Fish Tank Cracked And Leaked Everywhere


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Its 5 am and the fish tank has cracked, all the water is out and my fish are in a bucket with all the plants and fish water, i have put a towel over the bucketto prevent jumping, what do i do with the fish!?!?! Back to LFS in the morning if they will make it or get new tank or???

Please help asap as i have to rearrnage my day to stop all my fish dying!!!!

Thanks mark!
Do u have an air pump if so add a couple of air stones to the bucket. this will help them for a few hours. However you doing the right thing by keeping it dark and quite if possible

If you can afford a new tank then that best, it's possible to repair tanks but your meant to leave to set for a week or so (sooner is possible but at your risk).
A nice shop may also hold the fish for you espically if your spending enough with them.

Sorry though as off to work now so cant help any more
yes i have an airstone in now, and i can see some of the fish are still alive albeit very very pale, lfs opens at 9 .......
yeah get an airstone and a heater in there if possible.

if you can't afford a new tank then maybe get a large bucket/container and hook it up as a temporary tank for a week or so, as long as it's got heating and filtration they should be fine. we picked up a big garden tidy tub from a garden centre for a few quid, holds about 15gals to it'll serve as a temporary tank is we need it in an emergency.
ok thanks, they are in a 4 gal bucket at the moment, i dont have filtration for them so i will need a new tank, they will be ok for 12 hours in this temporary set up?

Thanks, Mark
depends what fish and how many really. do a water change to freshen things up. what's wrong with the filter you had on your tank before, can't you set that up?

you need to be thinking about preserving your filter media otherwise the bacteria will die off and you'll have to cycle the new tank from scratch.
it was an inherited tank with a ugf - - - - - -- and it doesnt fit in my bucket.........

Spose it gives me an excuse to get a new tank, could you suggest a good one, about 110 litres>??
ah rubbish!

what's your budget?

don't mean to be patronising so apologies if you know all this, but if you've inherited a tank you've probably not cycled a tank before, so read the posts on cycling in the new to the hobby section. It can be a bit of a bumpy ride so best to make sure you're aware of what will happen before hand.

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