What Kind Of Fish Would Be Acceptable To Add?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
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USA, Colorado, Denver
I have changed my stocking setup around a bit and I would like to get some additional fish. Maybe schooling fish? Or one really nice fish? I need good advice.

My current setup includes 6 cory catfishes, 6 buenos aries tetras, 3 swordtails. The buenos aries are the more larger tetras, which I like. None are fully grown, but they are the largest fish in the tank for sure. The swordtails are still small.

What fish would be ok, considering the BA tetras are a bit aggressive (although not nearly as bad as the tiger barbs I had before), and considering their current size. Also, considering my cute cory catfishes. The tiger barbs before went after every food source and I had trouble making sure the cory catfishes got their share. It's easier now to feed them. I have posted a similar question before, but since we had removed some fish so my stocking scheme has changed.

Some fish I was considering, but not sure if they were ok:
harlequin rasboras (but they are small at the store and I didnt know if they would be lunch for the BA tetras)
lemon tetras?
red eye and tail tetras?
congo tetras probably are one of my favorite, but expensive, not not always easy to find
anything else? my Mom would prefer color.

I'd suggest a danio as the next addition, mostly to get some more activity at the top levels of the tank. They're fast enough that they're unlikely to become lunch. Not sure if zebra danios would be safe with full grown BA tetras, but pearl danios are a bit bigger, and once they settle in, they can put on some amazing color shows (Set a lamp in front of the tank - they flash blue in good lighting, but just like neon tetras, top lighting does them no justice).

If you're still worried about them being lunch, giant danios will be entirely safe.

How big was the tank? I know I read this in one of your previous posts. Edit: No, I read it in your sig three secodns ago, duh. Nevermind.
Yea, I actually forgot to mention that I really need some fish in the upper strata of the tank. The BA swim everywhere, but mostly mid-lower. The red swordtails, although they are a fairly new addition, also stick to mid-lower.

Giant danios are an option, but my mom didn't like the regular ones. They dont look like your average fish, they are just dumb kinda, and look worm-like from a distance, I think. I found that these fish did not have much of a personality, and never cared about any of the decor in the tank.
Pearls we also had at one time but got rid of for them for the same reason.

any other ideas? what other fish are top-swimmers? that's what I really need.
Okay, I just did a search for top level swimmers. Always forget to do a search but posting a question on here.
Anyways, I really am thinking about harlequin. But, they are fairly small at the store and i dont nkow if I have reason to be concerned about htem being eaten by the BA tetras?

based on my searches, it seems hatchet fish are the most known for being upper swimmers. But, I also undersetnad there is some problems with them, and they tend to jump out of the tank. They also can be more susceptible to desease.
what about mickey mouse platy?
Hatchetfish tend to need more peaceful tankmates, since they easily spook and will take flight at disturbances.

Harlequins are pretty small, but I don't really know BA tetras well enough to say if they'd be eaten or not. In a big tank like yours, you could go with a big group of them, at least a dozen, and they'd be quite a spectacle.

Platys are pretty much like your swordtails - they may even interbreed if you have both. Mine stay in the middle and lower part of the tank most of the time.
I would maybe suggest for the color some blue german rams and new world cichlids maybe some glowlight tetras.

For elegance maybe some black skirt tetras or some scissortailed rasboras
I think the black skirt tetras as they get larger may be an issue for the BA tetras as far as nipping fins?

The blue ram I've heard of those but I need to do research. How big do they get? What is their temperment like? What foods do they accept?
I think the black skirt tetras as they get larger may be an issue for the BA tetras as far as nipping fins?

The blue ram I've heard of those but I need to do research. How big do they get? What is their temperment like? What foods do they accept?

2-3 inches. They're generally peaceful, but particularly when they're breeding, they'll defend a small territory. Not entirely sure about feeding, but most of the sites I read when I planned to get a pair said most frozen or live food or small sinking pellets.

I have black skirt tetras, and they haven't been nippers for me, they leave my angelfish alone. Get a good group and they'll constantly bicker amongst themselves, but I've never had trouble with my six bothering anything else in the tank, and they're tough as nails, so they should put up with any potential nipping from other fish.
I ended up getting 4 black skirt tetras. They are a good size, not real small.
Just thought you might want to know.

I was going to get the harlequin rasboras because they swim near the top, but they are often so small at the lfs that I would have recieved complaints from family that the darn fish are too small and you cant see them!

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