Pregnant Platy?


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I'm sure this board has heard this a million times before, so here's a million and one... :lol:

I've had this platy for about a year now (always in with a male platy), and when I got her, she was pregnant, but the stress of the move must have made her abort the fry. So today I'm admiring my fish, and I notice the male platy isn't leaving her side (not harassing her, just swimming by her), and her tummy is starting to look big. She always looks like she has a gravid spot.

Could she possibly be pregnant again, eventhough it's taken them this long to mate?

I know with my molly, she had lost her appetite for a few days before she gave birth. Is this also true with platies?

When would be a good time to try and put her in the breeder? Or maybe I shouldn't and just hope I can save a few fry?
Hey :D

I have 5 platies in my tank i think one of mine is pregnant too...maybe. Well anyway its probably very likely if you are keeping good care of your fish that she is pregnant now. If you do infact have a male and female then they probably should have mated by now. There is something you should know though. Fish will commonly not breed if not given a choice of partners.

Yes, platies being a livebearer will lose their appetite so that they will not eat their young right when the fry come out.

If you have lots of plants just leave her in the tank. You will be able to save quite a few fry. The little buggers are great at hiding ;)

In my experience putting fish into a breeding net or plastic container really stresses them. I bought one of those dividing plastic containers where the fish gives birth and the fry go into a different compartment. Decided the thing put to much stress on the fish so i took out all the dividers and now the plastic box serves as a nursery for all me fry :D
u fish is defintly pregnat co sthe male is guarding her from any other males mating with her they alwaysdoo that!!! :D :lol: so its a thumbs up on its being pregnant :thumbs:
Sounds like she is pregnant to me! I have a male and female platy that are always together and always breeding. She is my only female and the other two males in the tank never bother with her. I guess they are married in the fish world!

oh good! I'll keep a real close eye on her.

My tank has a few plants, but maybe I'll get one or two more just so they will have as many hiding spots as possible. :)
Hey. Im new here, and trying to breed platies. From what i have read, you should have some floating plants too, because sometimes the babies like to swim at the top, so that gives them a place to hide up top! Good luck!
I have a pregnant platy too! :)

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