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  1. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    I don't think it is possible for me to narrow down my water hardness. As for my pH, I tested freshly run tap water and tap water that has stood for 24 hours and the results are the same, both 6. I am positive I don't use a water softener.
  2. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    The water hardness ranges from 12-22gpg. I can't find anything about the PH but I tested my tap water PH and it's 6.
  3. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    The water hardness ranges from 12-22gpg. I can't find anything about the PH but I tested my tap water PH and it's 6.
  4. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    I'll look at my water type tomorrow and let you all know! :D
  5. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    Thank you!
  6. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    Which ones would you recommend?
  7. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    One last question, when should I start adding fish?
  8. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    Somewhere in between.
  9. fishiee

    Finished setting up my tank!

    I just finished setting up my tank (10 gallon)! What do you guys think? Also, does it have enough plants for me to use the silent cycle method?
  10. IMG_4226.jpg


  11. fishiee

    Are root tabs mandatory?

    Recently, I ordered live plants and I saw that people were saying root tabs helped the growth of their live plants. As of right now I have 2 amazon swords, 1 anubias, and 1 java fern. Last week, I ordered 2 ludwigia repens, 2 water wisterias, 2 brazilian pennyworts, 2 moneyworts, 2 water...
  12. fishiee

    Which liquid fertilizer?

    Where can I buy it?
  13. fishiee

    Which liquid fertilizer?

    It's a 10 gallon and has no fish in it as of right now. I'm planning on getting a dwarf gourami, 5 or 6 harlequin rasboras, a mystery snail, and maybe a shrimp. :)
  14. fishiee

    Which liquid fertilizer?

    Recently, I ordered live plants for my 10 gallon so I could silent cycle my tank. I got 2 ludwigia repens, 2 water wisterias, 2 brazilian pennyworts, 2 moneyworts, 2 water sprites, 2 hornworts, 2 amazon swords, 1 anubias, and 1 java fern. I was looking through forums and doing my research and...
  15. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    As of right now I have two amazon swords, one java fern, and one anubias. I just ordered two hornworts, two water sprites, two moneyworts, two brazilian pennyworts, two wisterias, and two ludwigia repens. They should be coming either tomorrow or the day after that.
  16. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    Can I just get flourish root tabs?
  17. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    No...I heard some people say I didn't need it but if I do need it then I'll go out and buy it. Do you think I would need to?
  18. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    I'm silent cycling with plants.
  19. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    I'm putting fish in my tank but right now it just has a few plants (I'm planning to get a lot more) and two decorative items (I'm also planning to add my driftwood).
  20. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    The filter I'm using is the one that came with my fish tank.
  21. fishiee

    Silent I need an air pump?

    I recently went to my LFS to get live plants but the guy there told me I needed to buy an air pump. Do I absolutely need to or is it just optional? I've seen many people with live plants not have an air pump so I figured I didn't need one either. Anyway, please let me know if I need an air pump...
  22. fishiee

    did i cycle my tank properly?

    I have a 10G and I'm planning on getting 8 (most of them are small, the biggest is a dwarf gourami) fish and a snail.
  23. fishiee

    did i cycle my tank properly?

    So I just completely abandon the fish food cycle? If so, how many live plants do you suggest I get? I already have four (2 amazon swords, 1 anubias, and 1 java fern).
  24. fishiee

    did i cycle my tank properly?

    I got my tank on Saturday and I set it up and everything. I added Prime water conditioner and I put fish flakes in it so it could start cycling. I tested it today (Monday, 2 days later) because my kit came in and the ammonia is 0.25ppm and nitrite is 0ppm, is that normal? I also think I started...
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