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  1. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    well they've been in the tank for days now - they were looking pretty ropey this morning. I will just see which one's survive and rip out the dodgy one's I think. Once I got the new bulb of course. will order it tonight once I check out my hood. Am tempted to stick in a new lighting unit...
  2. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    So I think I should play a game of guess how many of my plants will be dead when I get home! :rolleyes:
  3. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Puffers can really only be kept with Otto's but there might be problems depending how aggresive they are. I probably will get puffers but I am not sure yet, I suppose its down to taste really. I only like a few of the tetra's like the bleeding heart of black phantom's. Not sure why.
  4. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    I was going to get dwarf puffers, not sure about them eating plants. I didn't know that they ate plants. I thought they prefered meatier foods. I think puffers a gorgeous fish, although I am also tempted by corys although I can't keep both! - its either Oto's and Puffers or corys and tetra's.
  5. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Yeah kind of, my girlfriend has an Aqua One 510 and I have been doing all the research to learn how to get ther fish in, she then bought me a 35 litre (uk) for my room and I really want to get plants sorted and then we might go for it properly when we move out together. Will will heavily plant...
  6. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Fish seem so far away right now! :no:
  7. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Cheers I was getting the hump with it since my plants don't look to great and I spent so much time trying to get it right. I will check the tube length tonight and then order an arcadia freshwater tube. Then I will look at the C02. Ps do I leave the feeding flap on my hood open or shut? Cheers.
  8. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    cheers I will leave it off then for the time being. If I have very little Co2 then I suppose it would not be wise to lose it through an air pump.
  9. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Wicked - I will enjoy having the light on longer also. :thumbs: Oh and sorry to be a pin but what effect will the air pump have on plants and fish? I've turned it off for the time being as I understand that plants won't like it but what about when I put the fish in? Cheers.
  10. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Cheers - OK when I get home I will see how my plants are getting on, I might stick the light on a bit longer as I currently have 2 x 5 hours a day with 3 hours break in between. I might go up to 12 hours straight. I will order my Co2 and find some low light plants. I will also upgrade my bulb...
  11. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Cheers - I will look at the hood tonight but I think I will get the bulb. So does that mean I don't need Co2 and also what plants would be best for the tank? Ps thanks for your time, I will do a journal on this forum I think.
  12. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Its a 15w Sungle light, I am not sure how I could fit a second tube though? Would that mean ripping out the existing bulb holder and putting in a new one? Cheers.
  13. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Well I would prefer the low tech option. does that mean I can stick with my current set up?
  14. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    High tech??? I am going to put the arcadia lights in if I can make the adjustments. I will get the Nutrafin Co2 system and that will be it for me, might upgrade to an external filter at some point too!
  15. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Cheers Sam, I am thinking of adapting my hood and sticking in the interpet holder like George, I then need to think about Co2 but I am not sure which one would be best. Some of the pictures are amazing, I hope I can get my tank to be half as good. Thanks!
  16. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Cheers, so did you just change the bulbs then withough any hassle?
  17. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Thanks Sam, I've done loads of reading :huh: Can you recommend a small/cheap Co2 injector? I think that I will change the light, are there suitable bulbs for my hood or am I looking at upgrading the holders too? Cheers.
  18. R

    New To Planted Tanks

    Hi there, I got a elite 35 litre aquarium for xmas and I am trying to get the plants sorted before I add fish. I really want to go with a planted tank but am not overly bothered about specific plants I just want to have some plants. The bulb supplied was a Hagen SunGlo - I presume this woud...
  19. R

    Platty Behaviour

    Thanks - we're gonna set up a 15l breeding tank and then sell the fish back to the shop. They're getting laong fine now that she's stopped having babies!
  20. R

    Platty Behaviour

    OK, we have a 77L tank with two plattys and we put 4 glowlight tetra's in the other day too as the cycle has now finished. :good: The male platty keep harrassing the female Platty, this has only just started and we thought that maybe we should get another female Platty. We have found 3...
  21. R

    New Catfish Tank

    Guppys?? -_-
  22. R

    New Catfish Tank

    Really ! - ok - confused now. should I just stick to Tetra's then?
  23. R

    New Catfish Tank

    So if I had 5 oil catfish and 5 pygmy catfish is that too much? What combination would be good for a 28 litre tank? Thanks again for your help.
  24. R

    New Catfish Tank

    I thought albino catfish were quite small though, I won't be adding any cat fish until the tanks settled down. Maybe 6-8 weeks. Is that OK? ................and are the leopard catfish ok - they only grow to 6cm apparently.
  25. R

    New Catfish Tank

    Thanks for that - Ok I will stick to smaller cat fish. I like otto's and dwarf Cories. So how many do you think is the maximum to keep them happy? Are the albino's ok?
  26. R

    New Catfish Tank

    Hi folks, I am new to fish keeping and am spending alot of time learning about fish before I buy my tank, I am going to get a Aqua One 28L tank to keep a small selection of catfish and maybe some other fish at the top but I won't get too many because of the tank size. I want to have a really...