Help With Nitrates Too High Please.


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Tank size: 4ft x 2ft x 1.8ft
pH: 7
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 80 ppm
tank temp: 27 oC

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): one oscar is quiet and hasent eaten in 2 days, just hiding under his log all day.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: approx 20% each week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: no chemicals, just water declorinator when I change the water.

Tank inhabitants: 2 x oscars 3 1/2 inches long, 1 pleco 8 inches long

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): live plants last week.

Exposure to chemicals: none that I know of.

My main concern is today when I got home the water is having a bit of algue bloom, so I tested the watewr, to find everything ok except the nitrate levels through the roof. They are usually around the 5ppm.

I have just added live plants for the first time last week. could these be the reasoning why? My oscar is a big sook anyway and I've had oscars do this before. But now worried it was an early sign of something else. I tested the water 3 days ago and everything was OK.

Oh, I vacummed the gravell for the first time in months last water change.

thanks in advance.
Main thing right now, should I do another water change, or race off ( I have 30 mins) to a pet store and buy something? I'm googling furuiosly right now and really have no idea what to do.
you can quite easily bring your nitrates down with water changes..dont add any chemicals, well not untill youve really tried with just water changes anyway, tetra make a product called nitrate minus.. tho beware its almost a life long commitment with that stuff water changes would be the best road to go down, considering your stock levels .

re oscars
sounds like one is being bullied to be honest,tank is is only just big enough for one, never mind 2, i would rehome the quite one and fast ( i wont go into it too much, as i often have and often felt like i have wasted my time typing replies) if you want more advice you can by all means ask and i`ll be happy to give it,as will others :)

i imagine you have a huge filter on the tank? what with 2 oscars and a plec-common i assume by the size?

like i said if you need anything else,just ask :)
shelagh xxx
i think you need to gravel vacuum more often with the water changes...i gravel vacuum lightly with my weekly water changes

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