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  1. tricia73au

    Help With Nitrates Too High Please.

    Main thing right now, should I do another water change, or race off ( I have 30 mins) to a pet store and buy something? I'm googling furuiosly right now and really have no idea what to do.
  2. tricia73au

    Help With Nitrates Too High Please.

    Tank size: 4ft x 2ft x 1.8ft pH: 7 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 80 ppm kH: gH: tank temp: 27 oC Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): one oscar is quiet and hasent eaten in 2 days, just hiding under his log all day. Volume and...
  3. tricia73au

    Sorority Was A Huge Mistake!

    I did have 9 girls in one tank, 2 were so bosy, so now they both live alone :P the 7 that are left I've had no problems with. They are all happy little campers. I did put in extra plants and a small log to give more hidie holes, and not sure if that made the difference. The two females who...
  4. tricia73au

    A Cichlid With Personality.

    Love my Red Devil mind you the little so 'n' so bit me the other day when I was cleaning his tank.......
  5. tricia73au

    My New 38 Gallon Tank (40 Gallon)

    :hyper: :hyper: WOW :hyper: :hyper: I'm getting me some rocks cause that set up is mighty FINE :good:
  6. tricia73au

    Whos Fault Is It?

    I think its a bit of both, as seems to be the general agreement here. If you ask, and they give you the wrong info, its their fault. But you should research first before you get there. And if they really dont know, they should tell you. bit of double dutch really. I always research first...
  7. tricia73au

    Is This Possible?

    Just remember male guppies are frisky little blighters and like the ladies. If the tank dosent have hiding spaces, or you have too many males to females, she can be ummmm loved to death buy the boys. I have 5 females to 1 male in my guppy tank. And there is enough ladies to go around for the...
  8. tricia73au

    My Daughters New Boys.

    My daughter absolutely loves her Fighters. Always been her favourite. But so darn hard to get a good pic of. So today I finally got some decent ones. Only of 2 of her 4 fish. But I've been officially told by Miss 11 to post the pics. (she reads these forums with me)
  9. tricia73au

    Tour Of My Work

    My goodness, this is a tour of your work. Looks like a tour of where I shop. This wouldnt happen to be P** B*** at L****** ?
  10. tricia73au

    Where Are You From?

    Glad to see the Aussies out in force. :good: voted other, Australia.
  11. tricia73au

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Thanks for the welcome minxfishy It was cycled for 5 days before today, all the tests were perfect yesterday so figured today would be ok to pick up the fish. not sure on the brand of filter it is, but it cycles the whole tank 5 times a hour. The tank is 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet. Yes hoping for...
  12. tricia73au

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    I feel all sheepish introducing myself now after that bad news... :sad: Just want to say hello. I have been reading this whole thread from post 1 for the last few nights gathering information about Oscars and you guys. It has been both interesting and kinda overwhealming. I have been...