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  1. A

    Pregnant Platy?

    Sounds like she is pregnant to me! I have a male and female platy that are always together and always breeding. She is my only female and the other two males in the tank never bother with her. I guess they are married in the fish world! Nep
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    Loseing Fry!

    Yes, they are about 5 to 6 weeks old now. They are Platys. I just lost another little guy and now my biggest one is dying. Their little tails seem to be bent to the side when they die, like they have trouble swimming? Is that a defect or something I did wrong? Plus, when I bought the mama...
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    Loseing Fry!

    Well I'm now down from 14 to 7. One is still really tiny, about this big -----. he is really skinny too. I have watched him eat and he usually spits it back out. And my others are about this big --------. One of my biggest fry can't seem to swim much anymore and after using the energy to get...
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    Mosquito Fish

    Whoa! Sounds like it might get interesting in the pond! The batemen must have dropped off about 50 of the suckers. I assume they are going to eat my Shubunkin eggs? DARN! Might have to breed some of those indoors. Thanks for all of your info. I hope they eat all of the nasty bugs out...
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    Is this typical?

    Thanks everyone! I checked my amonia and Nitrite and they were both fine. Only change 10% of the water everyother day or so, but the other day I did like 15%. Won't do that again. And I am using a water conditioner when I change the water. Hopefully no more deaths, but I think I'm gonna...
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    Baby pond fish

    We started with 7 Shubunkins and now have well over 20 or more. We just left the fry in the pond. They found plenty of places to hide from the other fish I guess since they are all growing nice and big! Nep
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    Mosquito Fish

    West Nile has finally found its way into California. We just got some mosquito fish for our pond which were provided by the County. I was just wondering (cause I fogot to ask them) do I feed them or do they basically live off of bugs and mosquitos? Nep
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    Is this typical?

    Ok, I started out with 14 platy fry that I moved to a 10 gallon nursery. Water perameters are fine and I keep the tank bear bottomed and clean every other day. Anyhow, I'm now down to 9 fry. The little ones are the ones that are dying off. The rest are a pretty darn good size except for 2...
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    Help! The birds are eating my fish!

    :o We have a 2,000 gallon pond in our backyard with a bridge and a couple big rocks. We bought about 7 fish (don't remember the name) they are kinda like coy but hardier. Anyhow, we have found 5 fish dead up on one of our waterfalls over the past month or so. They are totally gutted but the...
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    Tank Light

    The lights are incandesent. Guess I'll have to switch to floresent. No live plants in the tank. The tank does get some natural light during the day and I have turned down my thermometer 72 degrees but it still heats up too hot. Maybe I just need a new one thermo. AQ
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    Any Certified Scuba Divers Here?

    Just wondering! I've recently become certified and can't wait to get out into the ocean and swim in the big Fish Tank of life!! AQ
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    Tank Light

    Ok, every time I turn my tank light on it heats my water up quickly. I don't keep the heater on either because I was having the same problem. Without either on, my tank temp is around 76 degrees. I have read that the light is supposed to be on 10 to 14 hours a day. How do I do this if it...
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    Sick Pregnant Platy

    Thanks for you quick reply. No, I have never had fry before. I guess tomorrow I will take a trip and get one of those contraptions. I really hope that is what is wrong with her. I have a very dense area of plants and that is where she is hideing out. I assume I should get another tank for...
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    Sick Pregnant Platy

    Hi everyone! I'm new here. I just started my 10 gallon tank last Saturday. I got 3 plateys on Sunday. One male and two females. One of the females is pregnant. The fish have been doing great and seemed to be getting along wonderfully. I have been testing my water and the temp and all look...