oh, i'm a Betta bane =(


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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now, to tell you, i've kept Bettas for almost a year. at first i had no clue, and several died, then i kept a nice quartet safe for so long i was amazed.

then they all got a horrible fungus, and one lived. it kept recurring, over and over, and stopped finally. this was Flashy, the Betta who roomed in the 10g with three Goldfish.

well, Flashy got his fungus back AGAIN after a month and a half clean. he gets touchy when he's sick, and beat Speckle up so bad he floated limply, and bit Bug's eye (telescope Goldie ><") and popped it, leaving Bruiser who seemed to have died of grief (i found him lying in his corner, not a mark on him) then Flashy died.

i nuked the tank, and bought more fish. the Danios, Cories, and a new Betta. for one week i've had them, and it's the SAME THING as before. X-Ray caught the fungus, and he died. NOTHING else is fungus-y.

i'm so sad, he was such a prettyboy and so spunky. one week, and he's dead.

i'm the bane of all Bettas. i give up :-(
It sounds more like where you got the fish instead of your caretaking skills.
I don't really know what to suggest, sorry. I just have one question though: what is the temperature of the 10 gallon tank? Bettas should have a temperature of at least 75 degrees, whereas goldfish are coldwater fish and therefore should not be put in the same tank. An inappropriate temperature causes stress, which leaves fish prone to illnesses and diseases.
Are you cycling the tank? Do you test your water parameters? Are you cloning your big tank?

3 goldies in a 10 is a hefty load....

adding 12 fish to a 10 gallon at one time is also a recipe for disaster :/
watch where u buy the fish from...

if the tank the betta is in has sick or dead fish .. dont get that betta...

buy the healthiest fish you can find...

sounds like your doing everything right, might be the bad fish
i just had the same problem! sorry to hear bro.

i thought i had trouble since my tank was barely cycled, and it had some pebbles that used to be in a quarantine tank (washed off quite well since then)

Still don't know if it was my lack of skill, or the lfs' conditions ... :/ but the last betta i got there is a darn healthy fish. :dunno:

Anybody know if/how tanks with fungus outbreaks should be cleaned so this doesn't happen again?
yeah you might want to try a different pet store, next time you decide to buy a betta.. and like everyone says, don't go for one that's not moving in his cup, even if you pick him up. i always go for the ones that get really excited and wiggley when you pick their cup up, or even if you're just standing there looking at them..
I'm sorry. It sounds like the problems have NOTHING to do with where the fish were bought to me....maybe do a little more studying before buying more fish.
I have a betta book and they have a guide about what to look for when buying a betta so I'll type it up for you.

Look for these characteristics when you shop:

1) Deep, rich body colors
2) No visible ulcers, boils, or skin problems
3) No visible scars or wounds
4) Long and flowing, or short and erect fins; not fins that are ragged, torn, midding, collapsed, or clamped shut
5) Flat, smooth scales, not protruding away from the body
6) Well-rounded stomach
7) Body of normal girth, neither bloated nor emaciated
8 ) Visible excreta (fish waste) that should be dark, not colorless
9) clear eyes, neither clouded over nor protruding from the sockets
10) No visible external parasites, such as ich or velvet.
8 danios in a ten gallon is overstocked. Plus cories and a betta? Noooo.... :crazy:

With the way zebras like to zip around 5-6 should be the max for a ten gallon tank. Even with six that is 12 inches of fish.
Proof said:
now, to tell you, i've kept Bettas for almost a year. at first i had no clue, and several died, then i kept a nice quartet safe for so long i was amazed.

then they all got a horrible fungus, and one lived. it kept recurring, over and over, and stopped finally. this was Flashy, the Betta who roomed in the 10g with three Goldfish.

well, Flashy got his fungus back AGAIN after a month and a half clean. he gets touchy when he's sick, and beat Speckle up so bad he floated limply, and bit Bug's eye (telescope Goldie ><") and popped it, leaving Bruiser who seemed to have died of grief (i found him lying in his corner, not a mark on him) then Flashy died.

i nuked the tank, and bought more fish. the Danios, Cories, and a new Betta. for one week i've had them, and it's the SAME THING as before. X-Ray caught the fungus, and he died. NOTHING else is fungus-y.

i'm so sad, he was such a prettyboy and so spunky. one week, and he's dead.

i'm the bane of all Bettas. i give up :-(
i'm sorry to hear about your betta losses but i would like to say mixing goldfish and bettas doesn't work :no: for one, goldfish prefer colder water and bettas prefer warmer water. their dietary requirements are different as well, goldfish food is not betta food. most importantly, goldfish are heavy polluters of water and bettas are sensitive to that and require their water be kept clean, fungus can be triggered by poor water conditions by the way.
sorry about your fish mate but im afraid your tank is overstocked.
Do you have a heater in this tank??
As said before bettas are warm water fish so are cories (im not to sure a danios)
so if you dont have a heater i think you shold invest in one to help keep and more problems at bay.

Also goldfish and bettas dont mix well. Goldfish are very messy (they poop to much).

clean the tank out complety to get rid of any bad stuff left in your tank.
and start again. and if you dont have a heater get one.
Also next time do a little reserch about the fish you want before you buy them that way your know how to take care of them properly :D

Dont give up we all started somewhere!!
Cories and bettas together is wrong? :huh: I beg to differ.
thanks for all your help, but first.

1) i got most of my Bettas from different stores, and shipments
2) the tank temperature is 75*
3) the three goldfish did cycle it, there was no sign ammonia before or after teh Danios/Cories/Betta were introduced, and still is no sign. i follow the old "if the fish dies, there's too many" rule that applied to fishkeepers way back when all this hightech stuff didn't really matter.
4) the Bettas were all active, colorful, and hungry little buggers with loads of energy to spare.
5) i have yet to experience a fishdeath other then Betta (with the exception of 1 Porthole and 1 Clown Pleco as well as several ADF's when we stocked the 50g.)

... i think i just identified the source -groan-

every ADF we bought died of a fungus.

one Betta was introduced to the tank, then removed to be treated for fungus. i guess i didn't nuke his bowl enough before i put a new fish in ><" it spread!

o_O but to not affect other fish... that's beyond strange...

o_O thanks for the help, any ideas now?

<b>edit:</b> i seem to have skipped a post. My Fallen Angel, i've been keeping this one tank for over a year (recycled for awhile with Goldies after my heater poofed on me) and just recently restocked. otherwise, i've helped my dad care for tanks for over 12 years. two years after i was born i wanted to feed the fishies. my dad has kept fish since he was 17, when he first bought the 50 (it's been cleaned and resealed numerous times) i know what i am doing, even if it doesn't follow new methods (1" of fish per gallon? pfft, what about aggressors and fat fish?)

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