Did I Hurt My Fish?! Help!


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have several mollies, and a black molly and they tend to come up to you when you put your hand in the tank. They dont get afraid. So I had one swim near me and I held him in my hand for a few seconds in the water. earlier tonight.
i just noticed now that a black molly is lying on the floor of the substrate and breathing heavily kinda. What happened to him!?? I can only conclude that when I held him maybe I was too rough!!??? they were so cute.

I feel soooo bad!

that does seem a bit strange, unless you squeezed him hard (which i don't think you did) i wouldn't say it was your grip that got him. perhaps there was something on your hands that was toxic to the mollies. i know they tend to be sensitive in terms of live-bearers. if you see anymore symptoms in the other fish i would do a huge water change and see where it goes from there. i could be completely wrong but it's worth a shot.
I agree with the above poster, if you didn't grip him to hard there might of been something on your hands.
Had you used any chemicals or lotions before handling the fish.
Its not wise to handle fish as you can damage there slime coat.
well today, i havent had a chacne to do a water change but he was lying on the floor, breathling a little heavy. I had the fish net and he swim away from it. I dont think I handled him too hard..i hope not, maybe I got caought up in their cuteness...
I might have had something in my hand..but I think my hand was clean. I handled some of the other fish and they appear to be just fine.
so I dont know what to do..
I would check your water stats.
How is he now.

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