2 Male bettas ( in seperate tanks obviously i'm not sick like the idiots of youtube ) i have noticed that one of them seems to have developed some kind of large growth on it's back at the base of it's tail, now looking at it myself i'm fearing the worst it seems to have sprung up pretty quick out of nowhere, i don't want to have to lose him but if it's going to be causing him pain and discomfort thenit's not fair to leave him suffering, just wondered if anybody had any ideas on what may be causing it, are bettas more suseptible to certain types of growths or anything like that, thanks.
And if you cant, is the growth under the skin or on it?
Most of our domestic Betta are very inbred and require excellent tank conditions and care. They are subject to several maladies that are handled usually easily and even usually avoided with some Betta specific care and additives.
Hi, i'll try and get a picture asap, the water the betta was in is fine i kept it in my tank with several other smaller fish without any problems until now i've had the betta about 6 months now.
Here is the photo, sorry it's not too clear it's the best i could do, he didn't seem too inclined to have his photo taken


  • Betta_Growth.JPG
    74.3 KB · Views: 33
Sorry, I can't really tell. Maybe someone else can. How about black angel's question?
It is kinda hard to tell from the picture but it does look like that is under the scales of the fish....maybe a tumor perhaps? Sorry I couldn't be of more help.....

What's the water temp? How often is it changed? (Hoping these questions might help others who have delt with this before)
As far as i can tell it looks as though it's on the skin but, to be honest it's hard to see, the water temperature was kept at 26 degrees and is changed roughly about 25% every week
If it was under the skin then i would have said a tumour but on the skin could be more of a bacterial invasion.
Try and get closer in to the lump.
If it is bacterial then he's already in the quarentine tank with anti bacterial meds in for a different fish.
One of my old fish has developed a lump under his mouth..wasnt there a couple of days ago. just cleaned him out and put tiny bit of salt in he seems lively enough. if yours is acting normally I should just leave him...but thats just what I do! :good:
I have 7 female bettas and 1 of them has a small lump on the base of its tail, i thought it was a parasite but i am not sure. 2 of my older bettas have markings on their faces looks like a scar but it appeared a few weeks ago. They are all fine eating and swimming about happily, i am still concerned so i am keeping a eye on them. You could try a salt dip, but i have left mine as i dont want to stress them, as that is more likly to kill them, then the lump on the tail. My 3 bettas that have it are all over 6 months (i have had them) and the other 4 are still very little. Could it maybe be somthing to do with age? im just guessing as i have not got a clue as to what it might be lol :rolleyes:

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