Rainbow Shark And Diet


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
This is my second rainbow shark. My last one died because of possible starvation. He never showed interest in flake foods, or sinking wafers. I tried algae wafers, but only once or twice and not regularly.
I bought another rainbow shark and want to make sure this cute thing does not seem the same fate. I added some flake food but he did not readily go to the surface to get it. Now, I did get him just a couple days ago so maybe he is still acclimating. What other foods should I try? is this common? Does anyone else have this problem?

Well I have freeze-drived bloodworms. He just hangs out near the bottom often and does not come up to the surface like my other rainbow shark.
What else you recommend?
i have to know what fish is that purple and yellow one in your signature!

I have no idea what my rainbow shark eats, he just seems to graze at algae in my tank occasionally eating some flake food that sank.
ya know, I do have those but the ones i got tend to float. Also, I have 5 clown loaches that greedily go after shrimp pellets...
But there is another brand that I hear does sink rather then sink.
this is the second time someone has recommended tetramin. I will have to try those. The ones I have tend to float at the top, or float around unless you hold it under water for awhile.
Hi tameem, :)

I'll be moving your thread to the Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids section. You may still get more responses to your thread from the folks who post in there. :D

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