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  1. T

    Blood Parrot Resting Near Gravel

    well, i came from work and found my previous angel fish dead! two of my parrot chic lids are laying near the gravel, sometimes on their side. I performed a 75% water change. Immediately after, their behavior improved. While one still seems sick and hiding near the bottom, the other two are...
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    Blood Parrot Resting Near Gravel

    Hi again, any got any ideas? I notice the other blood parrot ciclid also near the bottom hanging out there. But when I approach, or feed, they are active and look healthy.
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    Blood Parrot Resting Near Gravel

    Im pretty sure its good. my water is always good. I did a test a few days go. But let me know do another and Ill report back! ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate is around 20 all other fish seem to behaving normal. Here are two pictures I took of the fish: Photo 1 Photo 2
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    Blood Parrot Resting Near Gravel

    Maybe this is not an emergency, and if so, sorry. But my red blook parrot chiclid these past few days seems to want to rest at the bottom near the gravel. I have not seen him do this, usually she goes in the inverted flower pot. She is basically resting almost completely on her side, very clsoe...
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    Parrot Fish And Strange Behavior

    really?? we thought it was so cool! He did it right in front of both entrances, too. He seemed to have removed the rocks from inside the flower pot and put it outside. How come they do it, though? Does it bother him if I flatten it down when Im doing a water change?
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    Parrot Fish And Strange Behavior

    One of my cute parrot fish who is definitely the most dominant one in the tank I noticed that one either side of the opening of the flower pot he uses for his home there is a pile of gravel, piled up in a mound on both sides. has anyone seen this before? why does the fish do this? He definitely...
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    Parrot Fish, Is This Strange Behavior?

    One of my cute parrot fish who is definitely the most dominant one in the tank I noticed that one either side of the opening of the flower pot he uses for his home there is a pile of gravel, piled up in a mound on both sides. has anyone seen this before? why does the fish do this? He definitely...
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    One Parrot Chasing The Other!

    Right now Im noticing the chasing has stopped, but the smaller parrot isnt swimming much and is near the substrate on the other side, near the other parrot. Im tired of having to simply take back fish and loose $ on it, id rather find a better solution. Any ideas? am I over-reacting?
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    One Parrot Chasing The Other!

    I have three cute blood parrots. Last few days I notice one of them, the smaller, isnt out during feeding time. However, in the evening he does come out and all three are out and about. However, he is constantly being chased by the other blood parrot. It is annoying me because Im sure this fish...
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    Parrot Not Out For Dinner!

    The cute fish came out yesterday evening actually. He appeared, all three of them. I also got to feed him (I like to hand-feed them) so maybe they all ok?? There is some chasing that comes on, but it looks harmeless and nothing bad. I guess this is normal to some extent.
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    Parrot Not Out For Dinner!

    I have three very cute blood parrots. Last couple of days during feeding time one of the blood parrots was not out for food. This evening was the same situation. My mom said at night he noticed one of them swimming around at night, kinda "crazy". Im not sure where the third parrot is hiding...
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    Blood Parrot Chasing The Other

    Well right now I have a big large decoration, wherethe smaller parrot hides inside. The larger hides underneath, and then there is another fake driftwood that sits on its side where a fish can go inside. Maybe I will take a picture so everyone can see. By the way, thanks for the quick replies.
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    Blood Parrot Chasing The Other

    I do notice that the one aggressive parrot hangs out at the bottom underneath the rock. and that certainly is his terriroty. I might move decorations around a bit, but I kno I dont want to spend more $$ on decorations! I already spent too much on these fish.
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    Blood Parrot Chasing The Other

    I ended up adding another blood parrot, so now I have three to reduce the stress of the smaller one. I noticed now the parot is instead chasing the new one I added, and leaving the other one alone more often.
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    Hand Feeding Blood Parrots

    So I couldnt believe it, but last thing I had my new cute blood parrot eat from my hand! I had a shrimp pellet and they eat the whole thing! This is the first time I have had fish of this size so I didnt expect it. Is it safe to hand-feed? Do they have teeth? Is it ok to feed using floating...
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    Blood Parrot Chasing The Other

    So, I just purchased two blood parrots about a week ago. They are cute and slowly are starting to come out, especially when I feed. One of the slightly larger parrot always seems to mess with and chase the other blood parrot. The other parrot doesnt seem to be too bothered, but I dont know if...
  17. T

    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    Thanks for all the replies! Ive got some algae wafers and also sinking wafers for catfish, do they eat these? I droped one earlier and the parrot was kinda eating it, but didnt look like he was real excited about it. I was just concerned that the parrot hiding inside the rock for two days now...
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    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    So should I do anything to get the other parrot out of hsi hiding place inside the rock? or would that stress them? I also noticed the silver dollars are hiding next to the parrot fish, they are all together. Sometimes I see the parrot show a little aggression to the silver dollars, but it seems...
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    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    I havent dealt with brine shrimp before. How do I feed that? I hear that if not properly done it can cloud your tank. Do I need a brine shrimp net? I bought good qualityu hikari ciclid pellets, but they are floating type and since the parrots are near the bottom (and one inside the rock), they...
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    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    Thanks for everyones reply. What kind of frozen food is best? Im concerned about the other parrot who has hidden inside the rock decoration for two days now. He looks like he is fine, just real damn shy.! Also, i just got 5 silver dollars, talk about shy! They are just as bad right now!
  21. T

    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    ok now that blood parrot was like leaning against the glass, really close to the substrate. I even came close to it and it didnt move much. but now it went back to its hiding place! I dont know if I have reason to be concerned, of this is normal? Ive heard they have interesting personalities. He...
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    Parrot Fish And Behavior **updated**

    **UPDATE** So the cute parrot fish that I have (2) are starting to come out a little more. When I drop flake food and I stay way from the tank, they swim around, a little less shy. Even the one which was hiding inside the rock for two days appears sometimes. My question is one of the parrot...
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    What Happened To My Angel Fish!?

    I have made no changes to my tank for months! I have 5 cute clown loaches, 7 serpae tetras and 7 harlequin rasboras, all get along. My water is always good, 0 nitrates 0 ammonia. I change 10% of my water weekly. Its a 55 gallon. I wish i knew why the angel died. it was sudden and they were all...
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    What Happened To My Angel Fish!?

    [well I know why they are gone, their eyes, but I dont know why it happened in the first place? They were all getting a long for months, and I dont know why this morning he was found dead?
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    What Happened To My Angel Fish!?

    Today I just noticed that one of my angel fish was dead. Its eyes were gone! I had 5 angel fish for many months in the 55 gallon tank and I never observed any aggression or reason for concern. This morning I noticed one of the angel fish was dead! Does anyone have an idea what happened?? Could...
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    Really Like To Get Red Parrot Fish..

    We reallly really like the red blood parrot fish! And We would like to add it to our tank but not before I check here to make sure its ok. We already have 5 angel fish, not fully grown 2 1/2 inches, 8 good size harlequin rasboras, 8 serpae tetras of good size and 5 clown loaches. Oh, and also...
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    Featherfin Catfish

    well, maybe yours takes after its owner? ive been known to sneak up to the tank quietly so they dont see me and throw food in there, especially when I had those darn tiger barbs which went after everything! but that still didnt work
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    Had To Get Rid Of Cutie Cory's!

    ya know, I would like to maybe get a second tank but we really dont have the room right now. we are also selling the house, its just not an option at this time. Im keeping an eye on the large cory catfiish, but the poor thing is by himself since he was the only big one they had at the LFS, he...
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    Had To Get Rid Of Cutie Cory's!

    ya know, I tried the divider solution but it was a real pain! first, I wasnt happy with reducing overall swimming space for the fish, and during water changes it was a little of a pain. Also, the separator I bought at Petsmart was crap and it did not work very well. Today Im going to examine...
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    Had To Get Rid Of Cutie Cory's!

    well, since Im still partial to cories, today I bought a single emerald cory. He is a large one, fully grown about 4"! Im hoping that with his size he will not be mistreated so I am watching him closely. I would have got at least three, but he was the only really large one.
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    Corydoras Melanistius Melanistius

    I had three melanistius cory catfish. but after getting emerald ones, these are more active and swim alot. The melanstius relative to my experience were really boring, shy and did not swim much. They were not very exciting. I think there are othjer more active cories I would get, like the...
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    Had To Get Rid Of Cutie Cory's!

    Im not happy that I had to get rid of my three cory catfish! I have 5 clown loaches and one day I noticed an emerald green cory that was injured and not doing well! Its fins were damaged, as well as another cory. Im pretty sure one of the clown loaches, or rogue loache was picking on the cories...
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    Rainbow Shark And Diet

    this is the second time someone has recommended tetramin. I will have to try those. The ones I have tend to float at the top, or float around unless you hold it under water for awhile.
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    Featherfin Catfish

    I just dropped algae wafer and the catfish definitely seems to like it. I had three cory catfish but they were getting mistreated by one of the clown loaches. I was told this catfish would hold his own and wont get pushed around. I saw him eating along with the clown loaches and it definitely...
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    Featherfin Catfish

    I do have the sinking hikari wafers but those darn clown loaches attack it. I just got the catfish and this evening the entire time the cute thing was hiding inside the rock ornament and sometimes poking its head out, especially when I dropped the sinking wafer. I do have algae wafers, maybe I...
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    Rainbow Shark And Diet

    ya know, I do have those but the ones i got tend to float. Also, I have 5 clown loaches that greedily go after shrimp pellets... But there is another brand that I hear does sink rather then sink.
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    Rainbow Shark And Diet

    Well I have freeze-drived bloodworms. He just hangs out near the bottom often and does not come up to the surface like my other rainbow shark. What else you recommend?
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    Featherfin Catfish

    I recently purchased a featherfin catfish (or squeaker, they call it). Its a really cool fish. I understand it is a little territorial and thats what I need bcause my clown loaches did not treat my cute cory catfish well, so I had to remove them. What kinds of food do the featherfin catfish...
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    Rainbow Shark And Diet

    This is my second rainbow shark. My last one died because of possible starvation. He never showed interest in flake foods, or sinking wafers. I tried algae wafers, but only once or twice and not regularly. I bought another rainbow shark and want to make sure this cute thing does not seem the...
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    Rainbow Fish And Behavior

    well, everyone thanks so much for your overwhleming responses to my posting! Tonight I came home and learned that my rainbow fish died, and his eyes eaten out. I removed the body. Maybe I could have taken some action if I had some information or helpful replies to my posting, but its too late! I...