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  1. T

    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    Ok I dont know the definition of small, but I just witnessed an angel fish going after the neon tetras and it ate one! I hate to see that! I had removed the divider, and the other fish looks ok, but at least one angel fish in particular went after neons. This does not look good but I cant do...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    Okay, not I am even more confused. We aren't taking into consideration spawing or anyting like that, ours is purely for aesthetics, so that was not a factor in our number of angel fish. The guy at the LFS recommended 1, or three. Would it be best to simply remove one and just have four? And...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    First off, I know nothing about breeding and rearing fish so I dont understand much of that. I just observed the angels and I am seeing some agression between some of them already. If they get too close to each other, they go after each other. The tank is split roughly 60/40 split, where the...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    So let me be more specific: I am using two power filters My tank is established, 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites ph though is about 7.6. Someoem at the shop mentioned these might be too high for the guppies, i think. The division is roughly equal, with a little more space for the 5 angels and mollies...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    So I had my family loose patience because they were not happy with the fish that I had in our fish tank and they took it upon themselves to get new fish! Can someone please tell me if the following bioload is acceptable or not? I'm concerned that they did not stock wisely, but, maybe I am...
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    Zuccini And Catfish

    I have three bronze cory catfish and I understand these cuties eat zuccini. How do you prepare the zuccini before adding to the tank? The pet stores all simply add it without doing anything, but I thought I read someplace where you have to par broil it, whatever that means!
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    Did I Hurt My Fish?! Help!

    well today, i havent had a chacne to do a water change but he was lying on the floor, breathling a little heavy. I had the fish net and he swim away from it. I dont think I handled him too hard..i hope not, maybe I got caought up in their cuteness... I might have had something in my hand..but I...
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    Did I Hurt My Fish?! Help!

    I have several mollies, and a black molly and they tend to come up to you when you put your hand in the tank. They dont get afraid. So I had one swim near me and I held him in my hand for a few seconds in the water. earlier tonight. i just noticed now that a black molly is lying on the floor of...
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    Silver Mollies, Cute, But Normal?

    I added a 4" round airstone today to help with circulation and oxygenation. Nitrates were at 20ppm, and my nitrites are 0. Also, I noticed sometimes a silver molly will behave strange, swimming almost vertically for a few seconds. Whats up with that?
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    Silver Mollies, Cute, But Normal?

    That sounds pretty serious if thats the case! What do I need to do??? I didnt think it was an issue with O2 because no other fish have that problem. It's only them, and not all of them. I have tetras and swordtail and none of them do that. I also have a powerhead to help with circulation So what...
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    Silver Mollies, Cute, But Normal?

    I got like 4 fairly good size silver mollies. They are so cute, and when Im working in the tank, or have my hands in it, they dont seem to get too afraid and often come up to me. I like that they tend to hang out at the top, but often they seem to be sucking at the surface. No other fish does...
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    Cleaning Bubble Wands

    I have a bubble wand that is getting a bit clogged with probably algae. What is the best way to clean the bubble wand so it produces more bubbles once again? Thanks.
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    3 Fish Lost In A Come..?

    In the last week or so, I have lost 3 fish. Today I found a red swordtail dead. And within the last week, a black molly, and another swordtail. We had the swordtails for about 2 months or so. The molly was a fairly new addition, maybe two weeks new. I checked my water testing,and no ammonia or...
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    Rainbox Shark As A Community Species

    I think if some experience red-tailed shark to be non-aggressive, we have to remember that there are always exceptions, BUT, we can agree that each species of fish does have their own widely accepted temperament, and behavior, and that's what I want to consider. Im just having trouble finding...
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    Rainbox Shark As A Community Species

    I really like the rainbow shark and would like to add it to my community tank. But, I've done some reading, and I'm not entirely convinced that it's a good option for a community tank. I want to find out what you all think about this fish, and whether it's really a good idea to get it or not...
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    Mystery Snail Died Within Hours!?

    WOW! I see the tentacle moving! I think its still alive! The poor little thing was kept outside the tank all night in a bag! I think he may be okay!? I will keep monitoring...
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    Mystery Snail Died Within Hours!?

    well he has been out in a bag for many hours, over night. I just put him back in. There is a black type susbstance that sealed off the bottom of the snail shell.. I dont know what's the deal with this thing. If I know its dead, I can return it and get another.. I noticed whatever the black...
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    Mystery Snail Died Within Hours!?

    oh no! I assumed he was dead and all so I removed him from the tank and he has been out in a bag all night! That poor thing! It just looks like this black, tar like substance, hard to see. He was moving around a bit just fine and then just as if dead. Is it too late for him to put him back??
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    Mystery Snail Died Within Hours!?

    I got a mystery snail today, it was a good large size and was active in the tank at the petsmart. I brought it home, and it was moving around a bit, but after a few hours I noticed it in the exact same spot. Apparently the poor thing died! There is just a black substance inside the shell, I...
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    Feeding Corys And Buenos Aires Tetras...

    I didnt think of breaking the tablet up. Sometimes I drop two tablets in hopes that the tetras will go for one and the corys can get at the other. And you are right, they do tend to move their food around and their eating habit is strange, I cant tell if they are eating or not, but Im sure they...
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    Looking To Get An Algae Eater...what Kind?

    First off, thanks to all who contributed to this post! I appreciate getting everyone's response! When I bought that BN, it was a fair size, at least 2.5 inches (female). I put her in the tank, and she landed right through the opening in the fake cave and was inside it, motionless for quite a...
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    Feeding Corys And Buenos Aires Tetras...

    I have BA tetras that are not fully grown, but are getting to a point where when the tablet that I drop to my cute cories starts to dissolve and get small enough, sometimes the BA tetras will grab one and go! Id prefer my cory catfish to completely eat their food, but Im not sure if I should be...
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    Looking To Get An Algae Eater...what Kind?

    55 gallon tank 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, pH around 7.5 tank has been cycled for about 3 months or more. I was so upset when I found that BN catfish belly up! I read so much about them and how great of a algae eater they are, and on his first day he was sucking on the glass, but for the most part...
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    Looking To Get An Algae Eater...what Kind?

    Id like to add some kind of algae eater to my tank. It;s been running cycled for at least 3 months or so. I bought a BN catfish, which I know are some of the best choises, but the poor thing died the next day! My water parameters were just fine, and I test it daily. I found him belly side up! He...
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    What Else Can I Add That Will Go Well?

    thanks for yoru replies. Yea, Im not sure if gouramies ar egood choice, because tetras can be a bit nippy. I notice the BA are like that. I really really like the raindbow shark, but I know they are somewhat territorial, and they tend to get a bit more aggressive as they get older. I really...
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    What Else Can I Add That Will Go Well?

    I have 6 buenos tetras, 4 black skirt tetras, 6 cory cats, and 3 swordtails, none are fully grown. What other kind of fish that will be acceptable in this setup? I have a 55 gallon. Thanks
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    What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?

    I ended up getting 4 black skirt tetras. They are a good size, not real small. Just thought you might want to know. I was going to get the harlequin rasboras because they swim near the top, but they are often so small at the lfs that I would have recieved complaints from family that the darn...
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    What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?

    I think the black skirt tetras as they get larger may be an issue for the BA tetras as far as nipping fins? The blue ram I've heard of those but I need to do research. How big do they get? What is their temperment like? What foods do they accept?
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    What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?

    Okay, I just did a search for top level swimmers. Always forget to do a search but posting a question on here. Anyways, I really am thinking about harlequin. But, they are fairly small at the store and i dont nkow if I have reason to be concerned about htem being eaten by the BA tetras? based...
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    What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?

    Yea, I actually forgot to mention that I really need some fish in the upper strata of the tank. The BA swim everywhere, but mostly mid-lower. The red swordtails, although they are a fairly new addition, also stick to mid-lower. Giant danios are an option, but my mom didn't like the regular...
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    What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?

    I have changed my stocking setup around a bit and I would like to get some additional fish. Maybe schooling fish? Or one really nice fish? I need good advice. My current setup includes 6 cory catfishes, 6 buenos aries tetras, 3 swordtails. The buenos aries are the more larger tetras, which I...
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    Rainbow Shark: Are They Okay?

    Thank you all for your responses. Athena, your information does seem correct and you confirmed it. I was also a bit confused by the albino claim. And you are right, they are a species of their own. In a few LFS I have seen them partially grown, 4 inches, and they are very goodlooking. You also...
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    Just Bought A Pair Of Swordtails..

    Now that is so funny! But, when it involves stressing out the fish, that's what I take things serious. I will get another female swordtail. I jus thope they leave my cory cats and their food alone soon! Thanks everyone for your respones. I appreciate it!
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    Just Bought A Pair Of Swordtails..

    I guess I dont understnad why its important for the fish to reproduce? Is there anything wrong with having one male and one female?m Im not looking to breed, and I just dont like the idea of cute fry getting eaten. Its natural, but unless I hve to do it. Id prefer not to. By the way, these darn...
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    My pH is 7.6. I ususally test dealer water, but I did not test theirs this time. when i add the fish, I ususally float the bag in the tank for 20 minutes and during that time slowly add tank water. I cant remember if I did this or not, or if I just floated him and then added him after 20...
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    How Old Are You

    Im 28.
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    Rainbow Shark: Are They Okay?

    I didn't find any detailed information about the rainbow shark and whether they are a good community fish. But, based on what Im finding they are classified as community fish. Can I add a raindbow shark to my current setup? I have 6 buenos aries tetras, 6 cory catfishes, 2 swordtails. I...
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    Just Bought A Pair Of Swordtails..

    But wont the fry get eaten by either the parents, or by the tetras that I have?
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    I thoguth this was a hardy fish. My other fish I have are cory catfish and buenos aries tetras. I doubt any of them were bullying him. I think it may have been due to the stress of a new tank. I called the lfs and they wont issue a refund, they have a 2 day return policy. Anyways, this sucks...
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    Bad new!! This morning, I found him belly up! I was so upset. I dont know what happened. My tank is well established, 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia. Im gonna call the lfs and ask for a refund. I just hope they do it because I dont have the receipt. Just the other day I saw the cute thing cleaning...