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    Please Could Someone Id My New Fish Please

    hey, thanks,ats whjat the fish label said in store but i couldnt remember the name of it! Cheers
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    Please Could Someone Id My New Fish Please

    please could somebody ID my new fish, the LFS said it would grow to around 7-8 inches. Thanks all, Mark
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    Fat Green Tiger Barb

    yes heavy fast breathing, tries to swim but so big cant move, in qurantine but think will dispatch of, if there are no improvements, Thanks for your help,
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    Fat Green Tiger Barb

    scales are sticking out yes, kind of greeny slime on the scales aswell, i feed the fish tetra min prima and bloodworms, i think it is a real bad internal infection.....
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    Green Tiger Barb Problem

    Hi all, I was wondering if somebody could help me, I have six green tiger barbs and all appear well except one, it has gone really dark almost black in places and the its belly is really swollen, to the extent that it cant really move off the bottom! It is still breathing ok but i fear it...
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    Fat Green Tiger Barb

    Hi all, I was wondering if somebody could help me, I have six green tiger barbs and all appear well except one, it has gone really dark almost black in places and the its belly is really swollen, to the extent that it cant really move off the bottom! It is still breathing ok but i fear it...
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    Suggestions On New Tank!

    Hey all, i ended up getting a jewel 96 and i have it placed on a study chest of drawers, i think the other tank didnt crack bu the silicone wore down, i know if silicon is wet and then dried for ages and then wet again can cause mega problems and i inherited it as a second hand dried out tank so...
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    Suggestions On New Tank!

    hi all, to put it bluntly my tank cracked at 4.30am today and water went everywhere, managed to save fish but i am now looking for a new tank pronto! I am looking for around 110 litre or so and would be grateful if ppl have any tanks in mind, it has to leak proof, FOR EVER :) as i am very...
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    Fish Tank Cracked And Leaked Everywhere

    it was an inherited tank with a ugf - - - - - -- and it doesnt fit in my bucket......... Spose it gives me an excuse to get a new tank, could you suggest a good one, about 110 litres>??
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    Fish Tank Cracked And Leaked Everywhere

    ok thanks, they are in a 4 gal bucket at the moment, i dont have filtration for them so i will need a new tank, they will be ok for 12 hours in this temporary set up? Thanks, Mark
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    Fish Tank Cracked And Leaked Everywhere

    yes i have an airstone in now, and i can see some of the fish are still alive albeit very very pale, lfs opens at 9 .......
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    Fish Tank Cracked And Leaked Everywhere

    Its 5 am and the fish tank has cracked, all the water is out and my fish are in a bucket with all the plants and fish water, i have put a towel over the bucketto prevent jumping, what do i do with the fish!?!?! Back to LFS in the morning if they will make it or get new tank or??? Please help...
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    So now i have done loads of water changes to try and bring the ammonia down and what little readings of nitrite i was getting have gone! I added dechlorinator but i think with my water changes i have killed any bacteria eating the ammonia and hence why the nitrite dropped, Can this happen...
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    First Tank - First Impressions ? - And Advice

    THanks for the comments ppl, I have a nice shoal of 6 green tiger barbs, Im doing a naval architecture degree and all my mates said i had to have a ship wreck in im afraid it has to stay, I may 'cover' it with plants though...... :)
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    First Tank - First Impressions ? - And Advice

    Just thought id show you al my attempt at my first tank, any comments, advice would be welcome, Cheers Mark
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    Yes i Have tested the tap water and it shows at 0 ppm which leads me to suggest that the test kit is fine as it does detect other ranges and it picked up the 4ppm spike. It is an API master kit. Am i not doing enough water changes? and would it harm if i left the gravel when cleaning to keep...
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    I did about 75% water changers in total now, but the bloody ammonia just stays at 0.75 - 1 ppm?!??!?!?!? whats going on, p[lease help
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    i dont know what caused the spike, thats the thing, i added a load of new plants? but i didnt think that could help ammonia? Oh and I inherited the fish tank and it came with a UGF and before i joined this site i had it all up and running so now i am stuck with it....... Any advise with this...
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    what happens to all the fishes waste then.... wont it just rot in the bottom of the tank and propagate the ammonia nitrite readins, should i clean 20% of gravel every time i do a water change? or? Cheers, Mark
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    Oops, i cleaned the gravel tonight and did a 50% water change to bring the ammonia spike back down, will cleaning the gravel and this big water change have affected my cycle??? Thanks, Mark
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    Is My Cycle Stalling?

    Hi all, I keep getting readings of 0.75-1ppm ammonia, 0.25 nitrite 5 - 10 nitrate, it has been like this for 4 weeks now and suddenly today the ammonia spiked to around 4ppm, water changes brought this back to 0.75 immediately, PH - 7.2 I have 6 green tiger barbs, feeding fine, swimming...
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    Please Would Someone Identify My Pleco!

    Thanks people! Great help! mark
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    Please Would Someone Identify My Pleco!

    Juvinile pleco? Do you mean a youngster or a species type? cheers mark
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    Please Would Someone Identify My Pleco!

    Hi all, I would greatly appreciate if someone could positively ID my pleco! Im new to plecos so any help would be grateful! Here is the picture..... Cheers, Mark
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    Help, My Plants Have Some Sort Of White Hair Growing On Them!

    Does anyone know how i can get rid of the white cotton like algae/ disease stuff on my plants, filter, driftwood, thermometer, heater...........everywhere now!.......etc !????? Any help would be great! Cheers Mark
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    Help, My Plants Have Some Sort Of White Hair Growing On Them!

    ok cheers guys, i have taken the offending plants out. I keep reading hair algae is green, black not white, is this true or can you get whit hair algae as well? Cheers Mark
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    Help, My Plants Have Some Sort Of White Hair Growing On Them!

    both are aquatic as i got them healthy from my LFS, hmmm, hair algae? solutions? cheers, Mark
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    Help, My Plants Have Some Sort Of White Hair Growing On Them!

    With the attached photo could someone please tell me what is wrong with my plants and the possible solutions, I have a UGF (which i know isnt great for plants ) but no money for other filtration system avaliable. Thanks, Mark
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    Green Tiger Barb

    Thanks Rabbut, What are peoples thoughts on Kribensis and dwarf gouramis with tiger barbs? I have a shoal of 6 green tiger barbs. CHeers Mark
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    Green Tiger Barb

    Hi all, my first post, I have a new 20g tank with 6 green tiger barbs, all is well, i was just wondering what realistic size these fish get too, i have read 2.5-3" - is this possible and if so what is the best way to achieve their maximum size, anything in particular??? Cheers, Mark