Is This Possible?


Aug 29, 2009
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Is it possible to keep 1 male and 1 female guppy together in a tank along with a few tetra breeds??
Do you find you are over run with guppy fry or do they get eaten.. i dont want to be over run with millions of guppy :unsure:
Why don't you have 2 male guppies,they're a lot more colourful and you won't need to worry about any fry :)
would they fight?? and if not would it be possible to have more than just 2??
Everyone I talk to says male guppies shouldn't bicker, but mine do. When there was a third one in the tank, all three of them chased each other around. Luckily there hasn't been any fin nipping.

I still would choose two males over a male and female any day, unless you're willing to bring in a second female AND deal with all the fry.

It sounds cute to have baby fish, but even with fish (just like cats/dogs), I do think it's important that a person is responsible. If you don't have room for the babies, you shouldn't be getting male/females.
What the fish stores recommend that the ratio of females to males should be 2 to 1. XD

And then, ALSO, you should see if the guppies will *EAT* their fry. XD A girl in my class started out with 3 guppies, but now she has like 50; but she would've had more if the guppies didn't eat whatever fry they could catch. XD

With the last batch of guppy fry, the girl said that she was watching and all of a sudden they just started *EATING* their fry. XDDDDD She was all like "Ohh!" all scaredly and grabbed her net to try to save some of the babies, but only like 2 out of 10 survived. XD
Just remember male guppies are frisky little blighters and like the ladies. If the tank dosent have hiding spaces, or you have too many males to females, she can be ummmm loved to death buy the boys.

I have 5 females to 1 male in my guppy tank. And there is enough ladies to go around for the boys so one isnt picked on too much in the love fest.
I really do want to raisie fry it just i only want to raisie one or two in every batch and im afraid my guppy's, various tetra and 2 honey gourami wont eat all the unwanted guppy fry..

my tank isnt heavily planted just 3 live plants so there isnt anywhere really for them to hide except in the cracks of my drift wood. Is there any hope at all that my fish will eat the fry and that i wont get over run with the little fry?

thanks again, I
right ok im going to get one male and 1 female... when i go to the shop is there anything in particular i should look in the guppys...
Some tetra's do nip from time to time, but should be ok generally.

Just get good strong looking fish, any rough looking or marks on the fish is not good as they are may be open to infections at first.
ask if the shop if they add stress coat to the bag this is good.

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