Corydoras Melanistius Melanistius


New Member
May 7, 2008
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have a group of melanistius... quite shy and quiet fish.
have been trying to find out what is ideal conditions for them..

is here anyone with experiences?
Most Corydoras can be treated the same. Keep the temperature bewteen 18-30C (optimal temp is 24C). PH about 7 but will tolerate 6.0-8.0 depending on if they are wild caught. General Hardness (GH) 50-250ppm.
I had three melanistius cory catfish. but after getting emerald ones, these are more active and swim alot. The melanstius relative to my experience were really boring, shy and did not swim much. They were not very exciting. I think there are othjer more active cories I would get, like the emerald ones.
I have 3 Melanistius in with my Betta, and they're great little fish, they come up and swim in the filter flow, flittering up and down in it, I admit sometimes I don't see them for a while as they hide in the plants, but when they come out they're great to watch. I have also just got 4 albino cory's as tank mates and they seem to take it in turns to zoom around in the filter flow. Corys are great fish!

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