Fat Green Tiger Barb


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Hi all,

I was wondering if somebody could help me,

I have six green tiger barbs and all appear well except one, it has gone really dark almost black in places and the its belly is really swollen, to the extent that it cant really move off the bottom!

It is still breathing ok but i fear it is doomed,

Could someone please advise asap,


Don't feed for a few days.
Cook some frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
What do you feed your fish.
Are scales sticking out.
Epson salt baths are meant to help draw fluids out.
scales are sticking out yes,

kind of greeny slime on the scales aswell, i feed the fish tetra min prima and bloodworms,

i think it is a real bad internal infection.....
Is it definately slime on the scales and not colouring, as tigar barbs can have a green tint to them.
If not does it look like the green slime leaking from beneath the scales.
The fish has dropsy, once scales stick out organ failure.
Anys sign of flicking and rubbing, or laboured breathing.
yes heavy fast breathing, tries to swim but so big cant move, in qurantine but think will dispatch of, if there are no improvements,

Thanks for your help,
Its not sounding good to be honest.
Good Luck.

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