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  1. P


    get the ones that speak to you. if they tell you their name, that's good =) or, if your not as immature as me, go out and find the ones that look the healthiest. though, really, anyone can imagine a Betta talking to them =3
  2. P

    no no no!

    salt with catfish is a bad idea. i do believe they're scaleless, and hence salt would eat them up and kill even more fish. carbon eats medications up. hence, no way to get rid of the fungus unless i feel like tearing apart a filter or murdering 11 more fish.
  3. P

    Whats the perfect tank?

    if you don't mind spending money, the Eclipse Explorer/Regent Starfish is an awesome tank. three-step filtration hood on it, though no light. easy to set up, easy to maintain, fun to decorate, and the perfect size (2g) for a Betta and his buds.
  4. P

    6 week old mustard gas'

    -jaw drops three feet, makes grabby motion and incoherent noises- omg. i love the Pharoah/Gas Bettas. omg. i want -cries- i just need a job, and money, and several fishtankshelves.
  5. P

    no no no!

    mm, it's a bit more difficult than that. we have a full 50g with several other fish and inverts- strike a few meds right there. we have carbon int he filter than can't be removed- another strike on just about every med. we have catfish- no salt. this fungus came into our tanks with about 4...
  6. P

    eggbound Shrimp

    just a bit bored, so i thought i'd topic. first, approximately four of my Japonicus shrimp are eggbound. yayeggs! second, :rip: Firefly, Polly and now Baby Kiss. i guess my Platties are gettin' old.
  7. P

    no no no!

    Tekknocolor- no, not if they've forced Bettas to do so! Betta_lova- i couldn't! our 50 seems to be permanently infected with a Betta-attacking fungus, and i've only got my one 2g for Draconis. BeccaBlain- i have no clue what part of wherever it was was, but i've always like AT for fish stuff...
  8. P

    no no no!

    a couple of weeks ago, while picking up my boyfriend in Quebec, we stopped at this pet store, Aqua Tropicale. this is a really good store, and if i didn't live an hour and a half away i'd be in there 24/7 buying fish tanks and ogling all the beautiful, well cared for stock. so, my dad's getting...
  9. P

    introducing the dragon.

    Draconis- a nice, big, red Betta with a black nose and little green specks, and very big fins. i got him on Tuesday, and he's been alone in his tank since Wednesday. my mother fed him once the entire time i was gone. bugger still made a monster bubble nest, even with the current of his filter...
  10. P

    Your strangest tank decoration...

    in the 50 a huge, flat rock that is actually a chunk of concrete my dad dug up from outside, the part that was in the dirt sticks up and looks very much like a rock. in my Betta tank, a cracked black bell-cave that will be hidey-hole to a Betta soon.
  11. P

    off to a good start =D

    i used to have tons of Bettas, until they all died of various causes. the last was in March, a crowntail named X-Ray. he died of fungus, like ten of my other fishies who lived in the 50 and 10. the fungus was originally brought by one ADF in the 50 and moved into my 10, and it doesn't seem to...
  12. P

    O_O the Fish who Lived.

    March break of this year, i bought myself fish. i asked for 6 Danios and 3 Cories i ended up with 9 Danios. two days later, the zippie things were down one. i figured i'd miscounted. today, in an effort to clean my filter (way overdue) i saw where the 9th had gone. ALIVE and WELL (if a bit...
  13. P

    oh, i'm a Betta bane =(

    ugh ><" i asked my dad, and told him about the Frogs, and he said, "a virus," in a tone that said he agreed with me. and i've spread it from the 50g, to all my good bowls, and now my 10g! agh ><" =( well, i guess if i want another Betta i will have to use my birthday money towards a new tank...
  14. P

    oh, i'm a Betta bane =(

    thanks for all your help, but first. 1) i got most of my Bettas from different stores, and shipments 2) the tank temperature is 75* 3) the three goldfish did cycle it, there was no sign ammonia before or after teh Danios/Cories/Betta were introduced, and still is no sign. i follow the old "if...
  15. P

    oh, i'm a Betta bane =(

    now, to tell you, i've kept Bettas for almost a year. at first i had no clue, and several died, then i kept a nice quartet safe for so long i was amazed. then they all got a horrible fungus, and one lived. it kept recurring, over and over, and stopped finally. this was Flashy, the Betta who...
  16. P

    Biggest betta myth

    i choose plant. though i've had people tell me they hop from puddle to puddle in the wild -scowls- how could anyone mistreat such beautiful fish? then again, people mistreat beautiful animals too (tigers, pandas, wolves, etcetera)
  17. P

    floppy fins

    uhm, not right now. if i can find some AA's for the camera i might be able to get one, but i can't guarantee the good (it's a really cruppy camera O_o)
  18. P

    floppy fins

    apparently, the glass on the left side of the tank is very reflective. while he was flaring at himself, *i* could see his reflection o_O
  19. P

    floppy fins

    yesterday X-Ray was Mr. Perfect Fishie, but i think he's outflared himself. the left part of his gill membrane is poking out, and this is causing his pectoral fin to flop and flip kind of uselessly below him. d'you think it'll pass? he seems fine enough, just a bit like a little fishie...
  20. P

    what do YOU recommend?!?!?!

    1.)What fish do you reccomendfor a community tank?/ What kinds do you enjoy? a huge school of Tetras/Danios/Rasboras, yes. TONS of them. it's really pretty to watch them zip around =D and either one/pair/trio of bigger fish, like a Betta or a pair of Dwarf Gouramis or something, and some little...
  21. P

    meet X-Ray

    X-Ray is the Big Bad Boy who is now Leader of the Fishies in the 10g. X-Ray is a very pretty pink-bodied boy who has little bloodred spots on his body, a bloodred spot on the part of his anal fin nearest his tummy, and a few splotches on his tail and one small spot on the back angle of his...
  22. P

    =D new fishies!

    alright, first the whole story behind why the 10g was empty. Flashy (the Betta) was apparently very aggressive towards the Goldies. he maimed the little one, and popped the Moors eye =( then the last just sort of lay down and died out of depression, and Flashy spontaneously (not really) got...
  23. P

    fixing tanks/

    as you can see, i have one neatly set-up tropical tank, and one horribly mismatched tank. there's a story behind it! see, the Platties and Kuhliis were once in the 10g and four Bettas inhabited various things around my room, with the Black Moor in a bowl in my brother's room. then we moved the...
  24. P


    hullo ^^ i've been at fish since, er, 'bout last July i guess. a little after i got my ferret, so July or August. it was a Betta and four loaches in a 10g val planted tank that was really badly planned that got me, and it's now a mistmatched (but perfectly balance and apparently happy) 10g in my...