Bit Of Help And Advice Needed........


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2007
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I am thinking of buying a 15 uk gallon tank and wanna get a betta, BUT can i add some other fish? IE calm peaceful fish or does it need to be kept alone?

if it does need to be on its own then what is minimal tank size i can keep one in?

many thanks.

OR in the larger 15 gallon tank, could i get some frogs, snails, things like that?
pinned topic here about betta tankmates

for me i think they're best kept alone, but a 15g would be massive, probably too big for just 1 betta, i have an 8g for mine and that would be considered roomy. so long as you go above a couple of gallons it's fine. IMO I like to give them at least 5g I don't see why people would want to go smaller cos a 5g tank is tiny anyway.
pinned topic here about betta tankmates

for me i think they're best kept alone, but a 15g would be massive, probably too big for just 1 betta, i have an 8g for mine and that would be considered roomy. so long as you go above a couple of gallons it's fine. IMO I like to give them at least 5g I don't see why people would want to go smaller cos a 5g tank is tiny anyway.

Cheers thanks..should of searched first :blush:

Ok think i might have to buy another small tank too then cos i love the look of them

which one of these sizes best suited? and best for value for money too...
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i'd go for the middle of those 3, other 2 are 1.6us gallons and 2.7us gallons respectivley so very small.
In a 15 gal a Betta may wear himself out trying to patrol. The heavier fins make swimming taxing. I like my boys alone too. It is easier for me to care for them and watch for their oft infirmities. They tend to have short life spans. But there are several fish that usually make good mates. My girls are with 3 Botia straita and 3 ADFs. I think so far salt is especially helpful to Betta, so it is good to consider that, too. Betta like the top of the tank with low currents and plants to nap and rest on. High currents also wear them out. Many people like to keep their Betta in community tanks. I would chose a plakat for a larger tank.

A beautiful VT is really lovely in a well planted tank.
Many thanks for replies, think i am gonna keep my eyes out for a 5 gallon tank, dont want to harm/stress one if i get it so will keep on own.

so could end up with 3 tanks! this fish thing is addictive!! :good:

also is there a post i can find with the different colours etc?
what you could do is devided the tank into three 5gallon tanks and have 3 bettas or 1 betta with pieceful fish like small tetras.a few female bettas in the same tank is usally ok aswell,make sure tanks is properly heated and filted
what you could do is devided the tank into three 5gallon tanks and have 3 bettas or 1 betta with pieceful fish like small tetras.a few female bettas in the same tank is usally ok aswell,make sure tanks is properly heated and filted

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I am understanding what you are suggesting, fishboy. Are you suggesting males and females in the same tank?

Look at the Aquabid pin up top, bennett. It is all fancy tailed expensive fish, but it might give some ideas. BTW, it is called OMTS and OMB. :hyper: :shout:
:hyper: I love my boys in their little tanks by themselves..they swim up to me and give me a being cleaned out...I just love them :hyper: got one girl in the bathroom :blush: she is really happy I am not a spray person so there is no risk of that also her tank is covered. She watches me cleaning my teeth and waits for me to feed her. :shout:
Hi there, just to let you know, i have a 250 Litre tank about 3 1/2 feet long, it's stocked with all sorts of community fish angels, neons, mollys etc, i alos have a male and two female bettas in there, they have been there for several months now and are happy swimming around all over the tank eating fine, and i have not had any trouble with them at all so i would say yes it would be fine to add othere fish to a bigger tank with a betta in
Hi there, just to let you know, i have a 250 Litre tank about 3 1/2 feet long, it's stocked with all sorts of community fish angels, neons, mollys etc, i alos have a male and two female bettas in there, they have been there for several months now and are happy swimming around all over the tank eating fine, and i have not had any trouble with them at all so i would say yes it would be fine to add othere fish to a bigger tank with a betta in

You've been lucky so far. You are likely to get major trouble with that combination!
:shout: :shout: :shout: :blink: :blink: :blink: :angry: :angry: :angry: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

It is a fool hardy experiment for you, danny4, and it is absolutely poor protocol and judgment to advise another hobbyist to break all the rules and guidelines of Betta splenden keeping. No one can say your fish absolutely will kill each other, but it is a recipe for disaster. If none of your fish get hurt in that tank then you are one in a thousand or more.

It is totally irresponsible to advise another new fish keeper and one who has asked for conservative "in the fish's best interest" information to follow your foolish lead.

What works for a few months is no proof of good fish keeping. When a tank crashes, it does it suddenly and with warnings only the observant will notice.

That is an inappropriate mix of fish. It should only be attempted if ever by the most experienced keeper who knows his fish very well. It is a cardinal rule to never put male and female Betta splendens together except in controlled breeding attempts.

Male and female Betta splendens are kept together by a very few SEAsian Betta splendens keepers/breeders I hear who breed specially developed Betta for such species tanks. The Betta we get here are not bred so, and in most instances the hobbyist would have no way of knowing if they got some.

You will be told sternly, whenever you recommend such a tank community. :no: :no: :no:
Um...Sue. I think he/she was saying, "You could divide the tank into three 5-gallon sections and put one betta in each compartment. Or you could have one betta with peaceful fish. OR you could have a group of females in the same tank." It was just translated/spoken poorly. :p

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