Bettas Fighting On Youtube

I flagged it as inappropriate as it breaks the rules (no vids of cruelty to animals/violence/etc).

I think its horrible, but people put all sorts of stuff on there. Unless people complain, nothing gets done.
well myspace video section listened to me when i messaged them with "inappropriate" betta fighting videos


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so if anyone finds any betta fighting videos on myspace, and contact their customer service, they will remove it quite happily, which is nice!
I haven't read the whole thread so this may have been mentioned.

Why not flag any video of betta fighting you see as containing inappropriate content, Then at least just casual viewers of you tube will have to go through registering just to see it. And add a comment to the video page. But as far as getting it taken off the site, everyone's free to post whatever video's they wish to so that would not happen.

That said i think for any animal to be put into a situation where it has to fight to the death is deplorable and should be banned. It is illegal to hold dog fights in many western country's and cock fighting too, but because the betta is a fish, it appears that it doesn't really matter.

That said, dog fighting and cock fighting happen illegally anyway, so making it illegal wouldn't stop it anyway. What about kids sticking two bettas in the same cup at the LFS. That's just as bad, but LFS's still keep putting the fish in cups that the public can get to!!!
ok im gona give my view. IMO i think betta fighting is ok....when done PROPERLY, the way they do it in the philipenes i sok as they care for the bettas, they dont let them kill each other and it is a controled sport, however a couple of teenagers makin them fight with no care an no rules lettin them tear each other up resultin in at least 1 dead betta i dont agree withlike i say if done properly i dont see anything wrong with it, its no worse than bull fighting. just my personal opinion im not asking anyone to agree :good:
I wonder how somone can value life so little. We are a disgusting race, i wish i was a fish.

If i knew these people, id probably do somthing incredibly cruel to them back. Bt since we are limited in what can actually be done about these disgustion people, i shall as well write in a report to youtube, and contact a national animal abuse agency.
i am compleatly against betta fighting. their is no need for it, in some of the betta videos on youtube you can attually see parts of the fins falling to the bottom and on some of the most sickest one, it films the loser floating to the top dead. THIS HAS TO STOP, if someone showed two dogs for example on youtube it would be removed quickley, but because people think its just a fish, they turn a blind eye, it turns my stomach to watch these poor bettas fighting to death.
What do i think, i think it's totally sick, i myslef have 2 bettas and love to watch them swimming around the tanks, and i rest assured i have also contacted youtube about this and told them exactly what i think about it

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