Parrot Not Out For Dinner!


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have three very cute blood parrots. Last couple of days during feeding time one of the blood parrots was not out for food. This evening was the same situation. My mom said at night he noticed one of them swimming around at night, kinda "crazy". Im not sure where the third parrot is hiding, but I think in the rock.

\WHat should I do?? Do I have reason to be concerned? I have had the trio for probably a good month now and no problems.
Please help, or maybe Im over-reacting but I am concerned that one of them didnt come out for feeding last few nights.
You should be concerned about any abnormal behavior. Its a clear sign something is wrong. I you sure the fish is in the tank and hasn't managed to jump out? First thing I would do would be to locate the fish.....
The cute fish came out yesterday evening actually. He appeared, all three of them. I also got to feed him (I like to hand-feed them) so maybe they all ok?? There is some chasing that comes on, but it looks harmeless and nothing bad. I guess this is normal to some extent.

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